Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 11: My private corps

Just as I was about to be struck by lightning, a huge dark shadow suddenly appeared above me, and the plague rushed over me to help me block an attack. The thunder and lightning hit the back of the plague. Fortunately, the plague was a black dragon. The magical attack effect was very weak, but the plague resumed its action only a little.

The plague flying above me suddenly lowered her head and bitten the wings of the raptor holding me. The flying wolf chasing the plague followed the plague's hind legs. Fortunately, she rushed up and bit the flying wolf. Half-length, but the raptor biting his wings stretched his neck and bit his lucky back. Each of the four magic pets would bite and form a circle, and no one would let it loose, but this weird posture made no one of them could flap their wings except the plague. Although a plague dragon barely could bear the weight of the four magic pets , But he is now bitten by others, his flying ability is limited, and one of the three guys hanging under him is the same dragon as him, because of this series of plagues can no longer fly, four The magic pet fell to the ground together.

当然 Of course I won't fall together, I still have wings! Quickly summoned Crystal and Xiaofeng to rescue, Xiaofeng dived down and hit the flying wolf and knocked it out of this link. The super magic of the crystal was completed almost instantly, and a huge yellow light curtain suddenly appeared under a team of two dragons and a raptor. This magic-made platform dragged three magic pets, and the flying wolf that was knocked out was hung up because it was too injured and did not land. Fortunately, the platform turned back to the bird's neck, and I heard a click so far from above. The fragile bird's neck was easily broken. Fortunately, a bird's head was carried, and the plague flew to the sides. The poor raptor died without falling to the whole body, and was torn by two dragons!

After I killed these two pets, I looked for the owner who didn't find them for a long time, and soon I understood. These two pets are not high grade, so they have no ability to fly with their masters, which is why they arrived with the infantry, because their masters could not ride and had to walk with the infantry! It seems that those Gryphon knights in the main city of the system are arrogant! You do n’t even need to ride a mage!

After killing the two Air Forces, there is no air-power underneath, magic is not enough for me, and there is no power to shoot bows and arrows, and it ’s a long time to fall to myself! Just as I was about to launch an attack below, a system alert sounded. "The Qin League officially declares war on Feihua City, which belongs to Baihua Valley. You are now in the war zone. Please choose to join the siege or defender. If you do not want to participate, please choose neutral. If you do not choose within 30 seconds, it will be regarded as a disruptor. Both sides attacked. "

This hint means that the battle has officially started, and the reason for it is probably because of me. To make the game more realistic, Zero has recently made some adjustments. Regarding the siege setting, the attacking party can declare war or declare offensive, and the defending party does not have the right to refuse the opponent to declare war. Declaring war and not declaring war are a little different. Without declaring war, as long as the siege party applies to the system for siege, the system will not rule the attacked party. The judging method is equivalent to a large-scale collective PK, and the killer still accumulates evil values, and the victory method is to kill all non-owners in the opponent's city. In this non-declared PK mode, killing is the same as ordinary PK, only receiving 0.1% of the opponent's current level experience. The declaration of war needs to be declared 20 minutes before the attack, and the system will notify the attacked party to be ready, and that 20 minutes will allow the opposing defense forces to quickly return to defense. Anyway, there is a scroll in the game. It doesn't take much time to go directly back to the city and run up the wall. As for those who are not online, they may not be able to come up even 3 hours in advance, so 20 minutes is enough. Attacks in a declaring war state require the siege team to break through the walls and enter the opponent's city council hall, destroying the guardian beast statue in the opponent's council hall. In this mode, killing the opponent's personnel is not popular, and when killing the opponent, you will get 15% of the opponent's current level experience. Don't underestimate this 10%, because players need more experience to upgrade than monsters at the same level, so this 10% experience is much more than monsters! If you kill 10 people at the same level as yourself, you can go up one level. So siege is actually a good way to upgrade. Unfortunately, the national war has not officially started. Killing foreigners only takes the average of the experience value of the monsters at the same level of the opponent. I would have sent it before the last time I went to Japan, but after a period of time, I believe the experience value will be adjusted This is what encourages everyone to tear each other up.

If you do not want to participate in the siege and you want to watch the excitement, you can apply for neutrality. At this time, you will not be able to attack anyone until you leave the battle area or the battle ends. As for the disruptor, the attack is the worst on both sides, and everyone will treat you as an enemy. Because there are many people in the siege battle, the defending side will have green highlights, and the attacking side will be red. In the non-declaration war mode, only the siege side has red spots, and the defending side has nothing. And if you are a disruptor, the defender sees your dots as red and the attacker sees your dots as green. Anyway, they will think of you as the enemy!

只要 As long as the application starts in the declaration of war mode, the city teleportation point is automatically set to only open to players who have selected the defender and neutral, and other personnel will be forced to teleport out of the city. Of course, this is not the case without declaring war.

Because of the above settings, in order to gain a large amount of experience value, the siege side usually chooses to attack after the declaration of war, but in order not to give the opponent too much preparation time, it is generally to start the application after the opponent's city, and if the attacker is 48 after the declaration of war, If the task is not completed within one hour, the whole bank will collectively drop one level, this punishment is extraordinary! As for the defender's success in defending the city, the prosperity of the city will increase by 1 point. This index will directly affect the experience value of the monsters around the city and the probability of item explosion. Monsters in cities with high prosperity will explode things very frequently. As for cities without prosperity, The monsters around it rarely explode.

The Qin League chose to declare war at this time because their large troops were already in place, and now I have started to attack them. They hope to kill me to gain more experience. After all, they all think that I have a high level and a lot of experience!

当然 Of course I won't give up the great opportunity to upgrade. Although players are harder to fight than monsters, think about it, 10 people level! This is much faster than killing monsters! Besides, my rank is so low, they are all higher than me, maybe four or five people will be enough for me to advance to the next level!

After choosing to help defend the city, I immediately light up a green light-like spot on my head, and a light bulb appeared on my magic pet and demon servants! As for the following group of people, they are a red light!

I flew back first, and the experience was only 20 minutes after the start of the declaration of war. Now there is no benefit in killing them. Hongyun saw me destroying the bridge here, and ran up immediately when I saw me back. "Are you OK?"

"I have something, I fly so high bow and arrow, magic is useless to me. By the way, after the war starts, I hope you can command your magic crystal cannon. I belong to a melee profession, there is no defense on the wall Function, after the siege begins, I will continue to fight with them. "

"What? Are you alone?"

"It's okay!" I fanned the wings behind me. "I can't stand it and I will come back. I have joined the guard now. You can attack me without worrying about it. I won't hurt the blood anyway, only the magic crystal cannon. It ’s important to note that that thing has always been to stop and kill Buddhas! Do n’t do it to me! ”

好的 "Okay, I'll go and direct the artillery yourself. Be careful yourself! Thank you for your help on behalf of Baihua Valley!"

"You're welcome, I'm just angry that they lied to me, it's fake to help you, it's true to be angry for yourself!"

"Haha! You are so humorous!"


I stood on the top of the wall next to the city wall, adjusted a variety of states and quickly summoned all the demon servants and magic pets, of course, the summoning beast of four crystals is indispensable. At level 322, I can summon 644 silver bees, 31 snow fairies, 322 demon butterflies, and 3,220 war skeletons. This huge lineup scared the girls around. Those idiots on the other side who were preparing to attack the city were even more depressed. Although they did n’t know much about other magic pets, the more than 3,000 skeletons made them savvy. Startled. In fact, the last thing to worry about is the skeletons. They are just a large number. Looking scary, the attack power is not very good. What damage can you expect from a 200-level skull to more than 500 players? But the other party did not understand the strength of my summoners, and in their opinion, the more than 3,000 black skulls were the most dangerous.

The short and long 20 minutes passed unhurriedly. The 20 minutes were not long, but the two sides waited for years. As the system prompts, the siege is officially ready to begin. "Attention all participating players, the last 3 minutes of the siege countdown!"

The cavalry of the opponents summoned the mounts that had returned to endurance. Because they did not move after dismounting, the battle formation was completed again soon, and the standard impact formation was revealed. This is a temporary change of formation. At first, the main force of the opponent's siege should be the infantry behind. However, after the bridge was demolished, their crossing speed became significantly slower. By letting the people who know the water cross the river with ropes, they had already pulled up two ropes. The infantrymen swam the ropes across the river, but the speed was too slow. So far, about a third of the players are still on the other side. This situation forced them to temporarily decide to change the cavalry as the main force. Another reason to choose a cavalry is the neat square composed of more than 3,000 skeletons under Feihua City. This large number of ground forces has forced the opponent to choose a high-impact cavalry to hang the skeleton army first, otherwise they will fight together They are more difficult to fight, and the team is unable to exert their combat power when they are dispersed.

当然 Of course I can't sit dry in the last three minutes. Of course, the opponent prepared an impact formation. Of course, I must counterattack. I can't let the other party break my 3,000 skulls into broken bones! The mission of monster butterflies is very important. I will now start to arrange them with venomous fog. Although each monster butterfly can only cover a circular area with a radius of more than ten meters, more than 300 monster butterflies can cover a large area. The entire city The previous paragraph was covered by my fog. The defensive side is equivalent to forming a team with me, so the fog has not affected their sight, the other side only sees a large black smoke, and the rest can see nothing.

I'm a summoned creature. It communicates with my soul and changes faster than them. More than 3,000 skeletons quickly lined up in 20 columns, allowing the demon knights to ride in heavy armored dragons and stand in front of the team. A heavy armored dragon can just cover the two columns behind it, and 10 ghost knights can just protect the front of 20 columns. Now the normal player levels are generally concentrated in the 470 to 510 levels, those above 510 belong to advanced players. I do n’t believe that these 400-500 cavalry can hit the 850-level ghost knights. Besides, the monster knights step down to 750 heavy armored dragons. These beasts known for their impact are definitely more than those one hundred or two hundred. The level of war horse is much better!

After the heavy armored dragon was in place, the Silver Bee unit quickly settled above the skull. They were not afraid of cavalry anyway. I was arranged on both sides of the snow demon, they have no entity, physical attacks have no effect on them, and the cavalry is simply restrained by them. Placing them on the flank can effectively ensure that the skeletons and cavalry are not allowed before the melee. contact.

With the protection of the fog, the other party did not know what was going on with us, but they decided to use the original plan-cavalry shock.

My array is finished and I have 1 minute left. Demon Butterfly began to add auxiliary magic to all people-Song of Plague. This is a low-level magic, the main effect is to make all physical attacks with poison effect. Snow fairies also began to chant hymn-like spells, and we were added with the magic of ice armor and polar frost. The main function of the ice armor is to form a thin layer of ice on the outside of the body, which can absorb certain magical damage and physical attacks. Polar frost is a semi-aggressive magic. After use, it can create a low-temperature area around the subject. Any enemy who enters this area will decrease the speed due to the frost. Of course, the reduction is very small. Ariana also began to use magic blessings, but she only added enchantment to the summoned creatures. This wide range of magic can help the subject to increase the speed of returning blood and magic. There is only one person in Ariana, and there is no way to add those advanced auxiliary magics to so many skeletons, so I have to add a large range to them. However, she added some advanced magic to me, the pets and the demon servants. We have been added a blessing of water that greatly increases defense, and an advanced warming technique that can greatly increase the speed of returning to blood and magic.

Last is our Ling, and this dark goddess added a dark threshold to more than 4,000 of us as soon as he came up. But she has exhausted all his mana because of this magic! This super-dark auxiliary magic actually brings all the creatures to the dark atmosphere. In terms of properties, it is a magic that can continuously absorb the surrounding dead souls and strengthen itself. My direct understanding is that this magic can absorb the soul and turn it into experience value, which means that killing can gain additional experience. Really worthy of being a goddess, plus magic of experience! Unfortunately, I don't know how much extra experience you can get! This magic attribute also says that it can greatly enhance the attack power, making it have an eroding effect. It really is a very powerful magic, or else a goddess like a magic jar can also run out of magic!

Immediately after Ling ’s magic blessing ended, I immediately transformed into a werewolf form and was ready to fight. Although the crystal is a fairy dragon, do n’t count on the blessing because the dragon ’s magic resistance is too strong, so the blessing magic effect on the dragon will be very poor, so Almost none of the Dragon language magic is auxiliary! Although the senior fairy dragon also has a few rare blessing magics, but now the crystal is only limited to 322 by my level limit, she cannot use most of her magic at this level, so don't think about blessings for the time being!

Everything is ready, we are ready to start fighting. The final countdown to the system finally began. "Attention all participating players, the last 10 seconds count down! 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! The siege warfare mode has begun and the time is now started. If the attacker fails to occupy the city after 48 hours, Collectively drop the level! I wish you a happy battle! "

"Kill!" The cavalry across the road shouted in order to boost morale. The cavalry of tens of thousands of horses began to impact, and the horses gradually moved into small walks from standing still. As the distance approached, the pace became faster and faster, and gradually changed from walking to trotting, and the trot speed also gradually accelerated. When we reached the distance of 300 meters in front of us, we had entered the final sprint stage of rushing.

The black mist of the magpie butterfly spread to 200 meters in front of us, and the opposing cavalry quickly rushed into the range of the black mist. As soon as the opponent entered, the demon knight quickly started. The explosive power of the heavy armored dragon was very good. It didn't require the horse to accelerate in advance to reach the impact speed. After the demon knight rushed out, the skeleton behind him and other creatures followed.

The black line of defense of the demon knights collided with the flood formed by the cavalry like a wall. The heavy armored dragons lowered their heads and rushed forward. Their heads had a hard crown. Now this crown is like a bulldozer. Just push the cavalry in the opposite direction easily. Some fast-moving cavalry dodged the bulldozer's head, but were stepped into the soil by the massive hind legs of the heavy armored dragon. As soon as several lucky people passed through the gap of the demon knight, they were beaten to death by skeletons and silver bees behind. Of course, most of the cavalry on the path of the demon knight's impact did not escape the head of the heavy armored dragon. These brave knights held their lances and hit the heavy armored dragon. Become spring-shaped, and then even people and horses flew up.

Many people appeared in the hall of the resurrection hall of the Qin League base camp somehow. Most people didn't understand why they suddenly died until they appeared in the Resurrection Hall!

Because of the black fog with five fingers out of reach, the two wing forces failed to encircle after the middle impact formation was attacked. The black squadron of cavalry was cut off like a piece of paper by the demon knight. My creatures and I passed through each other's shock formation through this gap to the back of the opponent. At the same time that the last person in the opposing team entered the black mist range, the demon knight rushed out of the black mist on a heavy armored dragon, followed by me and the skeleton army.

全体 All the cavalry who entered the black mist area was poisoned ~ ~ I now see with all my eyes that the green blood loss symbol floats upward. The poisonous mist of the monster butterfly is very powerful, basically it is losing blood at a speed of 7 o'clock per second. More than 10,000 cavalry is equivalent to killing more than 70,000 blood per second. When they die, my experience must be cool! So many experience points can't be wasted. I took the team and rushed into the area of ​​black mist again.

I was instructed by me to summon creatures to begin to play freely. The Skeleton Army rushed past from a narrow range. These skeletons are not high-level, and they can only take advantage of quantity if they want to take advantage. Silver Bees are similar, they chose to attack the enemy with one side of the wing with the skeleton. Snow monsters jointly released a large area of ​​frosty land, this magic specializes in attacking the ground. The ground at the foot of the cavalry was frozen instantly, and the warhorses slipped on the mirror-like ice. The entire cavalry regiment was turned over by horses, and the skeletons took advantage of this opportunity to hack dozens of people.

Luck and Plague use both Dragon's best mass slaughter skills, Dragon Flame. Fortunately, flying above the enemy, he sprayed his head from the crowd like plowing the ground, and the plague came again. Unfortunately, their level was too low, and no one died of Dragon Yan twice. However, it turned all the cavalry into infantry. One hundred or two hundred war horses couldn't hold Long Yan burn. Fortunately, the first time, Long Yan cleaned up the war horses, and the plague came down the second time. All camels are dead!

The horsemen who had lost their horses strove to get up from the ice while struggling to get red. Although the two-headed dragon failed to burn a player, almost everyone burned less than one-third of the blood. Just while they were drinking wildly, my third dragon, Crystal, arrived. The fairy dragon who is not good at attacking directly does not generally use dragon inflammation. This time she is useless. A magic vortex suddenly appeared in front of her, and the magic vortex flashed ...

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