"Please, sir, please save my life!"

After all, Liu Yuanwai and his wife were mortals. Before their son got a strange illness, they were skeptical about ghosts and gods, and they had never seen them with their own eyes. At this time, I felt anxious and uneasy, and knelt down and prayed together, just like praying for the blessings of those gods in peacetime.

Based on what the two old people have seen and heard, if this soul is gone, wouldn't it be dead? But Yu'er's breath is still there, and her body is neither rotten nor smelly, just like she fell asleep and hasn't woken up yet.

Yunsu raised his hand slightly, and helped the two of them up. Seeing that they had a lot of doubts in their hearts, he said a few more words.

"Generally speaking, people have three souls and seven souls. After death, the soul will indeed leave the body and turn into a ghost, and it will be returned to the Yin Division to receive rewards for the good and punish the evil. But when the soul leaves the body, people do not necessarily die.

Linglang's situation is exactly like this, his vitality is not over, his life is not over yet, as long as he can find his lost soul, there are still some who can be saved. "

So far, Yunsu didn't say that there are three souls and seven souls, nor did he say that there is a technique on the body to shield the outside world, preventing the lonely ghost from stealing this tender and fragrant body.

There are traces of magic, naturally there are cultivators who have used magic on Liu Ruyu. Although the magic is not strong, even the talisman from yesterday can be easily broken, not to mention the cultivators in the spiritual realm. It's just this matter. When practitioners are involved, it becomes a little more complicated.

When he was on Earth, Yunsu once heard that someone woke up after a long sleep, his whole body was sore, his whole body was splitting, and everyone said that he had a strange dream last night, went to a far away place, or was in a deserted tomb. Tsukasa lingered around, or was trapped in a remote wilderness. After waking up, he was seriously ill, and he couldn't get better within ten days and a half months.

In the Dacheng Dynasty, there were even more cases of lost souls. It was just that there were seventy-six incidents of lost souls recorded in the collection of the palace. Although most of them were rural legends or folk stories, Yunsu believed that, Most are real, or derived from real soul-losing events.

"It turns out that, since the vitality is still alive and the longevity is not over, I would like to ask the gentleman to take pity on the little old man and have a son. The three generations of the Liu family will pass on it alone. Even if the family wealth is exhausted, there will be no regrets."

"It's not necessary. Outside the staff, where was the last time Liu Gongzi went out?"

Yun Su first used his mana to give Liu Ruyu a trace of spiritual power to protect the spiritual platform.

Last night, the ghost of Yin Si had a short search, and this body was also affected by some yin wind. Compared with yesterday, the complexion was more gloomy, and there was looming death.

When the couple outside the staff saw that the master just nodded his son's forehead, the dead look on his face gradually dissipated, and it became rosy again.

"Before Ruyu fell into a coma, he went with a friend to enjoy the snow in Baihua Valley, which is more than 20 miles away in the suburbs. After returning to the house that day, he became ill and the medicine stone was ineffective."

The lady outside the staff recalled and said.

"Who did you go with?"

"A scholar in the city, surnamed Han."

Not long after, Han Xiucai was invited, and it was exactly what Mrs. Wai said.

I saw that this man had high cheekbones, two large dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were dizzy, his skin was dull, and he looked like he was just recovering from a serious illness.

"That day, Brother Ruyu asked me to go to Baihua Valley to enjoy the snow. After getting off the carriage and walking into the valley, I suddenly saw a mansion in the valley. The peach blossoms in the mansion were in full bloom, and the spring was full. The sound of the pipa came from the peach forest."

Han Xiucai was wearing several thick clothes and had no strength to speak.

"I was worried at the time that there was something fascinated about it. In a place as cold as Baihua Valley, I had never heard of rich people, not to mention the fact that just after New Year's Eve, when the peach blossoms were in full bloom, I urged Brother Ruyu to leave.

Brother Ruyu refused and insisted on climbing up the hill to look at the mansion. Sure enough, he saw a beautiful girl playing the pipa under the peach blossoms, and he was shocked.

I had a hunch that it was even worse, so I dragged him away, and even recruited him to complain.

After I came back, I fell seriously ill. I was thinking of coming over to see Brother Ruyu, but I never thought that something was wrong. "

After Han Xiucai finished speaking, he crouched beside Liu Ruyu's bed with a sad tone.

"Brother Ruyu, what's wrong with you. Once you get to know him, you treat Han so well, and Han can't wait to suffer so much for you."

The driver in the house, who was standing shivering, also said the situation at the time. He stayed behind the carriage, and what he saw was the same as that of Han Xiucai.

Yun Su nodded and didn't say anything. This Han Xiucai didn't lie. The three yang fires on his head and shoulders seemed very weak, and his body was very weak.

Although this person does not have the lofty and elegant aura, but he is entangled in the righteousness and the literary energy, and also has his own unique momentum.

On the contrary, the unfortunate Liu Ruyu, Liu Gongzi, left his soul there.

Yunsu signaled that it was okay, and Liu Yuanwai immediately sent people to go down to prepare some silver money and supplements, and sent Han Xiucai back, and then waited aside, just waiting for orders.

"Mister Liu, you go to the city and ask two old butchers to stand in front of the bed. Don't leave. I'll go to the Valley of Flowers."

"Steward Ma, do what Mr. Su wants right away, and be sure to invite someone. Mr. Su, do you need to bring more people to Baihua Valley?"

"Just let the coachman go."

Member Liu naturally complied, and soon the carriage was ready for the driver to drive, and two more daring and careful servants were summoned to **** him on horseback with sabres.

All the way out of the city, I rushed to the place where Liu and Han got off the bus in less than an hour. The driver pointed to the general direction when he saw the two returning.

"Wait for me here."

Baihua Valley is located in a remote location. Because of the spiritual rain, the snow outside the valley has completely melted. Looking around, the green mountains are stacked, and the green hills in the distance are even more majestic. It seems to be connected with the farther Yaoshan, forming a mountain range. The valley below.

The scenery is really elegant, no wonder Liu and Han want to come here to enjoy the snow and recite poetry.

As soon as I entered the valley, I felt a little warmer. There was a pavilion not far in front of me. There were a lot of footprints and dried fruit fragments.

The valley is open, and there are peaks on both sides. Yunsu continues to walk forward. There are more and more weeds, and the road is becoming more and more deserted. In the wilderness, there is a noisy and festive sound of suona in front of him, and changes are gradually changing around him. It got lively, one by one ghosts climbed out of the soil, rocks, shady ground, and big trees. After shaking, they walked forward. In the blink of an eye, the team became bigger.

Yun Su's eyes are clear, and he can already see many of those shady houses hidden in the mountains, like rural houses, but they are not clustered together and are very scattered.

Below each yin house, there is a faint ray of yin, and there are some imprints of Yuyang City God Yin Si on the lintel. You can see the information inside at a glance, who lives here, when he moved here, how he was alive, Yin Si How about the precedent and so on.

There are also some yin-written notices that are directly posted on the yin house. For example, it is strictly forbidden to gather in large scales at will, and the yin houses should not be gathered into villages, so as to prevent too much yin from gathering and harming birds and beasts in the forest and pedestrians and mountain people.

"Let's go, have a drink."

"Miss Hu's wedding wine is mouth-watering."

"Have a good drink."

These ghosts are very familiar and chat with each other very much. Occasionally, some goblins and the like mix in the team, and they all walk towards a large tomb in front of them. When they reach the tomb, they disappear. Yunsu Mixed in, no ghosts, fairies, or monsters recognized him, they couldn't see through the illusion, and they just thought it was an alien drinking wedding wine.

"Don't get in the way, let's go."

"Hey, big guy, be careful, you're going to trample people to death."

Yunsu turned around following the voice, and strangely saw a group of ankle-high little people, some riding horses, some carrying gifts, standing behind him, not only blocking the way, he almost trampled a bunch of them to death. .

The little people scolded and circumvented their huge feet, and followed them into the tomb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This tomb covers a huge area, with a radius of seven or eight feet, and is made of bluestone. The epitaph originally wrote the owner of the tomb. Origin of origin, I do not know what has been wiped out.

Yunsu's mind moved, and the tomb in front of him turned into a large vermilion mansion. The strange thing was that this mansion was actually real, but it was underground, and the peach blossoms were blooming in the courtyard.

On the surface is a tomb, but a large mansion was dug out below, and then cast spells to dress up this spring mansion.

There is a ghost at the door to welcome the guests, and the team of villains just entered the door.

"Please come in, sir."

The ghost man did not stop him, and warmly invited Yunsu to enter the door.

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