Stormwind God

Chapter 217: Throne meeting (middle) (for monthly tickets)


A word that delighted Duke.

Before crossing, Duke never thought that he would have a day to witness this historical moment.

The huge golden bell was struck, and the long iron wire pulled the gears, ringing the big bell, making a melodious and pleasant bell, which spread throughout Lordaeron.

To the east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north, and northeast, the wealthy Lordaeron paved the red carpet for the eight kings and representatives from the city gate to Lordaeron. Similarly, Lordaeron soldiers with bright helmets and bright armors also lined up neatly along the red carpet to the city.

Walking on the red carpet on Wangcheng Avenue, above the tall houses on both sides, the girls on the second and third floors sprinkled gorgeous petals on the avenue, forming a gorgeous flower rain.

The people of Lordaeron are cheering, and they welcome the kings and representatives of all countries with the treatment of heroes.

King Ryan Wrynn of Stormwind Kingdom.

Alterac King Aiden Pironold.

King Gilneas of Gilneas.

King Darin Proudmoore of the maritime powerhouse Kul Tiras.

King Thoras (Whitewater) King Thoras Trollbane.

The country of the wizard, Dalaran Kirin Tor, the chairman of the sun and the mage Anthony Das.

The high elves represent Dalkan, a member of the Silvermoon Council.

Dwarf stands for Ironforge Dwarf Prince Magni Bronzebeard.

In various countries, because Ironforge was being besieged by orcs, King Madoran * Copperbeard could not walk away, so he sent Magni with the title of King of Blacksmiths, plus the original as Ironforge Ambassador to Lordaeron. Muradin * Bronzebeard, now there are two dwarven princes in Lordaeron.

It can be said that with the exception of the High Elves, all countries have sent their highest-level leaders to attend.

This has never happened in the past thousand years. In a sense, this also represents the strength of Lordaeron.

With the arrival of the heads of state, King Terenas didn't care who to greet first, he simply waited in the throne hall and waited for the heads of state.

The Royal Palace of Lordaeron is open in all directions, and the heads of state enter the gorgeous palace almost in succession and step into the throne hall.

In the tall and empty Gothic throne hall, the arches and columns covered with pure white relief are the most beautiful works of art. The master of the art described in relief the great land of Thoradin to open up the land for human beings, Luo Dan The story of Lun Jiancheng.

The huge colorful glazed windows hang on the top of the ceiling and in nine directions. The sun shines in, and the entire vault is full of colorful and beautiful colors. The orange iridescent light blends with the light of amethyst, and the ruby ​​light and the amber light complement each other The whole sky dome looks extremely gorgeous.

The lower part has the most scientific diffuse reflection. The sun shines through the transparent solid-colored glass windows and falls on a large stone ball suspended by an iron chain in the middle of the throne hall, and then reflects on each throne.

This warm and mysterious Huaguang makes every seated person feel a mysterious soul sublimation.

There is no trouble or disgust, the 360-degree circular throne hall is exactly nine equals. Terenas Menethil II stands in front of the throne north.

Terenas spoke as the ganged kings reached their seats.

"2800 years ago, in order to deal with the common enemy trolls, the human Arathor empire and the kingdom of Quel'Thalas of the high elves formed an alliance to establish an eternal covenant. 1200 years ago, although for a better future, The Arathor Empire has disintegrated, but the human kingdoms are still good brothers in unity. There has never been war between the kingdoms. Now we all have common enemy orcs. Hope this time we can reach an unbreakable and powerful covenant Unite humans, elves, and dwarves. "

The official declaration of Menethil II was not exciting, but at least it was flawless. After everyone applauded warmly, the kings and representatives sat together.

"Let me report on the current situation in Whitewater Fort." The loud voice of Magni Bronzebeard sounded first. Dwarves have always been famous for their acuteness.

For example, a dwarf fishing rod. how? Sounds okay? The problem is that this so-called fishing rod is a musket. What, do you still use fishing nets for stream fishing? When the dwarf saw the fish in the shallow waters, he smashed into it, and everything died.

Never fry fish if you can fry them.

Never fish if you can crash the fish.

The dwarf's spleen is evident.

As soon as Magni raised his hand, the specially invited mage Dalaran immediately displayed the fierce battle situation at the gate of Ironforge with a magic mirror.

In this world centered on swords and magic, the dwarf's black technology is second only to goblins and gnomes. In the main dwarf army, there are dwarf artillery like mortars, dwarf steam tanks and so on. Does it sound completely mechanized?

The problem orc is all the demolition office!

It is thicker than a human leg, and a huge iron pipe that is four meters long is turned by an orc warrior like a windmill. Relying on the mountain, the dwarf let the five or six ton steam tanks run down the hillside and charge back down the narrow mountain road. He actually swept the violent orc with a stick and exploded to the mountain.

The dwarves fight against the orcs, not too much in strength, but they are absolutely inferior in size. The orcs smashed those heavy weapons and smashed them in the head. On the crowded battlefield, the dwarves who had no place to hide often had to die.

As a result, the two sides repeatedly carried out a tug-of-war on the mountain road in front of Ironforge's main entrance.

The dwarf fired only a minute or so, but the powerful musket. Orcs also have unreasonable stone throws. Not only the orcs, but also the appearance of ogres with a larger size and more terrifying strength and endurance in the tribe.

The dwarf lost a lot.

Turning off the live broadcast, Magny slaps directly onto the handle of his specially crafted dwarf seat, which is also slightly inferior, and shocks the old king Terenas.

"Ironforge desperately needs support! What we need most is a priest and medicine. And those **** green skins have ruined our arable land. Our entire autumn harvest is over and we need a lot of food."

That's how dwarves are! Want food! Want drugs!

Terenas had to remind Magni: "We are now discussing the threat of the tribe. We must first determine the need to form an alliance, form an alliance, and then discuss how to support each other and how to deal with the tribe."

"That's good! Let's form an alliance, where can I stamp?" After that, Magni took out a dwarven king seal to be the hammer in his hand.

All human kings are black lines. (To be continued.)

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