Stormwind God

Chapter 265: So, do n’t you fly to heaven?

"You should be able to hear me. Sorry, I admire your wisdom too, but if you don't die, the orcs will not become the masters of this world." A fast and clear orc word came from behind Duke, word by word The sentences came into Duke's ears, reminding Duke who killed him.

"Fire Blade ... Clan ..." Duke's heart was completely separated by two halves of this sword, and he coughed up blood, and blew arrows in the gap between the teeth full of plasma.

"You really know our tribe." It seemed to sigh, and it seemed to make a certain determination. As the blade turned, a cold light burst from Duke's chest, splitting Duke's entire body in half.

Alterac King Aiden was scared on the spot.

He may be very strategic and thoughtful, but he has never been a courageous and courageous king. This is also dismissed by all kings. Suddenly seeing that the Alliance Star who was about to shake hands with him was suddenly killed, King Aiden collapsed, he was paralyzed on the ground, his tears and his nose were bursting frantically.

The remaining three kings present were also dumbfounded, Terenas was scared and stiff, and Gene and Solas pulled out their swords with lightning.

"噗 呲 ——" A dozen sounds suddenly sounded as if they were the same note.

The court is full of politicians from various countries. Although many generals have gone down, the politicians have never lacked guards. Unfortunately, these sounds came from the chests or throats of the guards.

More than 10 guards were killed by the orcs who suddenly appeared and assassinated on the spot. Of all the guards, only Windsor and Gavenlad fired [Divine Protection] to resist this fatal blow.

Even if there were more than a thousand guards and attendants outside the headquarters, at this moment, at this moment, there are only four kings, Gwendsor and Gavenlad, in the larger headquarters. people.

The kings with shrinking pupils finally saw their enemies. Each other was tall, gaunt, with fangs protruding, carrying a banner full of domineering words, and holding a three-foot burning blade in his hand.

They were all sword sages of the Fireblade clan, crossed the entire battlefield in a way unimaginable to outsiders, and came to the Alliance Command, which overlooked the sea, and planned a beheading tactic.

Great idea!


The upcoming victory paralyzed everyone, and the soldiers impatiently participated in the pursuit, and tasted the first victory of the human alliance against the orc tribe.

No one expected that the other side was so sinister.

This is worse than the last attack on Lane. If more than half of the Kings of the Alliance fall here, the country that lost the King will inevitably fall into chaos, and the Alliance will inevitably fall apart, no matter how great victory Lothar achieved on the front line.

For the Horde, the swordsman of these Fireblade clan almost became a hero.

It's really a little bit worse.

The only thing they didn't expect was that Duke would rise again!

The surrounding air instantly dropped to freezing point, and a tornado-like blizzard also appeared in a blink of an eye. The sword saints had already found it inappropriate, but the size of the snow in front of them had reached the point where they could not see their fingers.

I have to say that the leading swordsman is definitely a first-class master.

He didn't even hesitate for a moment, and pulled out [Blade Storm] directly.

The Blademaster of the Fireblade clan will definitely know how to deal with this trick, but humans are another matter. In such a narrow space, there is no room to hide at all, and there are not more than a dozen blade storms. All sword sacred hearts have rhinoceros and are generally enlarged at the same time.

Even if the Swordmaster who is not the leader of these Swordmasters is so powerful, the blade storm that comes out cannot be underestimated. Looking at the sword-filled vision, even though he knew that a mage was protecting them, every king was frightened.

"Go!" A thunderous drink, like the thunder of heaven, shook everyone's ear drums.

The next instant, dozens of huge ice prisms burst out on the ground of the entire command post. The kings felt for a moment that they were in a snow-colored forest.

They immediately returned to God, with a question in their hearts: What about those **** orc swordmasters?

The stony ceiling was pierced by a pile of icicles.

Swordmasters ... were also flying.

"Turn around! Don't you guys turn around very much !? Little Master, I'll let you turn around enough!" On the ground, Duke appeared in the dissipated frozen white mist, yelling at the sky.

Yes, with his own high-speed rotation in all directions, he has created countless sharp sword-like qi, which is really awesome. Don't forget, the sword prince's blade storm comes from rotation, and rotation needs a fulcrum. What Duke did was fly all these fulcrum points into the air.

The sword saints vomited with depression.

Say yes to dinner with the king's head together tonight?

Say okay to start a big move together every second?

It is said in the legend that once a big move must be made, all of them become a fool-like one-man show.

They don't want to stop, but this horrible terror that erupts all the spirits instantly, not to stop. They also want to move themselves to fall off the icicles under their feet, and then chop Duke. But the icicles at their feet kept thickening and extending, and I couldn't let them fall.

As a result, during the attention ceremony of thousands of Alliance soldiers, the roof of the Alliance Command was lifted off, and then a dozen small sword-blade tornadoes kept spinning in the air at a height of ten meters.

The scene was horrible or ridiculous.

This situation directly alarmed many soldiers who were hunted down at the front.

"Not good!" Every general was pale.

"Stop! The army is back!" Turalyon yelled nervously.

"Wait!" Lothar stopped Turalyon's rashness. "What can we do now? Duke should be fine! If he is ... if he is ..."

Almost at the same time, the magician responsible for the messenger beside each general received a notice from Duke.

"All the key players are fine! Command was attacked! Krassus! Kel'Thuzad is back!"

Duke was calm and sober. At this time, he called the cavalry back, which was definitely too late. But those two princes don't care.

A series of "flashes" of light shine from the hills on both sides. Too late to lock the coordinates transmitted in space, the two famous princes in the later generations took the fastest and violent way, using continuous flashes to rush.

Middle and low-level mages use [Flash], and they must rest and adjust their magic circuits after each time, but there are no so many restrictions on Mage Moon.

They were almost impatient.

Duke had planned to hold them back, but Duke suddenly found an opportunity. (To be continued.)

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