Stormwind God

Chapter 328: Duke of Conspiracy (Part 1)

Duke did not attempt to prevent the trolls from joining the tribe.

This is a waste of time.

There is an almost absolute necessity for trolls to join the tribe. Fourteen thousand years ago, Azeroth, Azeroth's native race trolls established many great kingdoms. The two empires, Amani and Gulabashi, have the largest territory, and these two empires are the largest. All were commanded by the Zandalar tribe, so they praised the Dala Empire.

Seven thousand years ago, Dasreima * Sunstrider brought the elves and nobles who wanted to continue studying the use of arcane magic, and left their fellow night elves with Druid's natural doctrine as their core, accepted exile and moved eastward to the territory of the Eastern Kingdoms. The northern continent, also known as the Lordaeron continent.

These upper-level elves that moved eastward evolved into higher elves, establishing their own magic kingdom, Quel'Thalas. Quer'Thalas, a country of new immigrants, and the local troll Amani Empire began thousands of years of war due to the expansion of the country.

Until 2800 years ago, humanity began to rise. The King Soradin united the human tribe and established the Arathor Empire. The kingdom of Quel'Thalas of the high elves lost to the Troll's Amani Empire. In despair, they sought help from humans and began to teach. Humans use the power of arcane magic.

The cooperation of Arathor and the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas completely defeated the troll's Amani empire. This group of trolls was stunned, and the troll war ended.

It can be said that trolls have been venomful to humans and elves for thousands of years. The blood and soul of each other were poured out on this continent during the fierce battle, and the hatred was already so strong that it could not be turned away.

And there are too many troll clans, even if Duke has dealt with the Amani clan in advance, there are many other clan like stars on this continent,

For example, the Zandalar tribe now mixed in Stranglethorn Vale. They are the ancestors of all trolls, also known as primitive trolls. Generally, trolls are divided into five categories. In addition to primitive trolls, there are jungle trolls and forest trolls. Desert trolls, frost trolls, there are many branches, large or small, depending on the attributes.

No matter what kind of sand is angry, the small branches such as ice moraine, evil branches, blood crests, and skull splitting are ignored. There are seven or eight large clan of Amani level alone.

Rather than align Orgrim with the messy trolls, it would be better to leave it to Amani, at least Duke can speculate on their route.

Of course, before dealing with Orgrim's elite legions and trolls, Duke has one more thing to do.

The forces covering Stromgard withdrew to Rapids and the Walls of Thoradin.

The biggest fear of retreat is collapse. Once the troops acting as guards are destroyed, then the following scenario can be imagined:

The green torrent representing the Horde orcs and the silver representing the Kingdom of Stromgard are staggered throughout the Arathi Highlands, and the bitter silver is chased by green in all directions. Human forces, severely lacking means of transport, were torn apart by orcs rushed by in all directions in the plain battle.

After playing for so long, the alliance and the tribe have already played a real fire.

It can be imagined that once the retreat fails, not many people will be spared. The orcs with better endurance will catch up with every human who tries to escape and be brutally murdered.

There are no captives, no mercy, and soldiers who can finally return to the rapids fortress are absolutely nothing.

The Arathi Highlands where Whitewater Fort is located is not fertile, and the characteristics of the plateau and mountains limit the output of food and the upper limit of the total population.

Of the seven human kingdoms, the population of Stromgard is only more than that of the pure mountain kingdom Alterac. In a sense, Stromgard's strength is weaker than the Stormwind Kingdom that has lost territory.

Say nothing, at least the fertile Elwynn Forest feeds hundreds of thousands of storm nationals.

The total population of Stromgard is less than 250,000, and being able to pull up in this 30,000-strong army is already the limit of the rapids.

Solas Trollbane can hardly imagine, if he lost all the 50,000 people, including the husband, on the Sador Bridge defense line, whether there will be tomorrow in the rapids.

The most capable troops in the Alliance are basically carrying the orc main force of the Warsong Clan of Grom * Hellscream on the western front.

The biggest support the Stromgards received was the half-scarred Crusaders of General Lordaeron Abidis. Troops stayed in the rapids.

In addition, it is Duke's Mage and Aurelia's Ranger.

When I heard that Aurelia was worried about a domestic accident and took her men away, if it wasn't for Duke and Aurelia's open close relationship, it is estimated that Solas was scolding her in public.

"Don't get excited, Admiral Trollbane. I let Aurelia back because I had enough confidence to successfully cover 90% of the Stormgard soldiers to return to Rapids."

Solas was stunned, and it took him five seconds to realize that the young, overly-league deputy commander in front of him had a more brilliant record than the true league commander Lothar.

Maybe Duke hasn't proven himself in offensive battles, but he is definitely an expert among the defense for defense, interception, and withdrawal of troops in extremely unfavorable circumstances.

"Uh, it looks like you can't burn the entire strait defense line with a fire?" King Thoras asked a very funny question.

"Oh!" Duke sprayed with a smile: "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you ..."

"Offensive? God's talents don't care about that etiquette. As long as they can keep these people, I will let my son be your servant." Solas sold his son without any restraint.

For the Arathi with the rapids as the core, Duke still respects. The rapids in 'history', but carried the Scourge of the Undead. With only 3,000 people remaining in the entire kingdom, no one has given up. They fought in various areas of the Arathi Highlands and declared to the tribe and all the invaders. With their own struggle and unyielding.

"No, no, no, I'm not shameless enough to want a prince to be my servant." Although this is true, it will undoubtedly make Duke consciously force himself: "In fact, I have always advocated the least sacrifice. In exchange for the greatest success. "

"Well, Deputy Marshal Marshal, what are you going to do?" Thoraston took a moment, but still felt that he would give Duke a bit of sweetness: "If you succeed, you will undoubtedly become a hero in the hearts of the White River people. .I think there will be no less than a hundred candidates for the Knights of Rapids admiring your reputation and volunteering to be your followers. "

100 prospective knights don't sound like much.

However, considering that there are a full 100 subordinate nobles who can fight well and can manage the land for themselves, the weight is much heavier.


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