Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 765: Terrible master

It seems that Ye Mo doesn't like much, and Ji Mei doesn't say anything more, just waiting for Ye Mo every day. m [read the novel to ~] to her strange is that Ye Mo, a woman who likes female color, did not even ask her for a bed.

Shilin Town is a town near the nearest city of Wutong. After a week of trekking, Ye Mo’s carriage came to Shilin Town, and it was still early, even just after noon.

But what makes Ji Mei strange is that Ye Mo did not hurry to hurry for the first time, but stopped in Shilin Town, and found a hotel in the town to have two rooms, it seems to stay here for one night. go.

No matter what Ye Mo does, Ji Mei will not ask why, it seems that Ye Mo is doing everything right, it seems that she is really a maid.

"Ji Mei, I have to practice in the afternoon and evening. Don't come in and bother me, and don't let Xiao Er come to influence me." Ye Mo deliberately married Ji Mei before closing the door. He had noticed it all the way, and no matter where he stayed, it seemed that everyone was paying attention to their carriage. It can be seen from these Ye Mo, it is not Ji Mei, but the person behind Ji Mei, who really wants to find him trouble.

Ji Mei repair is exhausted, and maybe it is controlled by the people behind her. A person who can abolish the practice of practicing a great perfection, repairing at least should be the foundation period.

"Yes, Master." Ji Mei immediately bowed his head.

Ye Mo nodded. After entering the room, he immediately closed the door. Although he believes that Ji Mei's cultivation is lost, he can't use God's knowledge, but in order to prevent it, he still arranged a masking method in the room.

Recently, he studied the formation method, and the level of formation has long surpassed the cultivation at the time of Luo Yue. Therefore, Ye Mo believes that even if it is the foundation period, it is not necessary to sweep the gods into his room. Ye Mo uses his knowledge. After a look at Ji Mei, she found that she was sitting in her room and swearing, and she did not care for her. After he took out a ‘Da Pei Yuan Dan’ and ate it, he began to refine the liquid. Ye Mo knows that Ji Mei is at least after he has perfected his strength, and he is more concerned about his own strength. []

Although the aura here is rare, but the ‘three births’ of Yemo’s cultivation absorbs the aura at a slower rate. Soon the aura of the thin bó gathered slowly and gathered together in Ye Mo’s room.

When Ye Mo opened his eyes again, he found that the sky had already darkened, and one afternoon passed unconsciously. His knowledge swept to the next room again, only to find that Ji Mei seemed to be making something in the room. Ye Mo’s gods carefully looked at the herbs next to her, but found that the things that were made with these herbs made people smell that they could lose their internal qi in a certain period of time and become a weaker person than ordinary people. By.

Does this Ji Mei want to use this kind of thing to deal with himself? Ye Moxin sneered, this kind of thing made incense, don't say let him lose his infuriating, even if he was eaten, he just weakened a little.

This Jimei repair looks very good, but it seems to be a fool. Dealing with him with this kind of thing is simply two things.

In the middle of the night, when Ye Mo refining the second ‘Da Pei Yuan Dan’, there were two more people in Ji Mei’s room.

Two people he has never seen before, but Ye Mo’s knowledge knows that one of them is a late congenital and one is an early innate. Although he couldn't hear the three people's words, in Ye Mo's view, there are absolutely no ways to abolish Ji Meixiu in the two congenital warriors in the district, let alone what Ji Hui does.

However, Ye Mo found that the things that Ji Mei originally made had become fragrant, and this fragrance was still ignited.

Ye Mo stood up and was very surprised. He did not think that Ji Mei was a martial artist who had perfected his temperament and cursed this incense. He did not deal with him, but he was dealing with two invaders. Ye Mo’s knowledge also found a huge blue eagle at the roof of the hotel, and he was in the heart. Did these two people come by this big bird?

The big bird that can carry people, Ye Mo thinks of the silver of the light snow, I don’t know how it is now, can I sit down? [] He shook his head, put away these ideas, and then removed the array of shielding.

After accepting the formation, Ye Mo was close to the wall. He wanted to hear what the three people were.

"Ji Mei, what is this fragrance?" Feng Neng came in and smelled the fragrance of Ji Mei, strangely asked.

Ji Mei’s face was red, and Feng Neng and Fang Kuan bent over and bowed. He whispered: “This is the burning fragrance, I bought it in the town. That Ye Mo is coming to my room every time. Just leave, he didn't mean to stay, so I was anxious and bought this incense. But he hasn't come yet, I, I..."

Suddenly Ji Mei thought of something in general, she said eagerly: "Feng big brother, Fang Da Ge, I quickly went to destroy the incense."

"No wonder you haven't got it yet, but how can Ye Mo hold it?" Feng can stop the topic, and he looks at the blushing face of his eyebrows, and his heart is getting worse.

He suddenly reached out and stopped Ji Mei and said: "Ji Mei, since it is lit, there is no need to destroy it. Fang Xiandi, or you should go out first, I will say a few words with Ji Mei." -, ~~ ~

Fang Kuan's face changed. Of course, he knew Feng Neng's meaning. He felt a slight sigh in his heart. He felt that this gang sometimes couldn't control himself, not a big man. Since Ji Mei was given to Ye Mo, don't take her body before this.

However, Fang Kuan also knows that it is not appropriate to block Feng Neng at this time. He turned and just about to go out. Suddenly, Ji Mei called a "Fang Da Ge..."

Fang Kuan looked back and looked at Ji Mei and asked, "What is it?"

Ji Mei bites her lip. It seems that there is something to say and can't say it. It gives people the feeling that Fang Kuan is the one she likes, and Feng Neng is not.

The scene was silent, and after a good Feng Nengcai's face was somewhat unpleasant, he said, "Ji Mei, if you have anything to say, just hurry up."

Suddenly, Fang Kuan’s face changed. He said eagerly: “No, you are not burning incense.” He was disappointed with Feng Neng because of Feng Neng’s words, but he did not pay attention to this incense.

He has been a thief for several years, and he is too clear about what kind of incense is like. Although the taste of this fragrance is very similar to the burning fragrance, it is not a burning fragrance.

Why should Ji Mei lie to them? When Fang Guang finished speaking this, he had to destroy the incense first, but when he raised his hand and hit a palm, he found that his palm could not make any internal force.

The face of Fang Kuan immediately changed. This is not only a burning scent, but it is also a fragrance that makes people lose their air. Fang Kuan almost understood the seriousness of the matter and left the room, but he just moved, and a dagger flew out of Ji Mei's hand and then pierced his chest.

At almost the same time, Feng Neng understood what was going on, and his face became very pale.

"Ji Mei, do you want to use this incense to deal with that Ye Mo? You are so smart, this fragrance is much better than scorpion venom, give us the antidote." Feng Neng pale, but still with Said with a smile. He knows that this is also nonsense. Since Ji Mei has killed Fang Kuan, he should not let him go.

Ji Mei suddenly smiled and said: "Hey, I actually got the wrong fragrance, but I have no antidote. Feng Da Ge, you see, what can I do?"

After that, Ji Mei went to the front of Fang Kuan and reached out to pull out the dagger. Just like not seeing the blood of the square wide chest like a stream, he slowly walked toward Feng Neng.

"Ji Mei, what are you doing? When I brought you back in Xingjiashan, I really like you..." Even if he is stupid, Feng Neng knows that he can’t hold it anymore. Her fragrance is waiting for them. The two came over and killed them.

Ye Mo heard this, but his heart moved, Xingjiashan, did not expect this Jimei was brought back from Xingjiashan.

Ji Mei snorted and said coldly: "I really like me, you are so shameless, not only want to take advantage of my time, but also use my body to exchange for your 'sea business' survival. If not I still have some color, it is estimated that you have been ruined by your old shame. You brought me back in Xingjiashan? Feng Neng, my eyebrows tell you the truth, the thing in Xingjiashan is my own. But you Not only took my things away, but also wanted to occupy me, hate me until today I have a chance to kill you."

"Ji Mei, but you are injured, it is indeed that I saved you back." Feng Neng's voice became trembling, and he hated himself too sloppy.

Ji Mei suddenly smiled coldly. "I am hurt? Feng Neng, I almost died when you hurt me. I don't want to repay you, I don't want to be a man. I used to rely on that thing to tie Dan, but your beast actually made me almost go to hell." ......"

Ye Mo heart sinks, knot Dan? Is this woman still a perfect accomplishment of building a foundation? If she is a great master of the building, it will be she must kill her before she recovers.

However, Ye Mogang just thought of this, and before he had his movements, Ji Mei took out a box from Feng Neng's pocket and did not look at it. He poured the contents of the box into his mouth. The speed is very fast, it can be said that it is confusing.

‘紫雪应子’? Ye Mo was a cold, he knew he had missed the opportunity. ‘Zi Xue Ying Zi’ is the best medicine for healing, and it works very fast. After Ji Mei ate, now she is going to kill her, it is estimated to be late. A great monk who built a foundation was too terrible for the monk in the training period, even if she only recovered a little. This woman is so good that after she finds the medicine, she even eats it without looking at it.

Ye Mo immediately took back his knowledge. He knew that Ji Mei was about to resume his cultivation. His gods would be discovered by her whenever she stared at her. However, Ye Mo is not worried that she finds herself a self-cultivator. He cultivates the ‘three 诀 诀 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修

However, Ye Mo still thinks that the more he is wrong, although he is practicing seven layers of gas, but the gods are powerful, and the 'three-year-old 转化 转化 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬 姬It’s too strange to run to the foundation.

(to be continued

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