Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1418 Very Bad

"I just came back to England and I couldn't wait to cause trouble. That guy Tom is really annoying as always."

Putting down the communication bookmark, Albert kept chattering strange words.


Tom Cat meowed in protest.

It's not annoying.

"I'm not talking about you."

Albert reached out and rubbed Tom's head.

"Who is Tom?"

Katrina, who had just put the pears that were dark from the cold outside into cold water to thaw, suddenly raised her head and asked.

"The name of the mysterious man."

"The mysterious man's name?"

Katrina was stunned for a moment before she realized who Albert was talking about, and then looked at her sister suspiciously. The other party had obviously known about this for a long time.

"Tom Riddle. This was the original name of the mysterious man. Of course, he later changed his name to himself." Albert told these unknown secrets as stories to the two sisters.

"Tom Riddle was originally the name of the mysterious man's father. However, old Tom Riddle was a Muggle. As a descendant of the noble Slaklin, the mysterious man naturally could not accept sharing a name with a Muggle."

"So he changed his name." Katrina was very surprised by this. She didn't expect that there was such a story.

"Yes, it is said that after Riddle, who was still studying, found out about his life experience, he found and killed his father's family who abandoned his mother, and asked his uncle to help him take the blame."

"You know everything clearly." Isobel was a little surprised that Albert investigated the mysterious man's secret so clearly.

"Dumbledore did the investigation before his death, and later told me this part of the secret." Albert directly passed the blame on Dumbledore, and it was indeed Dumbledore who did it, so it was not considered a blame game.

"The one who knows you best is always your enemy."

Isobel was not surprised.

Indeed, only Dumbledore would do such a thing.

"In order for you to help kill the mysterious man, Dumbledore told you these things?"

"No, it's to let me help." Albert explained to the two sisters, "Probably because he is worried that if Harry accidentally misses, there will be someone who can help clean up the mess, otherwise you will think that Dumbledore will kill him Part of his legacy was left to me, and everything has been marked with chips.”

"Dumbledore's legacy?"

Katrina stared at Albert with her big curious eyes blinking. She was really curious about what valuable things Dumbledore had left for Albert and hired him to help with the finishing work.

Yes, from Katrina's point of view, it's just employment, but it's just shown in another way.

"Lots of books and notes."

Isobel has also read those books, but she is not very interested. After all, she is not as thirsty for knowledge as Albert, and she knows very well that she does not have that much energy to study those magics.

Albert was always so energetic in this matter and mastered them with incredible efficiency.

It made Isobel doubt her own charm.

"They want you to go with them to deal with the mysterious man."

Isobel gathered her thoughts and asked what happened just now.

"It is said that the mysterious man plans to bring his thugs with him..."

"You bitch?" Katrina felt that Albert's choice of words was very strange.

"Well, the bastards, those Death Eaters and dark wizards, seem to be planning to kill a Muggle village and turn all the residents there into Inferi. They want to stop the mysterious man's atrocities, so they came to me. Think of ways to."

"They really trust you. They would only think of you if something fatal like this happens!" Katrina's tone sounded a little sinister.

"You're missing the point."

"Is not it?"

"Don't you think all this is very familiar?" Albert reminded, "The same conspiracy, the same tricks, the same group of people who can't see the situation clearly."

"I remember you had a similar emotion back then. By the way, don't you take a look at the new content on the communication bookmark?" Isobel reminded, "Maybe there is some new news."

Albert ignored the text that appeared on the communication bookmark. Instead, he couldn't help complaining: "Actually, I'm just curious, where do the people in the Order of the Phoenix get so much sympathy?"

"It sounds like you have no sympathy." Isobel knew what Albert wanted to express, but she still couldn't help teasing.

"Probably because life is so good, that's why I like to mess around." Katrina suddenly interjected.

"That's really not something you would say."

Albert looked at Katrina across the sofa in surprise, but he also agreed with this sentence.

"No, that's what you said."

"I see. No wonder it sounds familiar to me."

Albert didn't pay attention to the teasing of the two sisters and mentioned what Fred and George complained to him a while ago.

"Not long ago, Sirius Black captured a dark wizard, disguised himself as himself, and secretly claimed his bounty."

"So, that matter was not a conspiracy between the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters? That's right, that matter was indeed very strange. No matter how dark wizards would not deliberately do such stupid things." Isobel looked at Albert up and down, Suddenly asked, "Did you let them do it?"

"Both sides have no funds, so naturally they have to find ways to open up more sources. There is nothing more interesting than using the Death Eaters' money to deal with them." Albert did not deny it, "There were many people in the Order of the Phoenix who were opposed to this matter. ”


"In order to prevent the plan from being exposed, we need to kill the dark wizard after he takes the compound potion." Albert explained, "Maybe the people in the Order of the Phoenix think this is too evil. You know, many people can't accept killing. Even though the person was killed by another controlled dark wizard, it was still unacceptable to them."

Both of them were very surprised by the method Albert used. It was indeed a bit evil, but now is a time of war, and it is better to kill the enemy than to be killed by the enemy.

What’s more, it’s really satisfying to do so.

"Later, although Sirius did not get all the rewards, he still got a large sum of galleons and helped them improve their food. They all shut up and stopped mentioning it." After Albert finished, Suddenly asked, "Isn't it very hypocritical and hypocritical?"

"It doesn't sound like you're being hypocritical."

Katrina picked up the pear that had been thawed in cold water on the table, and after taking a bite, her teeth were so frozen that she almost lost consciousness.

"They seem to want to drag you into the water!" Isobel frowned and reminded after reading the content on the communication bookmark.

"It's normal," Albert shrugged, "They all dream of defeating the mysterious man."

"If they plan to save the Muggles in that village, will you go and help?" Isobel asked suddenly. She knew very well what kind of guys Gryffindors were, and acting without permission could only be regarded as basic operations.

"No, if they want to go, I won't stop them." Albert shook his head. "Otherwise, it would be easy to give them the idea that Albert would definitely come to help us, and then such willful things would just happen. Repeat again and again.”

"Aren't you afraid that they will kill you?" Katrina was a little surprised by Albert's coldness, but he did seem to... say something similar.

"For them, maybe one or two people need to die to clear their heads. Although constant victory helps to maintain high morale, it can also easily cause many problems, such as an inflated mentality and an inability to recognize self."

"Actually, you overlooked one thing, that is, you made their confidence explode. They thought you could defeat the mysterious man." Isobel reminded.

"Yeah, maybe, but that wouldn't make any sense."

"Why is it meaningless? Are you really planning to let Harry kill the mysterious man?" Katrina also wanted to end this damn war as soon as possible.

"Because that way you can't completely kill the mysterious man." Albert made a shushing gesture, indicating not to continue talking about this issue.

"If you don't want to tell me, forget it." Katrina picked up the dark frozen pear and asked, "How do you eat this? It's so cold that your teeth are almost numb."

"You should take it out and rub it with your hands first, then suck the pear juice inside when it is soft, or scoop it up and eat it directly with a spoon."

"Suck slowly and eat. Could it be that you invented this?" Katrina really couldn't understand how to eat this.

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