Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1430 The car door is welded shut

After Umbridge was sent away, the Aurors breathed a sigh of relief, and then, under Yaxley's urging, they continued to go deep into the courtroom to arrest the villains who broke into the Ministry of Magic. However, things did not go smoothly.

Looking at the passage shrouded in irreversible darkness, the Aurors tried various methods, but they were unable to dispel the thick and intractable darkness in front of them.

Finally, under the coercion and inducement of the Death Eaters behind him, he had no choice but to rush forward. As a result, he accidentally stepped on something slippery and lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

This fall will hurt others.

Listening to the exclamations and screams coming from the darkness, the Death Eaters who were patiently waiting for the results looked unhappy.

They looked at each other, no one wanted to rush into the darkness ahead.

No one here is a fool. Knowing that there is a trap ahead, but still rushing into it, how stupid does it have to be?

Aurors really have no choice, but Death Eaters don't, so naturally they don't want to "send death".

"Now how to do?"

McNeil's face was very ugly, and the enemy only used a few tricks to easily contain them.

"How about... wait a little longer? They can't escape anyway." Thicknesse suggested, knowing that no one was willing to take the risk.

"No, this is obviously to delay time. No matter what the enemy wants to do, they should not be allowed to do so."

Although Yaxley didn't know why the guys inside wanted to stall for time, experience told him that it was best not to let the other party get their wish.

In fact, this is just a simple trap.

Just get a large amount of lubricating oil into the passage, use magic to set up a few steel pieces, and then throw some special smoke bombs there.

In the dark and treacherous underground environment, it is normal for someone to accidentally slip and fall or bump directly into an iron plate, and the sound is quite scary.

After the Death Eaters finally passed through the dark area through various methods, they were shocked to find that their carefully arranged prison was actually empty. All the wizards who originally invaded the Ministry of Magic were missing, except for one spinning prison. The looking glass, and the Umbridge doll on the looking glass that was screaming "Fool!"

This is simply a naked mockery.

"Damn it!"

Yaxley felt a heavy feeling in his chest, so he pulled out his wand and smashed the damn looking glass and the Umbridge doll on it.

However, they never thought that that thing was also a trap.

The next moment, a large number of fireworks suddenly emerged from the surroundings, filling the surrounding large space. Amidst a series of deafening crackles, the exploding fireworks formed a fire dragon.

The fire dragon opened its mouth wide and rushed towards everyone like an evil beast.

Then, an even more violent explosion rang out around them, coating everyone in darkness.

No, it was not just the unlucky guy who was dressed in darkness and was affected by the fireworks explosion. Something went wrong that night, and he ended up having to go to St. Mungo's Magic Scar Hospital to treat his red and swollen skin disease.

According to rumors, Yaxley was also hospitalized not long after. His failure made Voldemort very dissatisfied. When he went to report to the Dark Lord, he was tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

If Yaxley hadn't shown his organizational skills, Voldemort might have simply given up on him.

Of course, it's also possible that Voldemort has no one available.

After all, how could he, the Dark Lord, not know what the Death Eaters were like?

If they were facing ordinary wizards, they would be invincible with the reputation of the Death Eaters, but they were facing helpers who had been carefully trained by Albert, and the result was naturally unsatisfactory.

This also made Voldemort determined to retrain his Death Eaters, and it was also the reason why he still kept Yaxley, who continued to fail.

Although Albert didn't know what Voldemort planned to do, he had his own conjecture based on Snape's plan.

At this moment, they are enjoying hot cocoa in the shelter. As for the lucky ones who were rescued, they are being taken care of by everyone, but not everyone is willing to accept their rescue. Some people even quarreled with their children. After a fight, they thought they had suffered an unreasonable disaster.

"Don't you go and take a look?" Shanna listened to the commotion outside, looked at Albert appraisingly and asked, "Do you regret rescuing them?"

"That's not true."

Albert glanced at the task he had just completed and said honestly, "I will not regret doing this. After all, they risked their lives to join the association, and saving people should be regarded as my promise to other members. As for their final What you do is none of my business."

"That doesn't really sound like something you would say."

Albert didn't answer this question, but he actually had his own answer.

After all, a large number of people died in the war at Hogwarts that had not been modified by magic. He really didn't know how tragic the final battle at Hogwarts that had been modified by magic would be, but they were willing to do it because of the so-called prophecy. , the so-called peace in the magic world, Albert does not mind providing some limited help, not to mention the mission rewards, which also have other benefits for him.

After all, he will continue to live in the magic world in the future. It will be much easier to do things if he has a group of his own people, and these members of the Defense Association are undoubtedly his own people.

However, as he expected, the exchange did not go smoothly, especially since the people involved were his own family members, who were themselves suppressed by the aura, so it didn't take long for Albert to see the first person who came looking for him with a depressed face. Someone he confides in.

"He's very stubborn, my father." Angelina was depressed.

"They are just worried about you." Albert comforted, "After all, resisting the mysterious man requires risking your life. I'm right, Mr. Johnson."

Johnson, who originally planned to come to settle accounts with Albert, was slightly stunned. He probably didn't expect that Albert's aura was so strong.

"Mr. Anderson, I hope..."

"Shut up, Dad, you have no right to make decisions for me, and do you think I should surrender to the mysterious man?" Angelina glared at her father dissatisfied and complained, "Don't you realize yet? It’s too late.”

"Yes, it's too late. If he is caught, he will probably become a fool due to cruel torture." Albert nodded in agreement.

With that, he handed a document to Mr. Johnson and said, "Take a look at this. Maybe it can help you understand the real situation in the Ministry of Magic right now."

"This is……"

"This is a war after all. If you admit defeat, you will have no choice but to be slaughtered by others." Albert reminded kindly, "So it's best not to have unrealistic illusions, if you don't want to participate in the resistance against the mysterious man. , I can help you arrange a place where you can wait until the war is over before returning to England."

"Angelina can also..."

"Help is never free." Albert calmly shattered the unrealistic illusions of the middle-aged man in front of him.

"We don't have that much energy to take care of other people, so we can only let them save themselves. If they are willing to read the "Self-Defense Guide" I wrote carefully, the situation should not be too bad."

"With all due respect, you don't seem to understand your situation." Albert pointed out the key points directly. In fact, it was not just Mr. Johnson, but also the other gentlemen standing outside the door and eavesdropping.

They have all been tied to this chariot and have no chance to get off. If they try to get off by force, they will probably be thrown to death!

This is why Albert stays, he has to help them realize the reality. To be honest, convincing others is a really annoying job.

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