Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 512 American Magical World

Nicholas's home in public is in a remote old apartment somewhere in the suburbs of New York, where he usually entertains some ordinary wizard friends.

As for No-Maj friends, well, the United States Ministry of Magic does not allow wizards to have too much communication with No-Majs, otherwise the employees of the Ministry of Magic would not mind talking to you in prison.

The place where the four people apparated was near this old apartment.

Nicholas invited them into his home, locked the door, and had a house elf take them to another location.

If anyone wanted to find out the whereabouts of these people from some clues, they would find that Apparition was prohibited in Nicholas's home.

The place they came to was a farm in Texas, which was also Nicholas' home, or safe house.

There is not a single family around the farm, and the nearby area has been released to expel No-Majs, and is covered by magic. If any No-Majs pass by, they will only see an abandoned farm.

As soon as his vision was restored, Albert heard the barking of a dog not far away. Two Jack Russell hounds ran over and circled Albert and Sierra, probably sniffing. The smell of strangers.

"Swallowtail Dog"

Albert looked at the two Jack Russell hounds in front of him and asked tentatively.

The appearance of the swallow-tailed dog is very similar to that of the Jack Russell hound, but the tail of the swallow-tailed dog is forked. In order to prevent the swallow-tailed dog from attracting the attention of No-Majs, wizards will use painless cutting spells to remove one of its tails.

The two swallow-tailed dogs in front of him had not had their tails cut off, which was why Albert recognized them at a glance.

"Well, it is said that they were dogs bred by British wizards and are extremely loyal to their owners." Catherine squatted down, reached out and scratched the chins of the two slightly fat hounds, and introduced to Albert, "This is Caesar. The other is Sulla.”

"It looks good," Sera said, "However, I remember that raising magical creatures is prohibited in the United States!"

"In the past, many wizards and wizards bitten their No-Maj neighbors because they were raising swallow-tailed dogs, so they were banned from raising them." Nicholas said with a smile, "But as long as the Ministry of Magic doesn't know about it, it will be fine."

In a place like this where birds don't poop, and there are no No-Majs around, it is impossible for the United States Ministry of Magic to know about it, and naturally it can't control him.

As long as he doesn't cause any big trouble, even if he is discovered by the Ministry of Magic, he will at most be fined some money, and he, Nicholas, has money.

"What method do you use to deliver letters?" Albert asked curiously, "Postman?"

"Owls attract attention." Kathleen said helplessly. "If No-Maj sees an owl flying into a house frequently, it will arouse suspicion."

"Yeah." Albert could understand why the owl that delivered the letter looked suspicious. "So, the United States Department of Magic simply banned the breeding of magical creatures. However, the relationship between the American wizarding community and No-Majs is very bad."

"Well, it's very bad," Kathleen said. "It has something to do with American history."

"No wonder, American wizards have to hide like mice." Albert suddenly asked, "If a wizard appears among No-Majs, how will the Ministry of Magic deal with it?"

"The probability of this is very small, because the American wizarding community does not allow wizards and No-Majs to marry." Kathleen thought for a while and then said, "If you encounter one, you will be forced to go to Ilvermorny Magic Academy."

"This is not free and unclear at all." Albert shook his head.

If you say it, the United States is a beacon of freedom and democracy.

Katherine was silent, she could hear the sarcasm in Albert's words.

It seems that Mr. Anderson has a very bad impression of the United States, and just like other members of Wild Smith, he has never been willing to come to the United States for a second time.

"Actually, there will be a small number of No-Maj wizards who will leave the United States with their families and go to other schools." Kathleen said in a low voice.

As for the rest, they will be forced to be separated from their families and attend Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with the assistance of the United States Ministry of Magic.

After graduation, I can support myself.

Well, his parents will think their child is dead.

However, because Rappaport's law prohibited intermarriage between the two parties, tragedy would basically not have occurred.

Nicholas's home is not what Albert imagined at first glance, it seems too modern here!

Unlike the impression that most wizarding families gave Albert, Nicholas's home was not filled with experimental equipment like Nico's home, but had a lot of modern furniture, such as refrigerators, electric fans, televisions, radios, typewriters, and sunrooms. There were comfortable and high-end leather sofas inside, and the house elf immediately gave them a cup of mint honey lemon tea and an exquisite refreshment.

Well, he is an old man who enjoys life.

"So, that thing outside is really a wind turbine?"

Albert turned his head and looked out the window. Farther away from the house, there were several strange things like hair dryers standing upright. He thought those things were strange just now. When he saw those electrical appliances, he probably figured out what was going on. .

"You actually know these things!" Nicholas was a little surprised. In his impression, British wizards should be unfamiliar with "No-Majs".

"It is said that magic can interfere with electrical appliances."

"There is indeed such a statement." Nicholas nodded, "Actually, except for places filled with powerful magical magnetic fields, general electronic products can still be used normally. Otherwise, the equipment in the Woolworth Building of the Ministry of Magic in the United States Can’t No-Majs be allowed to use electrical appliances?”

This alchemist has great research on magical magnetic fields and electrical appliances.

"It makes sense." Albert nodded and said, "To be honest, I am also very interested in how the American Ministry of Magic transformed the Woolworth Building into a double-sided building."

With the right spell cast on the Woolworth Building, it will transform into a space for wizards.

"This is a big and troublesome project. Ordinary wizards can't do this." Nicholas sat on the sofa and introduced their other pet Lila to them with a smile.

Well, a catnive.

This is the first time that Albert has seen a cat. It has very big ears and a tail like a lion's tail. It is said that the cat is very smart and can distinguish between good people and bad people.

It just glanced lazily at Albert and Sierra, and continued to nap on the sofa, letting Kathleen put it on her lap and comb it.

Katherine discovered that her grandfather liked the boy named Albert very much. Ever since they came here, the two parties had been chatting enthusiastically about magic magnetic fields, No-Maj electrical appliances, and the establishment of the United States Ministry of Magic.

The topics they talked about were all unfamiliar, and she could only understand them in general, but Mr. Anderson seemed to understand them, and he could also ask questions. The most common word she heard was advanced concealment spells.

Katherine even had the absurd illusion that she had just entered school.

Soon, the topic gradually veered away, and somehow the conversation turned to the origin of the Woolworth Building, and then to the history of the relocation of the Ministry of Magic in the United States.

The United States Ministry of Magic is located in the Woolworth Building. It is actually a complete tragedy. From Philadelphia to Washington and then to New York, the Ministry of Magic has moved a total of five times since its establishment. The Ministry of Magic has always tried to stay away from No-Maj politics. center.

Unfortunately, when they moved from Washington to New York, the political center of American No-Majs also changed from Washington to New York.

However, due to historical reasons in the United States, most wizards and No-Majs are foreigners. The two sides do not trust each other and are even hostile to each other. This is why the United States' Ministry of Magic has a unique political system that is very different from other magical circles. Few wizards have returned to the United States. s reason.

If you travel to the United States without registering with the Ministry of Magic and obtaining a wand license, you will become an illegal alien and illegally possess a wand.

Getting caught by an Auror means jail and fines await you.

There is a reason why the prisons of the United States Ministry of Magic are always overcrowded.

This is why Serra brought him over from France instead of arriving in the United States through other means.

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