Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 526 Agreement

"That guy... definitely had a plan in advance."

While looking at the glass of butterbeer placed in front of her, Katrina was stunned for a moment, and then the thought quickly came to her mind.

Otherwise, who would be fine with such a bunch of things on their body?

Deceiving ghosts... No, ghosts are not that easily deceived.

Although he hates to admit it, Albert’s skills are really good, and the seafood he makes tastes really good.

Why had I never discovered that these sea crabs could be cooked like this before?

When Katrina bit into a large piece of fish, chewed it and swallowed it, the hateful sound interrupted her thoughts, and then she saw a camera reaching towards her.

"Come on, take some photos for us!" Albert asked, "Can you use a camera?"

"It won't work!"

Katrina said angrily, "That's a Muggle item, do you think I might be able to use it?"

"Oh, that's a shame."

Albert didn't care about the girl's tone, and motioned to Isobel to strike a pose, preparing to take some photos of her at the beach, but unfortunately she wasn't wearing a swimsuit.

"Nice shot."

Albert looked at the girl eating skewers in the photo and said with a smile, "It would be better if she changed into a beautiful white dress."

"Does Albert like girls in white skirts?" After finishing the grilled fish skewers, Isobel put her head over and looked at herself in the photo, asking curiously.

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"I just think that a girl in a white long skirt will be more innocent when paired with a beautiful beach." Albert smiled and explained: "Normally, I rarely see you like this. After all, most of the time you are more …”

"Compare to what?" the girl asked, raising her eyebrows.


Albert carefully considered his words, "Well, that's probably what it means."

For some reason, Katrina felt very upset.

It was simply a wrong decision to follow him here.

Even if I just had a barbecue at the beach, I couldn't change this idea.

The two stayed at the beach until the afternoon. Katrina finally couldn't stand being stuffed with dog food, so she went back first with the seafood she caught.

"I feel like Katrina seems a little...didn't you tell her that I was coming today?" Albert didn't say what was in his heart.

He didn't dare to ask Katrina if she liked him in front of Isobel.


The two of them were lying on the beach, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, surrounded by towering cliffs. The sun at noon could hardly shine directly here, and there was a large shadow on the ground.

"She probably likes you too!"

Isobel was not shy about this question. She noticed her boyfriend's surprised look and said with a smile, "After all, you are so good. Isn't it normal for a girl to like you?"

"I'm still very happy to hear you praise me." Albert turned over, looked at the girl beside him and said with a smile, "I thought you had made her give up."

"She is very stubborn." Isobel sighed.

"According to what you say, should I be excited?"

"What are you excited about?"

"Hug her on both sides!" Albert sat up and reached out to pull the girl into his arms.

"You want to catch Katrina's attention?" Isobel stared directly at Albert.

"Actually, you shouldn't mention this." Albert said suddenly.

"Sorry, I just didn't know how to deal with this." Isobel rested her head on Albert's shoulder, "Katrina is my sister, I hope she can be happy in the future, but you also know, Katrina is very immature, very immature in every way.”

"Let nature take its course, time can change everything." Albert looked at the sea in front of him calmly, "Maybe, soon, she will find someone she likes."

"There is a boy in Hufflepuff who is very good, and he happens to be the same age." Isobel suddenly said, "My friends mentioned it when we chatted last time."

"Those friends of yours all want old cows to eat young grass." Albert suppressed his laughter, "Okay, are you talking about Diggory?"

"Do you also dislike me for being older than you?"

"Only one year older."

"Humph." Isobel snorted dissatisfied and returned to the previous topic, "How did you know?"

"It's not difficult to guess." Albert said noncommittally, "But it seems that guy also has someone he likes."

"How did you know?"

"My relationship with Digory is not bad." Albert thought to himself, what would Qiu Zhang do if Digory was kidnapped? Is it right to join Harry?

Having said that, Qiu Zhang is also a beautiful little girl.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Are you worried that I have been abducted by your sister?"

"We can't graduate together."

"Otherwise, you'll have to repeat the grade." Albert joked.


"How about we get married immediately after I turn sixteen?" Albert said with a smile. "Muggles become adults at the age of sixteen and can get married. It just so happens that you have graduated from school."

"Who did you meet who got married right after graduation?" Isobel said angrily.

"Yes, the famous Potter's parents got married just after graduation." Albert said, "Hagrid told me that he was also invited to the wedding."

"You must be lying."

"The Quidditch medal has James Potter's name on it. You can tell the time with a little math."

"We'll talk about getting married then." Isobel didn't agree immediately.

"Well, let's get engaged first." Albert said with a smile, "Mr. Bud Brod has already prepared our engagement rings for us."

"You are joking?"

"No kidding, a ring made by a goblin."

Albert explained, "Last time, I saw him when I went to Mr. Bard's place. He said that when I become an adult, he would give me all the other things and let me go directly to you to propose marriage, Mr. Mogg. Will be our witness."

"Well, I'm a little anxious."

"I'm not worried about you running away. After all, you have graduated two years ago and have seen the colorful world outside. What if you just dump me?" Albert's words made Isobel roll his eyes.

"By the way, are you interested in beauty potions?" Albert changed the topic.

"Are you trying to say that I'm not pretty enough?" Isobel pouted and asked dissatisfiedly. Beauty potions can change a person's appearance and make a person more beautiful.

"I was invited to study together."

Albert didn't say Kathleen's name, "I think the girls will be very interested in this. If it succeeds, it will be a golden egg. Then I can lie down and wait for death."

"You don't look like someone who will just wait to die."

"No, no, in fact, my biggest dream is to hug me and eat until I die." Albert said seriously, he really wasn't talking nonsense.

"Although beauty potions can make people beautiful, they are only temporary." Isobel was too lazy to pay attention to Albert and recalled, "There are similar cases in history, such as the banshee Malodora Grimm. Successfully married herself to a king through the use of beauty potions.”

"I'm not referring to the kind of beauty potion." Albert shook his head and said: "It's the kind of magic potion that can slow down the aging of the appearance and body. Unfortunately, the last time I went to France, I couldn't go to Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Meet the so-called fountain of youth.”

In this world, as long as you study carefully, this is really possible.

After all, magic is so magical that even things like the magic stone, which can make people immortal, can be created. It is not impossible that there is a magic potion that can prevent people's appearance from aging.

"When the time comes, I can help you study together." Isobel agreed. She has an ageless appearance. If possible, of course she would also want it. It should be said that no girl can refuse such a temptation.

"It was Miss Kathleen who invited you to study beauty potions, right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Intuition." Isobel narrowed her eyes and asked, "Are you still in contact?"

"Last time, she invited me to study together. She was a girl who loved beauty." Albert thought for a moment and said, "She knew that I was also good at potions, so she invited me to help."

"When we get married, remember to invite Miss Catherine to attend." Isobel said suddenly.

"I will remember to send the invitation letter then." Albert took out his notes and recorded the matter.

"Let's go back!"

When the two returned to the McDougal family villa, they did not see Katrina.

At this moment, Katrina was staying in her room to avoid feeling heartbroken when she saw the two of them.

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