Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 532 Share the Heat

"Look over there!"

Despite the cover of darkness, many students still noticed the Ford cars passing over the castle.

Professor McGonagall, who was welcoming the new students at the door, also walked down the stone steps, looked up at the direction where the car disappeared, and frowned deeply.

That's the direction of the Forbidden Forest, and that's not good news.

After getting off the carriage, Percy saw Professor McGonagall at the door, and immediately walked quickly to Professor McGonagall, who was a student looking for a report to the teacher.

When Albert and others walked in, they heard Percy talking to Professor McGonagall about the Ford car. Albert could clearly see the muscle twitching on Professor McGonagall's face. The vice-principal was obviously very angry. .

There was no way anyone would think that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley drove a flying Ford to school just to show off.

"Okay, everyone, go in, the dinner is about to begin!"

Professor McGonagall shouted to the students who were still looking in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. Then, she summoned Nearly Headless Nick and asked him to report the incident to Dumbledore.

In the auditorium hall, Dumbledore fell into a brief silence after receiving the news from Nearly Headless Nick. Several professors beside him also began to whisper after hearing this.


Dumbledore turned his head and said to Snape, who was sitting not far away: "I need you to find Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley and bring them back to school. I hope they won't run too far."

"Do you need my help?" Lockhart ignored the strange looks from his colleagues around him and introduced himself with a smile: "Finding people is my specialty. Back then, I tracked a snowman in the Himalayas and successfully found it."

"No, Gilderoy." Dumbledore declined politely: "You have just come to school, and you need to meet everyone tonight."

"You are too tolerant, that's why they ignore the laws restricting the use of magic by underage wizards." Snape did not forget to express his opinion, "Perhaps, they should be expelled so that all students can learn from it."

"Thank you for the offer Severus, I think we need to find them first and figure out the situation."

"I'll find them."

Snape understood the implication of Dumbledore's words, stood up from the guest seat, and walked away with a sullen face, looking for Harry Potter who liked to cause trouble everywhere.

On the way, Snape heard many students talking about coming to school by car. For most students, whether it violates school rules or not, whether it is dangerous or not, are actually secondary matters. In their eyes, coming to school by car is really important. so cool.

Finding the whereabouts of the two students was actually not difficult for Snape. The tracking spell allowed Snape to quickly find the Ford car. They hit the Whomping Willow and were encountering the magic tree. Beaten.

However, the two people in the car were safe, so Snape couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the Whomping Willow that was beating the car with its branches, Snape recalled an unpleasant past experience. Just as he was about to save the Ford car from the Whomping Willow's branches, Potter and Weasley He had successfully escaped the beating from the Whomping Willow and had a lucky escape.

Seeing the two people in embarrassment and the Ford car driving away alone, Snape had no intention of showing up for the time being. He cast a disillusionment spell on himself and silently followed the exhausted two people back to the castle.

Looking at the embarrassed two people, Snape was in an inexplicably good mood.

Compared with Snape, Albert's mood was not so good.

The youngest international wizard chess champion has never felt so welcome.

Along the way, a large number of students came to greet him and seemed to intend to say a few words to him. People around him secretly looked at him and gathered together to whisper. The entire corridor echoed with the students' whispers.

Albert could only pretend that he didn't see or hear them, and simply ignored them.

"It's hard to imagine that anyone would drive to school."

Shanna was chatting with Aaliya and Angelina beside her. After seeing Albert and others, she greeted them with a smile: "Congratulations, you are the youngest wizard chess champion. Newspapers and weeklies have been discussing you for most of the summer vacation. matter."

Albert felt a little sick in his stomach when he heard this, and the corridor finally came to the end,

There were four long academic tables in the auditorium. Candles floated above the tables, illuminating the excited faces of the students.

Everyone was chatting animatedly, exchanging news about the summer vacation, or shouting hellos to friends from other colleges.

Of course, most of the students were talking about the Ford car just now. Although only a few people noticed the car, the incident had already spread among the students.

Albert and the others left the crowd together and sat at the Gryffindor table. The girls chirped and asked Albert about foreign affairs.

Compared with someone riding a car to school for news, Albert's love scandal can attract the attention of girls more.

Nowadays, Albert, who has won the international wizard chess championship and is famous, has great appeal to all girls.

Albert could only talk perfunctorily about some foreign experiences. As for his love history, sorry, there is no such thing. He is a very dedicated person, how could he have a foreign girlfriend!

"There is an empty seat on the teacher's bench." After Fred sat down, he whispered to his companions beside him, "Snape seems to be missing?"

"Maybe he's sick," Lee Jordan said maliciously.

"Don't be stupid, Snape probably went to find Potter and Weasley." Albert looked at his friend next to him who was speculating whether Snape had been fired, and immediately interjected, "Someone needs to go find him." Where did those two guys go?"

Soon, the auditorium gradually became quiet, and Professor McGonagall began to preside over the sorting ceremony.

The Sorting Hat began to sing a new song that he had been thinking about for a year, and the freshmen were sorted into their respective houses amidst applause.

However, just in the middle of the sorting ceremony, whispers suddenly came from the auditorium. Someone saw Harry and Ron appearing at the entrance of the auditorium, and then they were taken away by Snape who suddenly appeared.

There is no doubt that the students who came to school in Ford cars were the famous Harry Potter and his good friend Ron Weasley.

Amidst the whispers of the students, the Sorting Hat continued.

When Ginny Weasley was sorted into Gryffindor, Percy led the applause and said in an exaggerated tone, "That's great, Ginny, that's great."

This made Ginny a little embarrassed, looking down at the plate in front of her.

Shortly after the Sorting Hat ceremony, Snape returned in a hurry, and Dumbledore, who was about to say a few words, stopped.

The Great Hall fell into dead silence, everyone stared at Snape who was talking to Dumbledore.

Students in the front row could faintly hear:

I found them...the car hit the Whomping Willow...they're my office or something like that.

Then, Professor McGonagall followed Snape and left first.

After Dumbledore said a few words and announced the start of the banquet, he quickly left behind Snape and Professor McGonagall.

"What did they say?"

"It seems that Potter and Weasley hit the Whomping Willow with their car. He is fine and is in his potions office."

"I dare say people will talk about this for many years." Lee Jordan said excitedly, "Maybe we should make this a wizard card."

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Albert began to enjoy the food and did not want to participate in the discussions of the people around him.

When the three professors returned to the auditorium, Harry and Ron were not seen. Many people were discussing whether they had been expelled.

While dining, people revolve around three things:

Albert wins the International Wizarding Chess Championship, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gerald Lockhart, and Harry Potter come to school in a car.

Albert cleverly diverted the girls' attention to Lockhart.

The various deeds of this handsome man attract the attention of girls.

It is undeniable that handsome boys or beautiful and generous girls are more popular with everyone.

Although Albert is handsome enough, he has a girlfriend and has nothing to do with other girls.

Before the banquet ended, Dumbledore announced that Gilderoy Lockhart would fill the vacancy in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

He was warmly welcomed by the girls. It must be said that Lockhart is very popular among the girls.

"What's wrong?" Li Jordan noticed the strange expression on Albert's face and asked quietly.

"This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is probably going to be over." Albert shook his lips slightly and said silently.

In the corridor leading to the secret entrance to Gryffindor Tower, Fred couldn't help but ask, "Do you think Lockhart is not good at Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"I don't feel very good about Lockhart," Albert said. "Besides, you probably haven't noticed the attitude of other professors towards him." "

"What attitude?" George asked curiously, he really didn't notice it.

"Disgusting." Albert said with a strange expression, "Not even Snape is treated like this."


As they approached the painting, the fat lady in pink silk asked.

"The password is 'honeyeater'" George noticed the doubtful looks of others and explained, "I asked Percy."

In the Gryffindor common room, many students had not yet gone back to bed, and they were all crowded here waiting for them.

"You are so popular."

"Don't be stupid, they are waiting for Harry Potter." Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"They haven't returned to the common room yet."

"Many people say that the two of them have been expelled from the school." A senior boy answered Lee Jordan's question.

"Definitely not. I'm going upstairs first. You guys continue to wait. Good night!" With that, he squeezed towards the door at the other end of the common room, preparing to return to the bedroom through the spiral staircase.

As Albert changed into his pajamas and prepared to rest, he heard a burst of warm applause from downstairs. It was obvious that Harry and Ron had returned to the common room.

"It's good, there is someone to help share the pressure." Albert muttered, looking at the cat's nest that had been carefully cleaned by the house elf, he suddenly missed his Tom a little.

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