Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 545 Omen

"Did you offend Snape again?"

Lee Jordan stuffed the book into his bag and couldn't help complaining to Albert, "Why does he always like to run behind and stare at you during class?"

Being watched from behind by Snape was not a good experience.

Today's potion turned into a pile of unknown liquid with a strange smell. He was ridiculed by Snape and got a T for it.

"Who knows!"

Albert dropped his backpack on his shoulders, glanced up at Snape at the podium table, and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, no matter how he looks, it won't have any effect on me. Let him stare if he wants to. , when Snape gets tired of watching, he will give up."

Since the last love potion incident, Snape seemed to have concluded that this incident was related to Albert.

In every Potions class, the Potions Professor would pay special attention to him, as if he wanted to see something from him.

Unfortunately, Albert's Occlumency level was very high. Even if Snape stared out his eyes, he wouldn't be able to get any useful information.

Albert was very calm about Snape who deliberately caused trouble for him. The more the other party did this, the more it showed that there was nothing he could do to him.

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What's more, Snape didn't have any valid evidence.

Although he doesn't need evidence.

His partner, Lee Jordan, was not as calm as he was, and simply couldn't bear Snape's gaze and harassment.

"There will be Quidditch training later, so we'll leave first." Fred and George sighed and complained, "Recently, Wood has been like a training freak, saying that since broomsticks can't work, just use technology. make up."

"Did you expect this to happen at the beginning, so you didn't want to become a formal member?" Looking at the Weasley brothers leaving in a hurry, Lee Jordan asked Albert sideways.

"Actually, I quite hate training." Albert did not deny it. He did not hate flying, but he hated training in all weathers. Joining the Quidditch team was obviously not a good choice.

"It will be difficult for Gryffindor to win the Quidditch trophy this year." Lee Jordan took two quick steps and walked side by side in the corridor with Albert. "Slytherin's new broomstick is really fast."

"It doesn't matter, we won the Quidditch championship last year anyway." Albert knew that this year's Quidditch game would be abandoned midway because of the Basilisk.

"Why don't you go to the library together?"

"No, I still have an appointment. See you tonight."

"Really." Li Jordan walked toward the fifth floor alone, said hello to Shanna not far away, and prepared to invite her to go to the library to do homework together.

Now, Fred and George can't be counted on. Those two bastards are not focused on studying and always need to learn from his homework. Albert has been missing recently and is probably dating his girlfriend.

Lee Jordan really guessed right, Albert did go on a date.

When he was passing by the corridor on the second floor, Albert suddenly stopped and was about to take another secret passage to the eighth floor.

Albert always had to be extra careful when he was alone, and would avoid the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

There was no way, even though the first attack was on Halloween, and the unlucky guy who was attacked was Filch's cat, but as the most famous Muggle wizard in the school, Albert was really suitable to be used by Voldemort, so he should still be on guard. , lest you accidentally suffer disaster one day.

"Be careful of the dog's life." Albert murmured.


Suddenly, Albert heard someone calling him.

Hermione Granger trotted over in a hurry, followed by a reluctant Ron Weasley.

"Is something wrong?"

Albert stopped, turned around and asked.

"Well, there's something, I want to..." Hermione panted and came to Albert's side.

"Don't say it here, you really have no sense of confidentiality." Albert interrupted speechlessly.

The three of them came to a deserted place, and Hermione immediately couldn't wait to talk about Harry.

It turned out that since the savior Potter went to Lockhart for confinement, he had occasionally heard a sound, but neither she nor Ron could hear it.

In the wizarding world, hearing voices that no one else can hear is never a good thing.

"Have you told Professor McGonagall about this?" Albert asked.

"Professor McGonagall will definitely think that Harry is joking with her." Hermione whispered, "Probably thinking that Harry just wants to attract everyone's attention."

She came to Albert more because Albert had said before the start of school that the news delivered to Harry by the house elves was very likely to be true. Something terrible was about to happen in the school, and Harry Hearing sounds that others haven't heard is probably a sign of something.

Well, Hermione really guessed it.

"This matter is indeed worthy of attention." Albert nodded, "Next time, if Harry hears that voice again, let him record the content of the voice so that I can make an analysis."

"Can you... give us a divination." Ron looked at Albert and said. This was the main purpose of their coming to Albert. When everyone said that Albert's divination was very accurate, he had already thought about it. See it with your own eyes.

"Okay, it's just this one time, you'll be charged next time." Albert raised his eyebrows and said to the two of them, "Follow me!"

Albert took Ron and Hermione back to his dormitory, took out the crystal ball from the cabinet and placed it on the table. He looked at the two people who were looking at the room and asked, "What do you want to predict?"

"Something terrible will happen at Hogwarts." Hermione said first.

"I see."

Albert closed his eyes, placed his hand on the crystal ball, and began to predict.

Ron and Hermione both stared at the crystal ball, seemingly curious about what they would see.

Something changed on the crystal ball, and they seemed to see an open book, and something seemed to be recorded on the pages.

The prophecy ended quickly.

Hermione and Ron stared blankly at the crystal ball that had returned to its original shape.

"What does this mean?" Ron asked confused.

"Legend of the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione said softly.

"My prophecy ability is not very strong. I can only predict it to this extent." Albert said calmly, "The scary things the house elf said must be the legend of the Chamber of Secrets."

The two of them looked at Albert, hoping to get answers from him.

"It is said that there is a secret room in Slytherin, and only the heir can open the secret room." Albert said, "It is said that there is a terrifying thing in the secret room that can purify the school."

"Something scary?" Hermione immediately caught the key word, "Something scary."

"I don't know." Albert shook his head and said, "No one has found the secret room."

"Can you……"

"One hundred Galleons." Albert suddenly interrupted, "If you want me to continue predicting, the price is one hundred Galleons."

"It's not that expensive."

Glancing at Ron, who was stunned, Albert reminded him kindly, "Also, I don't recommend that you continue to predict. The fact that this prediction has so little content speaks volumes. Even if you ask me to predict the secret room, Where the entrance is and what the monster is in the secret room, it is difficult to get the result, because the prophecy can only let us see some fragments of what will happen in the future."

"Is it so easy for diviners to make money?" Ron couldn't help but swallowed. Albert's offer of a hundred galleons as soon as he opened his mouth really bluffed him.

"Real masters of prophecy do make a lot of money."

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