At the wizarding card party at the end of November, Lee Jordan finally took over the task of preparing for the wizarding card competition in the second half of the semester from Albert. He had already held it twice, and he had no idea how to hold a successful one. The game is easy to handle.

However, the number of participants this year was a bit unsatisfactory. Even if Albert took out an "expensive" amulet as a prize for the championship, he could only manage to collect 32 contestants, which made Lee Jordan depressed for a while. I wonder if it’s because I’m not as attractive as Albert, but not a single girl signed up for this wizarding card competition.

He couldn't help complaining to Albert: "Is it my bad luck, or is it because my face is so dark that it scares away the girls?"

Although Li Jordan knew that it was not his problem, he still felt that he had messed up what Albert had told him when he officially took over.

Albert didn't care at all and comforted the other party casually.

Time entered December, Hogwarts Castle was shrouded in wind and snow, and the owls that delivered letters had lost weight. However, there were always exceptions, and Sheila had gained a lot of weight.

Daisy and Herb wrote to tell him that their Christmas vacation schedule had been changed. They would go to France first and stay there for two days. After he attended the wedding, they would go to Italy for vacation together.

Albert suspected that Mog told his parents about the matter. With the openness of Daisy and Herb, it is not difficult to understand that they would make such a choice.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Mog tampered with the memories of the two. To be honest, Albert really couldn't praise the wizard's integrity.

That afternoon, on Albert's way to the library, Hermione hurried over and brought him good news: Harry failed to reach a deal with Mundungus Fletcher after all.

Hermione was dissatisfied with Mr. Mundungus, the thief who was always trying to trick them, and she would rather take the risk of dealing with Snape.

The failure of the transaction can only be regarded as following the trend of history. Sometimes the world is so wonderful, but it suffers for Harry and Ron. Making trouble in Potions class requires taking great risks.

It is said that Mr. Mundungus, the thief, got into some trouble a few days before the transaction. He broke into the empty door to steal something, and was resented as a result. Even if there is no evidence, it doesn't matter. For those old wizards with galleons and connections, it is too easy to take revenge on thieves who wander in the gray area.

As a result, Mundungus was targeted by employees of the Ministry of Magic. The other party detained Mundungus' suitcase on the grounds of operating without a license, and naturally all the goods in it were destroyed.

Next, the process of gathering evidence is simple.

For the reason of missing some prohibited items, the Ministry of Magic employees fined Mundungus a large sum of Galleons and prepared to send him to Azkaban Prison for a few days.

Naturally, Mundungus Fletcher was not willing to be surrendered. He originally wanted to use a confusion spell on the Ministry of Magic employee when he was not paying attention. He wanted to use this to fool him, but the spell actually bounced back.

As a result, the Mr. Thief was charged with assaulting a Ministry of Magic employee, and was fined two hundred Galleons, plus half a year in Azkaban.

It's really gratifying.

Mundungus Fletcher's deal with Hermione (Harry) fell through, and it even landed him on page two of the Daily Prophet.

I wonder how Mundungus would feel if he knew that he had fallen on Albert's amulet.

However, he also used his Galleons to make Albert's amulet famous. Because of this incident, wizards from the Ministry of Magic wanted to purchase similar amulets to resist some unexpected sneak attacks.

Mr. Toller made a lot of money from this, and he also planned to continue to purchase goods from Albert. He even had the desire to establish long-term cooperation with the Ministry of Magic, but unfortunately he failed to achieve his wish in the end.

The field of Defense Against Dark Arts is a cash cow that Albert left for himself. How could he be so generous as to share it with others?

Even if we want to achieve a win-win situation, we have to eat the meat while others eat the soup.

At first, it was okay to be exploited by Kenneth Toller. The other party was able to sell the amulet at a high price through his connections. That was someone else's skill, and he wouldn't care.

The effects of most amulets don't last very long.

At the latest one year, the amulet will be completely ineffective and will not have any impact on Albert's future plans to sell amulets. The amulets will continue to be upgraded and improved.

"You have no idea that no one working in the Ministry of Magic can recite a decent Iron Armor Charm. Although the Aurors have been trained and are much better at this, they cannot guard against sneak attacks anytime and anywhere." Kenneth Toller was salivating as he excitedly introduced the prospect of the amulet to Albert.

In their opinion, it is simply a cash cow!

Of course, they need the amulet that Albert made himself, and the Ministry of Magic also knows that it is reliable.

Kenneth Toler was quite sincere and was willing to give half of the profits to Albert.

"I'm sorry, although the business you mentioned is indeed tempting, but...making those amulets is a waste of time, and, you know, I have been very busy in school and have no extra time to waste on these things. "

Albert yawned lazily and declined politely.

It was naturally impossible for Kenneth Toler to continue to earn Galleons through him.

After all, Albert is planning to open a defense against the dark arts store and is not in any hurry to make money. After Voldemort returns, as long as he controls it properly and the Second Wizarding War is over, Albert will be confident that the Ministry of Magic can Aurors come to him to make purchases. Are you afraid that you won't be able to make money by then?

Of course, when Albert generously said that he could sell technology, Kenneth Toler immediately shut up.

If there is no matching skill, the thing produced will be completely different. After all, Kenneth had already suffered a loss once, and the Buffy Awakening Potion had shown his face.

Kenneth Toller dryly rejected this "good intention" and had no reason to complain about Albert anymore.

This was completely within Albert's expectation. Some things looked simple, but without some basic foundation, it really wasn't the same thing.

Although the business has collapsed, the Hogwarts business is still going on, and students will still come to him to buy cheap amulets.

Until one day, Albert learned from Fred and George that Kenneth had been beaten.

In George's words: Kenneth sold fake goods, but was discovered by others.

After the two parties ended their cooperation, Kenneth got a batch of identical amulets from somewhere and sold them to other Muggle wizards, but they were found to be fakes.

An amulet cost two galleons. Naturally, the other party couldn't swallow this. He contacted several students who also bought fake goods, dragged Kenneth into the toilet and beat him up, and asked him to return the goods.

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