Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 590 Duel Club


"Won't you go to Hogsmeade with us again?"

"Sure enough, since I got a girlfriend, she has completely abandoned us."

"What a guy who forgets his friends when he sees sex."

Fred, George and Lee Jordan each said something to each other, laughing and teasing Albert, who was playing with his cloak in front of the full-length mirror.

"Shut up!"

Albert turned back and glared at the three people who were teasing him, changed the subject and asked: "When will you give me my Christmas gift?"

"What a cunning guy." George muttered and motioned for Fred to give the thing to Albert.

The latter immediately took out a box of exquisitely wrapped gift boxes from his drawer and threw it to Albert, "George and I have prepared a surprise for you."

"You don't mind if I open the package now?"

Before Fred and George could reply, Albert had already opened the gift box, and there were two strange custard biscuits inside, which were a bit shabby.

"How long have you kept it? Is this still edible?" Albert took off the wrapping paper, smelled the smell of the custard biscuits, and asked pretending to be disgusted.

"Don't worry, we have been using the freezing spell to preserve it, and it will definitely still be edible." Fred almost patted his chest to assure him, "It will definitely bring you unexpected surprises."

Albert looked at the Weasley twins suspiciously. The two guys immediately narrowed their eyes as if they wanted to see him make a fool of himself by eating quiche cookies.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, this thing is a joke prop invented by you."

Albert, who was about to put the custard cookie into his mouth, was suddenly put back into the box.

The two of them turned their heads in a sneer, obviously a little embarrassed by being exposed.

"What effect?"

The twins turned around and whistled, pretending they didn't hear.

"Who can give me a demonstration?" Albert asked, shaking the custard biscuit in his hand.


Fred and George both raised their fingers and pointed at Lee Jordan and said in unison.

"You two bastards."

The corners of Lee Jordan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he didn't want to pay attention to the Weasley twins anymore. He took out a small gift box from his cabinet and handed it to Albert.

"A Christmas gift for me?"

Albert reached out and took the exquisite little gift box. After opening it, he found several brand new wizard cards inside. These cards should be Lee Jordan's latest products.

Albert took a closer look at the content above and felt that it was pretty good.

"I want to create a deck related to the secret room." As soon as Lee Jordan finished speaking, he couldn't help shouting, "Asshole, what are you trying to do, stop it."

When Albert was reading the effects and introduction on the wizard card, he heard the sound of fighting nearby. He turned his head and saw Lee Jordan being forced into his mouth by Fred and George.

The next moment, Lee Jordan turned into an ugly canary covered in feathers.

"Transfiguration cookies?"

Albert grabbed Lee Jordan's arm with interest and looked at the feathers on it.

"We prefer to call it canary biscuits." Fred and George said in unison. As they spoke, the feathers on Lee Jordan's body had completely fallen off and returned to their original appearance.

"The smell is a bit weird, you need to find a way to cover it up."

Albert picked up a piece of canary biscuit and took a bite, savoring the taste of this biscuit. It was still a little different from ordinary custard biscuits.

After he swallowed the cookie, he soon transformed into a big canary, or a weirdo covered in feathers.

Albert tried to pull the feathers off his body, but found that he actually felt pain, as if the feathers were growing on his body.

"What did you add to it?" Albert asked curiously after the feathers fell off.

"A potion found in the library." Fred blinked and explained: "A transformation potion."

"What do you think," George asked nervously, "will it be popular with everyone?"

"Everyone should like this prank product." Albert took out his wand and waved it lightly, and all the feathers that fell to the ground disappeared. "However, canary biscuits are still easy to detect, and they taste different from ordinary custard biscuits."

"If I'm free another day, I'll take a look at it for you. I've been very busy recently." Albert said and walked downstairs.

"Too busy dating," George muttered.

"If you are envious, go find a girlfriend quickly. Be careful, all the pretty girls are being asked out." Albert joked.

The three of them couldn't help but roll their eyes. This guy really didn't feel pain in his back when he stood and talked.

"What's going on over there?"

Albert, Fred, George and Lee Jordan walked through the hall and saw a large group of people gathered around the bulletin board, reading a piece of parchment that had just been stapled to Filch.

"Let's go over and have a look." Li Jordan immediately ran over to join in the fun.

The surrounding students were loudly discussing the dueling club that the school planned to open.

"It always feels a little weird," George muttered. "I wonder who will teach us."

"Shall we go? It feels useless." Fred lowered his voice, "I don't think there are many students in the school who will be our opponents."

Fred was not boasting. After being trained by Albert last time, they were far better than other students in dueling.

"I heard that Professor Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young. Maybe he will teach us." Lee Jordan came over to share information with them.

"You're overthinking it," Albert said after walking through the crowd into the hall, "This style is probably Lockhart's trick."


Fred and George couldn't help but scream. They felt that Albert was right about this matter again. If it was really Lockhart, the so-called dueling club would probably turn into a farce. .

"Then at eight o'clock tonight, are we still going?"

Everyone knew who Lockhart was, and they were no longer interested in the so-called dueling club.

"Go, why don't you go." Albert looked weird, "Maybe, we can still watch a good show."

"I really don't know why Professor Dumbledore allowed Lockhart to act like this." Lee Jordan said in a low voice while looking at the students in the hall who were discussing the Duel Club.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lee Jordan was asked by Lockhart to play various monsters many times, which made him have bad feelings about Lockhart.

"Maybe I want to relieve the tension in the castle." Albert put a few slices of bacon on his sandwich, took a big bite, and said vaguely.

"Don't you think that's funny?" Fred and George said, laughing.

"Interesting?" Li Jordan looked around the hall. He found that many students in the hall had seen the notice and were very interested in the so-called duel club.

"It never hurts to learn something," George said with a smile.

"Then I hope to have the opportunity to receive personal guidance from Professor Lockhart." Lee Jordan suddenly laughed maliciously.

"Come on." Fred rolled his eyes, how could he not guess Lee Jordan's little thoughts, "I think Lockhart will probably find Albert."

"No, he will look for Potter. Haven't you noticed that Lockhart actually likes Potter?" Albert said meaningfully.

"You care about Harry, why?" the three of them asked in unison.

"Potter is very famous!" Albert said mysteriously, "And Professor Lockhart likes to be in the spotlight. He probably wants to use Harry to become famous."

"No way!" George asked in confusion, "Aren't you also famous?"

"You're stupid, Lockhart doesn't dare." Lee Jordan reminded angrily, "Don't forget, Professor Quirrell wanted to turn around immediately when he saw Albert last year. With someone like Lockhart, If he dares to find Albert, he will probably be tortured by questions and doubt his life in a few days."

George joked seriously: "It seems that Professor Lockhart is smarter than Professor Quirrell!"

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