Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 644 Bad intentions and cleverness

The news that the heir of Slytherin had been captured quickly spread throughout the castle, and the remaining students left the common rooms of their respective houses and hurried to the Great Hall to attend the celebration banquet.

When Albert and Hermione arrived at the auditorium, they met Filch holding a cat at the door of the hall. The administrator actually gave Albert a scary smile.

"I think Filch wants to thank you."

When Hermione walked into the auditorium, she secretly glanced back at Filch and whispered to Albert, "If it weren't for the powerful recovery potion you provided, we might have to stay in the hospital bed for more than a month."

Speaking of this matter, Hermione was a little scared, because it meant that when she woke up, she would have to face the final exam. Taking the exam without preparation would be a disaster.

The auditorium was very lively, and a group of people were surrounding Harry, asking all kinds of questions about what happened in the Chamber of Secrets.

Fortunately, Fred and George warned Harry in advance so that he did not reveal the matter.


Ron, who was standing outside the crowd, saw Hermione entering the hall with Albert and walked over quickly.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan waved to Albert.

However, Albert ignored the three of them for the time being, walked towards the long table of Ravenclaw, walked up to Isobel, stretched out his hand to take off the gold-rimmed glasses on her face, "There is no need for this now. It’s a toy.”

Although Isobel is more intellectually beautiful with glasses, Albert still likes her appearance without glasses.

"Is the matter resolved?" Isobel noticed the change in Albert's mentality at a glance.

"It has been solved. He is indeed the savior." Albert looked at Harry who was surrounded by the crowd and sighed softly.

"Our great detective, stop hiding. Now everyone knows that you found out the heir of Slytherin and found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." Katrina's voice was loud, causing many girls to surround Harry. They all rushed this way, completely surrounding Albert, chattering and asking questions.

Isobel looked at her boyfriend surrounded by girls and looked at her sister reproachfully.

"That guy obviously has a girlfriend, but he still goes around messing with other girls!" Katrina just saw Albert walking into the hall talking and laughing with a girl.

As for why he came late, there is no need to ask, he is probably going to be the prince who wakes up the princess.

Although Hermione Granger is not necessarily a princess, Albert is regarded as the Prince Charming in the eyes of many girls at Hogwarts.

"You're not angry at all?" Katrina felt incredible.

"not angry."

Isobel put away her gold-rimmed glasses, looked at her sister, and asked, "Why are you angry? Just because you said a few more words to other girls?"

Katrina looked at her sister with shocked eyes and asked in disbelief: "Is it possible that you two have broken up?"

"How can it be!"

Isobel looked at Albert who was surrounded by the crowd, and couldn't help but feel relieved. She probably guessed what Albert had done.

To be honest, Isobel didn't like Albert taking risks.

At this moment, even with her knees, Katrina could easily guess what the two of them were hiding from her. There must be something going on between them that she didn't know about.

"Could you two..."

Katrina remembered that Isobel went to Sicily with Albert during the winter vacation. She obviously got along well with Albert's family, and her mother also liked Albert very much.

"No way!"

"Albert won't graduate from school for three years." Isobel knew what was going on in Katrina's head at a glance, and reminded her rather speechlessly.

"Why don't you wear a ring?"

Katrina had expected this day, but she couldn't help but feel jealous. If it was that guy, it wouldn't be a strange thing to do.

As for saying there was no ring, Katrina didn't believe it at all, otherwise how could Isobel have this attitude.

The appearance of Dumbledore freed Albert from the crowd.

The banquet began, and the plates were piled with food as usual, even more sumptuous than the back-to-school banquet. The house elves in the kitchen must have tried their best.

Albert even saw a few foreign-style dishes.

"I have good news for everyone." Dumbledore motioned for everyone to keep quiet. "The heir of Slytherin has been captured."

"who is it!"

Instead of becoming quiet, the auditorium became noisy. People were eager to know who the culprit was.

"It's still the same person as last time." Dumbledore said with a smile, "However, Voldemort moved through another person this time, relying on the diary he left behind."

When Dumbledore mentioned Voldemort, the students in the auditorium couldn't help but tremble, their faces full of shock and uneasiness.

"Now that the attack is completely over, the school will return to its previous calm." Dumbledore raised his hand and made a quiet gesture, "However, I have something regrettable to tell you. Professor Lockhart has discovered the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets. Secret has been cast by Voldemort with a strong forgetting spell and is no longer qualified for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, so the remaining Defense Against the Dark Arts courses and exams this semester will be temporarily cancelled."

Halfway through the banquet, someone interrupted me.

Lucius Malfoy appeared at the entrance of the Great Hall angrily and staged a famous slap in the face for everyone. When he left, his face was distorted with anger.

"Harry, do you know how a house-elf can be freed?"

Albert looked at the old Malfoy who left angrily, winked at Harry and said, "Master just needs to throw some clothes to the house elves, and they can regain their freedom. If you want to help that poor house elf, Elf, this is a good idea!”

"But what should I do?"

Harry pressed, wanting to help Dobby get rid of the Malfoys.

"Why don't you ask the smart Miss Granger?" Albert forked a piece of steak into his mouth, "I believe she will help you find a way."

"We will also help you find a way."

Ron said with a mouth full of food and a slurred speech.

"We will also help you find a way." Fred and George immediately agreed, waving knives and forks between the food.

It would be great if the Malfoy family could lose their house elf. They have not forgotten that the suffering Ginny suffered was all caused by the old Malfoy.

No matter what happens, this matter cannot be left alone.

Some people are happy, some are sad, and some are happy and sad at the same time.

In the Office of the Minister of Magic, Fudge was happy and annoyed after receiving a letter from Dumbledore. Dumbledore told him in the letter that he had successfully uncovered the heir of Slytherin and rescued Miss Weasley who was kidnapped by a monster into the Chamber of Secrets. The attack was over, and the real murderer was not Rubeus Hagrid.

Fudge actually didn't care about the life or death of that stupid guy, but he had not forgotten that if Hagrid was proven innocent, the Ministry of Magic would need to publish a newspaper to mention Hagrid's reputation and make Fudge admit his mistakes. It would be even more disgusting than feeding him flies. .

Although Fudge wanted to pretend he had forgotten about it, Dumbledore reminded him of it again at the end of the letter.

"He must have done it on purpose." Fudge threw away the letter angrily, called his assistant, and asked him to find a remote corner of the Daily Prophet where no one would notice and publish the matter.

Anyway, as long as the Daily Prophet reports it, he is not breaking his promise. As for whether anyone notices it, it is none of his business.

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