Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 731 Smart me

"It's so ridiculous!"

Harry's eyes were fixed on the "Daily Prophet" that Hermione had just brought, and the fingers holding the newspaper were trembling slightly.

The front page of this newspaper read: Dementors forced their way into Hogwarts School, and Harry Potter was seriously injured and died?

As soon as he woke up in the morning, Harry found that he was "dead".

That’s all.

He also received a bunch of letters. Some asked him if he was dead, some were concerned about his injuries, some wished him a speedy recovery, and some suggested that he should stop playing Quidditch.

The reason why Harry had the nerve to have someone send him a letter was actually to confirm whether he was still alive.

After all, owls can't deliver letters to the dead.

One of them was written by Mrs. Weasley, who was obviously worried about Harry's physical condition after reading the newspaper.

"Mum thought you were seriously injured after falling off the broomstick." Ron said helplessly, "I asked Ginny to write a letter to tell her family about this."

Harry couldn't help but glance at the card under the plate. Just now, Ginny Weasley gave him a homemade get well card with a blushing face.

If this card is not closed and pressed, it will scream loudly.

"This is weird."

"What's weird?" Harry and Ron both turned to look at Hermione, curious about what secret the other party had discovered.

"The photo in the Prophet's newspaper, didn't you realize that the photo was taken in school?" Hermione raised her finger and pointed to the photo of Harry being carried away. It was precisely because of this photo that many people thought that Harry Potter actually fell off his broomstick and died. After receiving the newspaper in the morning, there was even a commotion in the Great Hall. In the end, Professor McGonagall came out and announced that Harry was fine.

"A reporter from the Daily Prophet was at the scene?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Ever since Sirius Black escaped from prison, Hogwarts has no longer allowed others to come to school to watch Quidditch matches." Hermione clearly pointed out the suspicious nature of this incident. "The other party obviously couldn't have been in school at the time. There was no chance of taking this photo."

"It could also be photos taken by students in the school," Ron reminded. "Don't forget, Colin Creevey often takes photos around with a camera, or maybe..."

"It shouldn't be possible." Hermione shook her head and interrupted, "I prefer to believe that some students packaged the photos and news and sold them to the Daily Prophet."

"Can you make money like this?" Ron couldn't help but widen his eyes, feeling that he had become more knowledgeable again.

"Yes, selling information to reporters or newspapers is not uncommon in the Muggle world." Hermione didn't know about those things, but she knew it happened.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Ron muttered quietly.

"What did you just say?" Hermione asked confused.


Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the school hospital, and Hermione, who was about to say something, shut up.

"Harry, are you okay? We came to see you!"

Fred placed the toilet basket full of candy on the table next to the hospital bed.

"A very unique look." Harry smiled.

The Gryffindors all came to visit Harry, and Wood came too, but he looked lifeless and his voice sounded hollow.

"Don't blame yourself Harry, it's not your fault." Wood said to Harry, and no one blamed Harry at all.

Wood did not blame Harry. The sudden appearance of the Dementors was an irresistible factor, and Harry almost fell to his death.

After seeing the Nimbus 2000 fragments on the table, Wood was silent for a moment and asked Harry to think about what new broom to buy. He also said that he had a copy of "Classified Broomsticks" that he could lend to Harry for reference.

"Don't worry about the broom, Harry. When you recover, you can borrow Albert's broom for training. He has agreed to lend you the broom for the time being." Before George left, he didn't forget to pat Harry. shoulders relieved.

After the players left, Harry turned to look at Hermione and asked, "What did you just want to say?"

"I have looked up relevant information," Hermione said softly, remembering what happened yesterday: "The Patronus Charm is the only way to resist Dementors."

"That spell is too hard."

It was not that Harry had never practiced the Patronus Charm, but no matter how hard he trained, he could only produce a stream of silver gas without any sign of progress, so he gave up temporarily. After all, third grade students have a heavy workload. In addition to Quidditch training, there are a lot of things that need to be done every week.

Fred and George also practiced for a long time, but could not form a real Patronus.

Ron actually tried the Patronus Charm, but the silver gas emitted by the wand was thinner than Harry's, so he had no hope of mastering the Patronus Charm in a short time.

"Harry, you should be more confident in yourself. Confidence is an important part of successful spelling." Hermione encouraged: "If you really want to master the Patronus Charm, you can only find help from someone who knows how to summon the real Patronus."

"Harry, you can ask Professor Lupin for help. He is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. There must be a way for you to master the Patronus Charm faster." Ron suggested.

"I think you can go talk to Albert. That guy seems to know a lot." Hermione suggested.

"Are you starting to admire Albert again now?" Ron raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's not admiration, I just think what he said makes sense." Hermione said, "He knows a lot of things and is very smart. Before the Dementors appeared, Albert guessed that the Dementors would appear. After Harry fell, he told me Harry just fainted and would be okay."

"I always feel like we don't learn the same kind of divination as him." Ron muttered softly. He had always envied Albert's divination ability.

"That's because you don't have the talent for divination." Ever since Hermione learned that learning divination requires talent, she has been considering whether to give up the course directly.

She probably doesn't have this talent.

Well, most students don't have divination talent.

"Aren't you the same?" Luo N said.

“So, I’m thinking about dropping the class.”

"You're going to give up on divination class."

Ron's voice was filled with barely concealed surprise, and it felt incredible to hear such words from Hermione's mouth.

"After all, we can't really learn anything useful from this class other than divination knowledge."

This was actually the main reason why Hermione wanted to give up the Divination class. It was a waste of time and she couldn't learn anything useful, so she might as well invest her limited time in other classes.

If Hermione hadn't wanted to get 12 excellent grades, she might have given up the Divination class long ago.

Ron was silent. He and Harry were taking divination classes just to have a better time.

"Why do they come to the playing field?" Harry asked painfully as he looked at the remains of the broom.

"What?" Ron didn't come back to his senses for a moment.

"They're hungry." Hermione recalled what Albert had said. "The lively Quidditch pitch is a feast for the dementors, so they're here."

"Tell me, could the photo in the newspaper be taken by Albert?"

"Impossible, I was right next to Albert when Harry first fell." Hermione directly rejected this possibility.

At this time, someone came to visit Harry again. The person coming was Hagrid, holding a bouquet of centipede flowers in his hand.

"Harry, are you okay!"

"You can be discharged from hospital tomorrow." Harry forced a smile towards Hagrid.

"That's good, there was a big fuss in the newspapers, and everyone thought you were seriously injured." Hagrid took the vase handed over by Hermione, inserted the centipede flowers into it, and placed it on the table next to Harry.

"That's just a rumor."

"Don't be sad. Losing the Quidditch match doesn't mean anything. As long as you're fine." Hagrid patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Go to my place for tea when you have time. Are you fragile?" No, but Dementors have a particularly great influence on those with bad memories, and they are particularly keen on sucking out the happy emotions of those people, which is delicious food for them."

"Hagrid, have you done any research on dementors?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I don't really understand." Hagrid was a little embarrassed. He couldn't say that these were actually things Albert told him!

"If you want to ask about Dementors, I suggest you go to Professor Lupin. He is the expert in this field." Hagrid was very satisfied with his quick wit.

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