Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 745 News

Although Wood believed that Harry's possession of the Firebolt should be kept a closely guarded secret, making it the team's secret weapon, it was well known that Gryffindor House had no secrets.

The next morning, the news that Harry Potter owned the Firebolt was leaked.

The news was like a plague, sweeping through the entire castle in the blink of an eye.

Some people thought it was fake news, but there were too many students who witnessed Professor McGonagall sending the Firebolt to Gryffindor. The news was quickly confirmed by a bunch of people, and they didn't even know who it was. I secretly took a few photos of the Firebolt, which directly swollen the faces of the Slytherin students who were unwilling to admit this cruel fact.

When Albert walked into the hall to have breakfast, he heard many people talking excitedly about it, and he almost asked Harry Potter to put the Firebolt on the long table for everyone to see.

In fact, there are many Gryffindor students who think Harry should do this, and Firebolt is fully qualified to receive such an honor.

"I told him it couldn't be kept secret, but Wood still didn't believe it."

Fred, George and Lee Jordan all looked exactly like that.

There are too many people who like to show off. They want everyone to know about this, and by the way, they can use it to combat the arrogance of Slytherin House. How could they be willing to help keep it secret?

Gryffindor's slap was quite effective, and it stunned Slytherin House.

At this moment, the Slytherin team gathered together and whispered, and Draco Malfoy felt as if he had been struck by lightning, with an expression of disbelief.

Compared with Slytherin House, the Hufflepuff team is much more generous. After Cedric Diggory learned from Albert that Harry Potter had indeed received a Firebolt, he went over to congratulate Harry on his success. He is really a very gentlemanly guy when he gets such a good broom to replace the nimbus.

As for Roger Davis, the current Quidditch captain of Ravenclaw, he exchanged information about the Slytherin team with him on the pretext of congratulating Wood, which soon provided the basis for the relationship between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin teams. Preparing for the game.

Several houses have a consensus, try not to let the Slytherin team win the Quidditch match.

There is no other way. Slytherin House always likes to use some not-so-glorious methods to win, which arouses everyone's resentment, so it is jointly targeted by the three houses.

One week after the semester started, the Quidditch match between the Ravenclaw team and the Slytherin team began. As expected, the Slytherin team won the final victory, but the scores were very close.

In the end, it was Qiu Zhang, the Seeker of the Ravenclaw team, who caught the Golden Snitch.

According to the original plan, the Slytherin team planned to open up the score at once, so that even if the Gryffindor team got the Firebolt, there would be no chance to turn defeat into victory.

However, the Slytherin team made a mistake, and Malfoy ultimately failed to catch the Golden Snitch, causing their plan to nip the danger in the bud to fail.

This is undoubtedly the best result for the Gryffindor team. As long as the Gryffindor team defeats the Ravenclaw team next time, their total score will be ranked second, which means that they can defeat the Ravenclaw team again. The Letling team has a chance to come back and win this year's Quidditch championship.

However, none of this has anything to do with Albert.

He spent most of his time recently reviewing and studying. Isobel obviously didn't want to mess up his last exam, so he took Albert to review together.

In her words, the ordinary wizard level exam is not difficult for Albert, so come and help her review for the ultimate wizard exam. Anyway, Albert can come in handy in the future.

Isobel is indeed a genius, but she does not have the assistance of a panel like Albert. If she wants to get excellent results in the exam, she will naturally need to put in some effort.

Although Albert never worried that Isobel would mess up the exam, he was still happy to review with her.

Sometimes it is more comfortable to concentrate on something than to study a bunch of messy things all day long. Albert also found that the fields he covered were too wide. If it were not for the assistance of the panel, he would probably be worse than Hermione now. Be tired.

"Mr. Anderson, your letter." A witch lowered her head, handed a letter to Albert, and then trotted away to join her two female companions, whispering something unknown. What.

Albert took the letter, glanced at the sender, and found that it was Hagrid.

He opened the envelope and took out the letter paper. There were two letters inside, one of which was a formal letter with an official look:

Dear Mr. Haigh:

We have further investigated the Hippogriff attack on a student in your class and have accepted Professor Dumbledore's assurance that you are not responsible for this regrettable incident.

However, we must express our concern about this problematic hippogriff. We have decided to uphold Mr. Lucius Malfoy's formal complaint and the matter will therefore be referred to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. There will be a hearing at the Commission's London offices on April 20th, and we will ask you and your Hippogriff to attend on that date. During this period, the hippogriff should be tethered and isolated.

At the bottom was a long list of school board members. Albert looked carefully and found that these so-called school directors actually had an old friend he knew: Florin Fusco.

The ice cream guy in Diagon Alley.

Of course, Florin Fusco is not short of money, and opening a store should be just a hobby.

As far as Albert knew, the old man knew a lot of information about ancient magic and had a pile of ancient magic documents at home. At Christmas, the other party sent Albert a rubbing of the contract spell.

Albert opened another letter, this time in Hagrid's handwriting.

Dear Albert:

I'm sorry to bother you. I know you're busy and I shouldn't have bothered you, but I still have to tell you that you got everything right about the Hippogriff.

"Although Hermione said that she would try her best to help me collect some defense statements that would help Buckbeak, I really don't want to trouble Hermione. Besides, I think you are right. It is really hard to win this lawsuit. It’s too difficult, I can hardly see any hope, now I can only ask you about Buckbeak.”

Note: I know you and Hermione are good friends. Maybe you can provide her with some advice and help. She is too busy and bit off more than she can chew.

"Maybe, you should shut up, so that there won't be so many troubles." Isobel also glanced at the content on the letter, and held Albert's face with a smile.

"It's not that those bad things happened because I said it, but I just said the bad things that will happen in the future." Albert shook his head helplessly. "Predicting disasters is always disliked by people. People will only think that it is the incarnation of disaster. There is a saying, ignorance is bliss."

"That must be a word you made up." Isobel motioned to Albert to look to the other side, where Diggory and Qiu Zhang were walking towards this side while talking and laughing.

"It seems that Digory is very talented in chasing girls." Albert said softly, looking at the backs of the two of them, "I thought he would have the opportunity to ask him to go to Hogsmeade together in the next semester. "

"The two of them haven't actually started dating yet. They will start dating next semester at the latest." Isobel couldn't help but sigh, "However, what you said is true. You should talk less."

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