Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 752 Party

Throughout the afternoon, the Gryffindor students seemed extremely excited, as if the team they had just defeated was not the Ravenclaw team, but the champion of this year's Quidditch House Cup.

After returning to the common room, Lee Jordan mysteriously revealed the news he had overheard to everyone.

The Slytherins who tried to plot against Harry were punished and needed to be detained at Filch's place.

It is said that Draco Malfoy has to go to the school hospital tomorrow to clean the chamber pot.

This good news undoubtedly made Harry and Ron's good mood even happier.

I don't know who, taking this opportunity, cast a spell on the "Daily Prophet" some time ago, causing the newspaper to read Rita Skeeter's article aloud, and once again educate everyone about the dementors. The terrifying monster also pokes fun at the ignorance and retardation of the group of Slytherin students who tried to frame Harry.

Dressing up as a dementor to scare people?

Everyone was almost amused by the behavior of those Slytherin students.

A burst of joyful laughter suddenly erupted throughout the common room.

Wood walked through the crowd and walked quickly towards Albert by the fireplace. He looked up and looked around, as if he was looking for something, "Do you know where Fred and George went?"

Before Albert could answer, Wood continued to ramble: "Those two guys said they could help get snacks and drinks needed for the party, and they took the coins I raised and ran off somewhere."

"Don't worry Wood, I think Fred and George will definitely not run away with the money." Albert comforted softly, "You should have confidence in them."

"I'm just worried that they won't be able to get snacks and drinks." Wood was a little depressed. After all, he had already collected the money for the party. If he couldn't get snacks and drinks, it would be difficult for him to explain to everyone.

"Don't worry, Fred and George will definitely be able to get the snacks and drinks we need." Lee Jordan put his arm around Wood's shoulders and said, "We should go to the kitchen to see if we can get some from the kitchen." There’s not enough food for everyone to eat just those snacks. By the way, where’s the Albert man? I saw him here just now.”

"I don't know!" Wood thought Lee Jordan's idea was a good one, at least much more reliable than Fred and George's proposal.

"We'd better take Albert with us. That guy is very familiar with the house elf in the kitchen." Lee Jordan looked around, trying to find Albert in the crowd. Before he could find Albert, he Was pulled away by Wood.

When the two came out of the kitchen, they had a lot of food in their hands, but Lee Jordan didn't seem to be satisfied with it, and muttered: "I just said that Albert should be called."

"Didn't we already get a bunch of food?" Wood was puzzled as to why Lee Jordan wanted to come with Albert.

Is it because three people can take more food?

Lee Jordan didn't explain much. The treatment when Albert went to the kitchen was really different from theirs.

The house elves would even be happy to help Albert cook delicious snacks on the spot instead of a pile of cold meat pies and biscuits.

Fred and George finally reappeared in the common room after missing for several hours. What made Wood most angry was that they brought nothing back. "Where are the snacks and drinks? Don't tell me, you don't have anything." Didn’t get it.”

"Don't be excited Wood, we have bought all the snacks and drinks for the party, they are all in here!"

As he spoke, Fred took out a bag and kept digging out things, including several barrels of butterbeer, bottles of Fizzing Pumpkin Juice, and several large bags of Honeydukes candy.

"Where did you get these things?" Angelina couldn't help but ask as she took a bottle of Fizzing Pumpkin Juice from Fred.

"We got a little help!" George said mysteriously.

A large number of biscuits, cakes and pies were placed on the neatly arranged tables in the common room. Popular music from the wizarding world was playing in the corner. Fred and George began to throw toad mints to the crowd.

Albert waved his magic wand, conjuring countless wine glasses out of thin air on an empty table, and filled the wine glasses with butterbeer.

Fred and George took out the fireworks they made and set them off above everyone's heads. A lion made of fireworks roared above everyone's heads, and finally squeezed into a large brilliant firework.

"This is Fred and I's new product. It feels pretty good!"

George stood quietly next to Albert and said with a proud face: "We have already thought about making these fireworks in the future and selling them to colleges that want to hold parties."

"You are really good at business!" Albert looked at the fireworks exploding above his head and couldn't help but sigh at the twins' talent in this area.

The party lasted from afternoon to evening, and Albert couldn't understand why everyone was so energetic. After he returned from the Room of Requirement, he found that the party was not over yet.

A crowd of people gathered around Fred and George, who were performing tricks that made people laugh.

However, what surprised Albert was that in this lively party, there was actually someone sitting alone in the corner.

"Proper relaxation is more conducive to learning. There is no need to tighten yourself too much." Albert placed a glass of butterbeer on the table in front of Hermione, "Wouldn't you like a glass?"

"Thank you." Hermione hesitated for a moment, but still lived up to Albert's kindness. She put down the heavy book in her hand, picked up the glass of butterbeer and took a sip.

"The Life and Social Habits of Muggle Families in Britain?" Albert glanced at the book Hermione was reading, frowned and said, "Actually, I don't think you need this stuff."

"It would be fascinating to study them from a wizarding perspective," Hermione said sincerely.

"No, I don't think this is charming. Most wizards don't understand Muggles and are not willing to understand them." Albert said to Hermione: "I know the person who wrote this book, and he admits it himself The Life and Social Customs of Muggle Households in Britain is a little out of date."

"Outdated, how could it be?" Hermione was very surprised.

"The Muggle world is developing faster than you think. This is the advantage of technology." Albert did not dwell on this issue anymore and continued, "Actually, if you are willing, you can also write a book yourself and ask wizards They introduce the Muggle world and their lives, so that wizards can better disguise themselves and integrate into the Muggle world."

"Write your own book?" Hermione was startled by Albert's suggestion.

"No one has more say in the Muggle world than the wizards living in the Muggle world." Albert said, taking a few custard biscuits from over there and putting one into Hermione's hand, " Eat something, it will help adjust your mood. If I were you, I wouldn't read in such a noisy place, and..."

Albert deliberately lowered his voice and said: "If you want to reconcile with them, just calm down and apologize to Ron. I think he won't be angry with you anymore, just like a cat with fried hair, smooth it down." That’s it. It’s actually not difficult, you just need to have the courage to speak first.”

"You think I'm wrong too." Hermione looked up at Albert.

"No, I just want to say that only children can lose their temper like this."

After saying that, Albert turned around and went back to the dormitory to rest. As for when they wanted to hold the party, Albert didn't want to care about it and didn't care.

Hermione looked at Albert's leaving back, took a bite of the custard biscuit in her hand, and returned her gaze to the heavy book, but her mind was thinking about what Albert had just said.

When she was packing her things to go back to the dormitory, Harry came over and asked, "Didn't you go to the game?"

"Of course I have been there." Hermione closed the book and said to Harry: "You did a good job. I always believed that you could catch the Golden Snitch and win the game for us."

"Thank you," Harry said after a pause, pointed to the table with food and asked, "Aren't you going to have something to eat?" "

"No, I've already eaten. Now I have to finish reading this book before Monday. There are still four hundred and twenty-two pages to read." Hermione's voice was a little tired, "Besides, there are also I’m not welcome to participate.”

"If Scabbers is not eaten, he can eat a few of these Fudge flies. He always likes food..." Ron obviously heard Hermione's words and said loudly on purpose.

"Good night Harry."

Hermione's voice was a little choked, she put the big book under her arm, walked quickly to the stairs leading to the girls' dormitory, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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