"The power of wilderness, the way of nature?"

Franny Merganser chewed on the idea proposed by Duke, then shook her head decisively and said: "Is it too natural to take it for granted?"

In her opinion, Duke's idea was a bit whimsical and unrealistic.

What blends into the wilderness, what natural ways are, are all unheard of things, even more absurd than the Oak Man manufacturing plan.

"No." Duke said calmly, "I have thought carefully about it and found supporting evidence from some explorations, but unfortunately I can't bring it back. All in all, I think that the 1st Ring Spirit Planter is far from the limit of Qihai Cultivation ."

"Of course it's not the limit. Contract elves can continue their studies. Level 2 Elf Envoys and Level 3 Great Elf Envoys are the limits."

"No, I don't think so."


"I think the elf envoy's route is wrong... It can't be said to be wrong. It's a fork in the road, it may be a shortcut, or it may be a dead end. In short, the role of the elf should not be considered too much at this stage."

Duke believes that the way of elves may be useful. For example, he himself successfully integrated into the wilderness with the help of the great elf Ogham.

However, humans outside the Whirlwind Forest can master the power of the wilderness through natural methods without resorting to elves. This is obviously a good road - after all, the elves in the Wilderness Continent may be rarer than Yalong.

If elves must be used to realize the power of the wilderness, then this is completely a "path" that is extremely niche.

Frannie Sanduck frowned and said: "Duke, knights use phantom beasts to break their shackles. Logically speaking, spiritual planters should also use elves to break their shackles... but you insist on throwing away elves. This seems to be a bit contrary to common sense. ”

"Because there are too few elves." Duke gave a perfunctory excuse. "The number of elves is far less than that of dragons. Even if a path is opened with the help of elves, it is not the path I expected... the natural path I expected." The way is the way that benefits the entire group of Qihai monks."

Just as the ring of phantom beasts helps the way of knights, it increases the probability of the entire knight group being promoted to knights of phantom beasts.

He wants to use the way of nature to achieve the promotion of the entire group of spiritual plant envoys.

"Your ambition is greater than I imagined."

"It's quite big, Sir Franny. If you are afraid, I have no objection to your withdrawal." Duke smiled lightly.

"To be honest, if it were the way of elves, it would be within my professional scope, and I would follow it without hesitation. But the way of nature has jumped out of the field of spiritual plants and encompasses all things in nature. It is obviously beyond my professional scope. ."

Just when Duke thought Franny Merganser was about to back down.

But she changed the subject and laughed: "But who calls you Duke, the Four-ring Prophet and Sixth Sage? I am willing to follow and do my best."

Duke smiled slightly: "I can only say, Your Excellency Franny Sanduck, your road has been broadened."

Unified ideas.

Duke immediately formulated a new experimental process and handed it over to Franny Sanduck. He began to introduce a large number of 0-ring spirit plant servants, as well as a large number of 1-ring spirit plant envoys, to participate in this project that still used the "Oak Man Manufacturing Plan" ” in the named experiment.

"Dean Franny, you also need to personally participate in the ways of nature and integrate into the wilderness!" Duke said to Franny Sanduck.

"How to integrate into the wilderness?"

"That's it..." Duke said the general information about integrating into the wilderness, and then concluded, "In my opinion, this is the Qi Sea version of the spiritual arcane fog. How do you clear the spiritual arcane fog of the Ling Sea? How can the mist blend into the wilderness of the Qi Sea?"

"Those spirit plant servants and spirit plant envoys also want to blend into the wilderness?"

"Of course it is necessary, but it is just a trial first. Their path may be in another direction. However, all the elf envoys and great elf envoys in the experimental team must try to integrate into the wilderness and possess elves. This should not be difficult."

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements." Franny Sanduck nodded.

Before she met Duke and came into contact with the Oakman manufacturing plan, she had almost no hope for the 8th Ring Huiyue.

But at this moment, Duke brought a glimmer of hope. Even if this glimmer of hope seemed unreliable, she had to hold on tightly. And as a female, she was not afraid of others gossiping about her and saying that she hugged Duke's thigh.

"So what if I hugged the thigh of the greatest sage in ancient and modern times!"

Unlike Alston Lanhe, who can't let go of his body, Franny Merganser doesn't have much of the reserve and pride of the stars.

Besides, everyone thinks Duke can hit the 9th Ring Sun.

If Franny Sanduck can catch this train and successfully hit the 8th Ring of Light, she will only become a good story in the future, which will be enviable.

"Just let that old man Alston laugh at me as much as he wants." Franny Sanduck quickly led the Spiritual Plant Research Institute and began to invest in the new oak man manufacturing plan, recruiting countless people with great momentum. 1 ring spirit envoy and 0 ring spirit plant servant.

Begin a large-scale "integration into the wilderness" experiment.

All of this was seen by Alston Lanhe, the dean of the Elf Research Institute. After figuring out all the information through some indirect tricks, he breathed a sigh of relief.


At the academic salon, Alston Lanhe put on a compassionate image, as if he was sighing for Franny Sanduck: "If we talk about the way of elves before, there is always the way of knights to learn from, but now it turns out that Start a new one and do what is natural!"

He sighed again: "I was originally thinking that if the way of the elves was accomplished, I would kowtow to Duke and Franny twice each. Even though I felt aggrieved, I was willing to do so... Now I am afraid that I will not have the chance to kowtow, but unexpectedly Abandoned the way of the elves!"

If we say that in previous academic salons, the sages and scholars who were optimistic about Duke and those who were not optimistic about Duke were still half and half.

So this time, it seems that most sages and scholars have begun to look down on Duke.

"What Dean Alston said is absolutely true. Although the way of the elves is slim, I believe that with Duke's prophet's ability, it may not be impossible to conquer. But this natural way that blends into the wilderness, with all due respect... it really doesn't make sense. "

A spiritual plant sage sighed in agreement.

A young spiritual plant scholar said unceremoniously: "I was also recruited by the Spirit Plant Research Institute and asked me to understand and integrate into the wilderness. It was said that it was similar to clearing the fog of spiritual arcana. I refused. This That’s ridiculous!”

He continued: "Originally, Prophet Duke always said that when a gust of wind blew by, the fog of spiritual arcana dissipated, which was a pity. Now it seems that it is indeed a pity that he has not experienced the fog of spiritual arcana. Cover it up, Prophet Duke sees the fog too simply!”

His friend also sang along and said: "Yes, the fog of spiritual arcana is the barrier of the real spiritual sea. What kind of waves can there be in the sea of ​​​​spirit, it is just a branch of the sea of ​​spirit. Prophet Duke just copied it and blended it into the wilderness, taking it for granted. "

"But... it seems logical that there is fog in the spiritual sea and wilderness in the air sea?" Some scholars who admired Duke refuted in a low voice.

"It's just a small path in the sea of ​​​​qi. How can it be compared with the sea of ​​​​spirits? If you put it that way, the sea of ​​​​blood can also create something."

"Isn't there blood inheritance of spiritual beasts in the blood sea?"

"Can that be the same?"

"Why is it different?"

"The bloodline of spiritual beasts is not considered a sea of ​​blood. Arcane mages can also inherit the power of the bloodline of spiritual beasts. This is still the inheritance of spiritual arcana."

The academic salon is for academic exchanges. With the continuous disclosure of the oak man manufacturing plan, the way of elves and the way of nature gradually spread in the academic circle.

It spread from the Holy City of Arcane throughout the twelve realms.

Among them, the Ring of Light has played a role in fueling the flames. In the past, the timeliness of academic exchanges was very backward. Maybe a study in the Holy City of Arcane has become popular. In the border areas of the twelve realms, this research is not known to exist.

But now, optical phones, radios, and optical machines can all transmit information at the speed of light in an instant.

Things that are thousands of miles away can be known in an instant.

The Seven Towers Optical Vision Observatory upholds its principles and cautiously reports on studies that have not yet produced results, but the local Observation and Vision Observatory does not care about this.

There is already a local optical viewing platform that invites arcane mages and spiritual envoys to come on stage to debate the ways of elves and nature. They even have a new idea of ​​calculating the audience support rate - inviting the audience to call the optical viewing station's optical channel and vote. Support Duke, or belittle Duke.

Audience support for the TV station varies from place to place.

Generally speaking, the more big-city optical observatories are, the more they disapprove of Duke's natural way. The smaller the city's optical observatories are, the more they support Duke's natural way.

"Education in small places needs to be improved." A certain arcane mage lamented this. "The phenomenon of personality worship is too obvious, and the understanding of spiritual arcana is not comprehensive enough."

His companion said: "Elite talents are gathered in big cities, so they naturally look at problems more comprehensively."

"I'm afraid Prophet Duke will experience setbacks this time."

"Not necessarily."

"How to say?"

"In my opinion, even if the way of nature is to be declared a failure, it will still require at least decades or even hundreds of years of research." The companion looked very understanding, "If I were the prophet Duke, I would have failed. It will take hundreds of years to announce!"

He smiled slightly: "At that time, it was a failure, and who knew."


Of course, such a noisy scene seemed like a storm in the city, but in fact it was just an interlude after dinner. Duke and Franny Sanduck, who were involved, were not affected.

In the study of spiritual arcana, there will naturally be failures if there are successes.

Even a prophet has gone through countless failed studies and accumulated rich experience before he can excel in a certain field and have extremely high attainments.

The reason why the way of elves and the way of nature are so popular is because of Duke’s fame and the bet between Alston Lanhe and Franny Sanduck, which makes this research become more and more popular. It has to attract attention.

In the Offa Tower, it was as quiet as ever.

"I don't care about Alston or Frannie, who kowtows to whom." Selsas expressed dissatisfaction after seeing Duke's senior clone, "Duke, don't forget, you are in charge of Prophets who are knowledgeable in fields should not always cross fields!”

"Don't forget, Alston has to kowtow to me... You and Madelon Rhodiola are in charge of the field of erudition. It doesn't matter if I'm lazy."

"I voted you into the chief sage sequence of Offa Tower just to hand over the field of erudition to you. It would be better for you to use me as a coolie!" Selsus laughed and scolded, "You are a prophet, but you are not doing your job properly. .”

Duke smiled back.

He doesn't think Selsus really wants to delegate power. In his opinion, there is no star who is really willing to give up the power in his hands.

Even Andre Evening Primrose, who is already semi-conscious, is still unwilling to abdicate. Often dragging his head that is sometimes sober and sometimes confused, he presides over meetings of the stars, demonstrates his authority as the Speaker, and suppresses Speaker Gianluca Zambrotta.

In fact, Duke has already experienced this.

When he was in Shenjiao City, this was how Christian Raging Wave behaved. He often says that the future belongs to young people, and as long as there is a suitable successor, he will retire immediately.

As a result, even today, he has not retired and still serves as the chief executive of Shenjiao City Union Tower.

If not.

Erwin, who has already obtained the title of Erudite Sage, will not leave Shenjiao City and travel to the Holy City of Offa - Christian Raging Waves really has the idea of ​​abdicating the throne and handing over the chief executive to Erwin, but Erwin saw his reluctance, so he chose to travel.

As we chatted, we returned to the way of nature.

"Are you really sure you can achieve the natural way?" Selsus asked, "I'm not very optimistic that the natural way can be achieved."

"It will definitely work!" Duke said resolutely, "Not only can it work, maybe the natural way has broader potential than the knight's way... Maybe, in the future of the natural way, an existence can be born that can rival the stars."

Selsus rolled his eyes and snorted: "The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes. I don't want to say that I'm going to knock you down. You can go and follow your natural way. I'll go ahead."

After saying that, he walked away without looking back.

"No one believes the truth." Duke shrugged his shoulders and called out, "Wise Shell, please give me the earliest records of the Qi Sea."

The wise man in the shell shook his body: "Okay, Prophet Duke, the information will be sent to you right away."

During this time, Duke put aside some unimportant prophetic official duties and academic exchanges, and often came to the library to check information.

The information in the Offa Tower is as vast as smoke, and it is the masterpiece of the Offa mages over thousands of years.

It is not only a masterpiece of the Seven Towers Federation, but also copied from eighteen human regimes and obtained from various archaeological excavations. Even if Duke's high-level clone often comes to check the information, he can only copy one percent of it.

"The sea of ​​​​air has existed since ancient times. It is said that when humans crossed the ocean and migrated from the island where the knights originated, farmers followed them. They carried wheat, rice, potatoes, beans and other food crops with them, and quickly cultivated them wherever they wandered. To feed the migrating people.”

Look at the records.

Duke thought in his mind: "In other words, the sea of ​​​​qi appears at about the same time as the sea of ​​blood, and only the sea of ​​​​spirit appears latest."

Unfortunately, after searching through the information, there is no more detailed record of Qi Hai's practice, which is roughly what it is today.

Promote plant growth through breath resonance.

Among the remaining information, the information about Qihai is mostly confused with the information about elves. It seems that only Qihai monks who have contracted with elves are worthy of leaving even a trace of records in history. There are also only a few words about the practice of Qi Hai.

It seems that from ancient times to the present, the practice of Qihai has been as simple as possible, which is to constantly breathe and resonate, and then successfully resonate with the 1st and 2nd Ring Spirit Plants, and be promoted to the 1st Ring Spirit Planter.

Then there was no further progress.

Until the Elf Contract is found, the ceiling of level 1 can be broken.

So he kept climbing until Duke's clone was shattered, but he couldn't find any more information about the Qi Sea. In the Qi Sea of ​​the Wilderness Continent, there was only one way for the Lingzhu Envoy to go.

His consciousness traveled across countless distances of time and space and returned to a grassland outside the whirlwind forest.

Duke's real body was on the grassland, setting up a simple tent, living in waist-high grass, and woke up leisurely.

"It really shouldn't be the case. The spiritual arcana in the Wilderness Continent is so prosperous. Among the arcane mages of the past generations, there are definitely not a few people who have opened the sea of ​​blood. With so many arcane mages delving into the sea of ​​​​qi, it is time to find a new path. "

He shook his head, packed up the tent, stuffed it into the exclusive starry sky, and continued to move towards the Golden Goat Tribe.

From time to time on the road, arcane hands would appear, allowing the arcane hands to collect specimens and record information.

The scenery seems to be similar to that of the Wilderness Continent, but through specimen comparison, it can be found that the genes of these plants are very different from the plant genes of the Wilderness Continent. So far, no plant has been discovered that can successfully trace its origins to the plants of the Wilderness Continent.

"This continent is definitely not a wild continent!"

Duke determined in his heart that just as he concluded that the continent where the Asiba tribe was located was definitely not the Wilderness Continent, the current continent was also not the Wilderness Continent.

"In fact, the Manghuang Continent, the Asiba Tribe, and the Whirlwind Forest not only belong to three different continents, but may also be in three different worlds... But why are the results of the starry sky comparison very similar to the Manghuang Continent? ?”

The three continents have similar constellations that can be seen at night.

"Unless... the three planets corresponding to these three worlds are actually distributed in the same galaxy... But according to existing astrology, the planet of the Wild Continent is the only planet that orbits the sun." Duke frowned .

The planet Manghuang revolves around the sun, and the moon revolves around the planet Manghuang.

This is a simple galaxy with one star, one planet, and one satellite. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that astrology is unreliable. For example, astrologers and astrological sages like Muses may be looking at distant stars and ignoring nearby planets.

"I have to study astrology later and take a good look at how many planets there are that revolve around the sun!"

"Maybe I'm on another planet now!"

Shaking his head, Duke blew a whistle, and Sahuan's little bag whizzed over from a distance and picked him up.

We slept in the open air all the way, crossing grasslands, rivers and swamps.

In another vast forest, Duke finally found traces of local humans, and then signaled Xiao Dou to return to the Sea of ​​Blood for training. With the help of the instantaneous 1st level arcane spell - Illusion, he became invisible and lurked next to the local humans whose traces he found.

"If Xiaoyi hadn't improved his breathing method in time, he wouldn't have been able to tell that this grizzly bear was transformed by a human."

He followed a lumbering black bear.

The original breathing method can only resonate with plant breathing and has limited functions. After Xiaoyi's improvement, the breathing method has echoed the power of the wilderness, and the range and content that can be sensed have been greatly improved, which can be said to be every detail.

Therefore, I discovered the difference between this black bear. It has strong wilderness power, but it is not as pure as the wilderness elf.

at this time.

This human-turned-black bear is hunting a black leopard.

"The leopard is about a second-level spirit beast, and the black bear...is about a second-level Owad." Duke looked at Xiaoyi's prompts and continued to follow invisibly.

next moment.

The grizzly bear and the black panther were already fighting together, and the auras of the two were roughly equal, so the black panther not only did not escape, but showed great power and attacked the grizzly bear crazily.

The clumsy grizzly bear seems to be no match for the black panther, and it fights and flees.

When the black panther relaxed, it suddenly grabbed this flaw, stood upright, raised its front paws, and turned into a bear paw larger than a car, hitting the black panther directly in the wilderness. The force flowed, and the black panther was shot into the ground on the spot.

The grizzly bear did not feel proud because of the successful move, but raised another bear paw, which also turned into the size of a car.


Shoot hard.

The black panther and the earth were photographed together until they sank more than ten centimeters.

Seeing that the black panther's body had flattened, the grizzly bear breathed a sigh of relief. The next second, the bear's skin split open, and a man came out of it.

The bear skin turned into an apron and was wrapped around his waist.

"Trasca!" the man cheered, and quickly lifted the panther up from the ground, and quickly checked to make sure that the leopard's skin was intact. He cheered even louder, "Trasca, skin pulleys." Wei, Youyou Xili!"

Then he began to skin the black leopard, carefully peeling off the entire skin from head to tail without damaging any of it.

After doing this, he put the leopard skin on his body and turned around to leave.

Duke followed him invisibly until he saw him walking deep into the forest. It was a waterfall under a cliff, and there was a primitive tribe on the edge of the waterfall.

Thatched huts were built disorderly along the gentle slope.

Then the tribe was very lively, with women wrapped in animal skins chatting while working, and children wearing animal skeleton helmets playing with each other.

Of course, there are black bears, grizzly bears, brown bears, and black panthers, leopards, and big cats fighting with each other in the tribe.

Through the Dou Qi holographic screen, Duke clearly realized that these bears and leopards were transformed by humans.


There are also some wolves and birds in the tribe, which are also transformed by humans, but the number is significantly less than that of bears and leopards.

"Is this the Golden Goat Tribe?" Duke frowned, "It doesn't seem like it. Cuicui said that most of the Golden Goat Tribe are bird virtues, that is, Owade in the form of birds. Although this tribe also has bird virtues, But there is too little virtue, right?"

After counting, there were only five bird virtues in total.

Looking at the breath, about three bird virtues have level 2, and the remaining two bird virtues only have level 1, which is very good.

Among the entire tribe, there are only eleven people with relatively strong auras, and the strongest among them is about the 6th ring level. In other words, this primitive tribe only has the highest Bard of level 6, and there are no druids of level 7 or above.

Despite the lack of druids, Duke remained cautious.

"Find a bird virtue and ask first." He observed a female bird virtue who seemed to be on guard duty and was at the outermost edge of the tribe.

Then he quietly leaned over and used the power of the wilderness to directly control the trees next to him, quickly restraining the female bird, and her mouth was instantly blocked.

"Woo..." Bird struggled, but the bird's beak couldn't open, and its wings were tied tightly.

"Hush!" Duke appeared, quickly left the primitive tribe with the bird virtue, and said in bird language, "I mean no harm, I am a passing druid."


"Promise me not to scream, and I'll let go of your mouth."


"Quiet!" Duke used the power of the wilderness to slap the bird in the face. Not to mention, after the slap, the bird immediately became quiet.

Looking at Duke blankly.

Until Duke repeated: "Do you understand the birdsong? Don't scream. Let me ask you something, okay?"

It nodded slowly.

So Duke untied it.

Bird De opened his mouth and immediately chirped a lot of bird language: "Who are you? You caught me. Bard in our tribe will not let you go! Pantuo Forest is the territory of the Roaring God. It Will protect us, you intruder!”

"First of all, I am not an intruder." Duke said calmly. "Secondly, I am a druid. The Roaring God may not be able to defeat me."

"Druid?" Bird's eyes widened.

"Naturally." Duke put on a calm and masterly attitude. Although his wilderness power level was not as high as that of others, his overall strength was not an exaggeration to pretend to be a druid.

"Are you really a Druid... Lord Druid?" Bird's small eyes showed awe.

In the way of nature, druids are existences that can rival the gods of the wilderness. Naturally, they are respected by every Ovald and Bard.

"Now, tell me what tribe you are. Is it the Golden Goat tribe?" Duke asked.

The bird that took the form of Bird De was of a species that Duke didn't recognize. It was only the size of a kitten. The bird's mouth chirped and said: "Golden Goat Tribe, no, no, no, Lord Druid, I have never heard of the Golden Goat Tribe. We It’s the Black Falls tribe.”

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