Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1070: 5 minute gap

The ultimate question is not just as simple as a question, the answer to the ultimate question is not as simple as an answer. /

The scope of the ultimate problem is broad and encompasses many things. For example, where does the universe come from, what is the meaning of the existence of the universe, where does the rule come from, what is the initial impetus of the universe, what is the meaning of life, etc. These issues belong to the category of ultimate problems. And when I got the answer to the ultimate question, knowing where the universe came from, and knowing the meaning of the universe's existence, does that mean that we can rebuild a real universe? Knowing the origin of the rule, can it be possible to recreate a rule system similar to that in the three-dimensional universe at the moment? Knowing the meaning of life, can I recreate it?

The answer to the ultimate question also means the true ultimate ability. Since it is the ultimate ability, then only one person in the entire universe can know. Either Xiao Yu, or a defender.

Now, Xiao Yu has found a way to grasp the essence of the rules without passing through the black hole in the early stage, so as to fully grasp the time, which is equivalent to obtaining the qualification to truly fight against the defenders.

To explain this method, we must first explain the process of obtaining the essence of the rule through the early black hole. When the rules first appeared, the black hole in the early days was the earliest born star. In this way, it will inevitably have relevant information about the rules. Xiao Yu used this process to collect data about the rules little by little.

Now, all the black holes in the early days are polluted. Xiao Yu seems to have no chance to grasp the essence of the rules, but this is not the case.

Taichu black holes are just carriers of relevant information at the beginning of the rules. It's like a person who wants to eat a banana. However, bananas are not produced locally, and all freight lanes that transport bananas here have been cut off. So, does this person never eat bananas again?

Do not. This person can still eat bananas. Bananas cannot be transported here. Then simply go to the place of origin of the banana. In this way, not only can this person eat enough bananas, but the bananas here are even more fresh.

This is what Xiao Yu found, to master the essence of the rules without going through the black hole in the beginning. Now that all the black holes in the early days were polluted, I went back to the time when the rules first appeared and went to collect information in person. Why is it necessary to look in the early black hole? The rule information in the early black hole is not only cluttered but limited. How can it be compared with the place of origin?

The method is simple. But it is difficult to achieve. Just like eating bananas, this person knows that there will be endless amounts of fresh bananas to eat when they come to the place of origin of bananas, but ... how can I get to the place of origin of bananas? Don't forget, this person does not have a map of where the banana originates. same. The original Xiao Yu did not return to the "map" at the beginning of the rules.

But now it's different. With the information about the circumnautical voyages sent by the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. Xiao Yu can already draw a map back to the beginning of the rules. You know, this is not an ordinary map, the place where Xiao Yu is going, nor is it an ordinary place, but the past.

Xiao Yu knew that at the same time, he started a voyage around the universe with himself, and did not have any contact with the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations in the middle. You will also enter a different time schedule than yourself. And by analyzing the sailing trajectories of Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations, and the difference in time progress. Coupled with the huge information and time collection capabilities of the meaningless seed network, and the infinite computing power of Xiao Yu's ontology, Xiao Yu can complete a huge task.

Draw a three-dimensional time distribution map of the entire universe.

Xiao Yu will be able to calculate which time period any region of the universe is in. Xiao Yu believes that with the vastness of the universe, there must be a corner that has never been discovered, still in a short period of time after the rules first appeared. This place is not useful to anyone except Xiao Yu. Because as long as a meaningful existence reaches that place, the time progress of that place will quickly unify with this existence, thus losing its value. Xiao Yu is different. Xiao Yu can already make his seed network and even his own ontology meaningless. The arrival of Xiao Yu will not affect the time schedule here.

Then the next step is very simple. As long as Xiao Yu finds here and then arrives here, it is equivalent to coming to the place of origin of bananas. There will be endless fresh bananas waiting for Xiao Yu to enjoy ... and since there is so good Place, so who would go for bananas that are no longer fresh after long distance transportation?

A key prerequisite for drawing a three-dimensional three-dimensional time distribution map is that there must be two meaningful traveler journeys and time trajectories on different tracks. This also means that Xiao Yu cannot complete this task by himself, and Xiao Yu must have a helper. Fortunately, at the time, the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations and Xiao Yu embarked on a cosmic voyage, and finally successfully merged with Xiao Yu, sending the materials that Xiao Yu urgently needed.

"Then ... the time is ripe now." Xiao Yu closed her eyes and began to carry out the huge and complicated and incredible calculation process. However, no matter how complicated and difficult this calculation process is, Xiao Yu still only needs a moment to complete the work. Because Xiao Yu's computing power is unlimited.

Xiao Yu appeared in front of an extremely large virtual image, which was full of dense numbers and parameters. Almost any existence will feel dizzy just by looking at this image, but Xiao Yu will not.

Xiao Yu searched carefully on this image. After a while, Xiao Yu found a point that best suits his requirements.

"This is it," Xiao Yu thought.

It was a place more than 7 billion light-years away from Xiao Yu's location at the moment. There was a vacuum zone between about three small river systems. The time progress there was five minutes after the rules first appeared.

Five minutes is not too long, and this time is not much later than the time when the black hole appeared in the beginning. This is in line with Xiao Yu's requirements. Xiao Yu knows that in that place, he can certainly find what he wants.

So Xiao Yu set out to that place. The voyage around the universe has ended. It is not necessary for Xiao Yu to continue to move slowly along the road. Xiao Yu uses Stargate Technology to set out there at the fastest speed. Even so, it took Xiao Yu more than a thousand years to get there.

"That was the beginning of the rules, when the world opened." Xiao Yu sighed silently, "I don't know how amazing the scene will be."

Xiao Yu put himself into a meaningless state and ensured that he would not have any influence on it, then he cast his eyes on it and walked into this area in person.

Presenting in front of Xiao Yu is a vast and incredible picture.

There is no light or radiation here, but there are many substances, extremely simple substances. There are only micro-particles such as protons, Chinese characters, electrons, etc., without any atoms, and even without molecules. This is because the rules appear too short and matter has not had time to combine into atoms or molecules.

But at this time, the black hole had already appeared in the beginning. Xiao Yu saw that under the control of the new and thriving rule system, there are many materials that are densely beyond the limit, and suddenly they are compressed together, and then a black hole is born. Those substances have not even been combined into microscopic particles, and have been directly enclosed in black holes.

The universe is expanding rapidly. Under the control of the invisible and intangible hand of the rule, the universe is like a newborn baby, full of vitality and vitality.

Xiao Yu felt a lot of pure rule information. Almost at this moment, Xiao Yu completed the accumulation of rule information he needed. But Xiao Yu still refused to leave this place. Xiao Yu stayed here for a long time, unwilling to leave.

Because Xiao Yu knew that the existence of the rule system in the three-dimensional universe created rules for this universe just a few minutes ago. The gap between myself and that unknown existence was only five minutes.

But the five-minute gap is a gap that Xiao Yu can never cross. Five minutes ago was the beginning of time, where time began to flow and began to flow. Even if Xiao Yu had mastered the time, Xiao Yu could not go back to the beginning of time—there was no time before the beginning of time. How did Xiao Yu arrive?

Just before the unknown existence left, Xiao Yu came here ~ ~ But this is still useless, no matter how Xiao Yu pursues, Xiao Yu cannot follow the footsteps of the unknown existence, five minutes time difference It is already a limit.

"Maybe I shouldn't be so extravagant. Even in the place where the universe was just born five minutes ago, I couldn't find the answer to the ultimate question. There is only one way to know the answer to the ultimate question, and that is to defeat the defenders and master Go to everything the guardian has, and then look for it in the source of order. Or ... it is the guardian who completes the completion plan, and then the guardian finds the answer to the ultimate question. "

"The final battle ... no matter who wins or loses with the defenders, after this final battle, there will be an answer to the ultimate question that exists." Xiao Yu thought silently and left here.

The collection of information is sufficient, and Xiao Yu can quickly grasp the time. After Xiao Yu fully grasped the time, it was time for the final battle. (To be continued ...)

ps: The battleship is about to finish writing ... Every word is written, the battleship is a little closer to the end. At this time, I was really reluctant to write it down ... Well, I didn't know what it was like.

Well, yes, that's it for today.

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