Super Invincible Battleship

Chapter 574 Preemptive Strike

Neverland has developed to the present situation, especially after showing great military potential and defeating the United States in a conventional weapons war, Yan Fei's identity is completely different from before. When he returned to Shanghai this time, the standard treatment that Huaxia gave him was greatly improved compared with before. Therefore, You Xiaozhou, the representative of China, also traveled with Yan Fei, providing various conveniences for Yan Fei and Lu Pingping's trip to China.

With the rapid development of Neverland, Huaxia has established a formal organizational structure on Neverland, which will connect with relevant departments of Neverland to handle matters between the two parties. You Xiaozhou, the commissioner of the Huaxia Special Service Group who was originally in charge of this work, was not evacuated. She still stayed on Neverland, acting as a mouthpiece between Huaxia's high-level executives and Yan Fei, and promptly transmitted Yanfei's Huaxia's information in two directions. .

It is precisely because of You Xiaozhou's timely delivery of information that Yan Fei and Huaxia can understand each other, eliminate misunderstandings, share weal and woe, and treat each other with sincerity; they can advance and retreat together in the international arena and cooperate hand in hand; they can achieve mutual benefit in the economy. Win and develop together; only then can we take care of each other politically, unite and help each other...

You Xiaozhou was sitting in the majestic "Dream No. 1". While looking at the sky outside the window vigilantly, she looked at Yan Fei who was talking and laughing with Lu Pingping opposite, feeling very sighed in her heart. Even now, Yan Fei looks very ordinary, without any domineering aura, but no one expected that such an ordinary person has accomplished a great cause that no one else can accomplish.

You Xiaozhou still remembers the situation when he met Yan Fei for the first time. At that time, Yan Fei was devastated because he had just been targeted by the Assassins, and Lu Pingping was also captured by the assassins of the Assassins. Fly to extort huge ransom. The accomplice, Yang Liu, made it worse, and the lion opened his mouth to snatch the fantasy technology from Yan Fei. At that time, Yan Fei was besieged on all sides and looked like he was about to fall down at any time, but no one thought that Yan Fei would be so tenacious and achieve a perfect counter-kill at the last moment. Not only did it solve the threat posed by the Assassin faction, but it also completely wiped out the Assassin faction, even Yang Liu did not end well.

After passing the test of the Assassins, Yan Fei's career skyrocketed. In just a few years, he built an island with great potential in the barren North Pacific Ocean——Fantasy Island. A powerful force that has made great achievements in all aspects, even compared with the United States, it is not inferior.

Yan Fei's rise is very legendary, and his body is also shrouded in a veil of mystery. Over the years, the Huaxia Special Service Team has been investigating Yan Fei, but apart from knowing that Yan Fei and the Destroyer are actually the same person, the Destroyer is Yan Fei. Fei's vest, Yan Fei used the name of Destroyer to do a lot of illegal things, Yan Fei's other secrets have not been found out at all.

Just when the Huaxia Special Service Team wanted to conduct an in-depth investigation of Yan Fei, Huaxia's high-level executives issued the latest order to suspend the background investigation of Yan Fei and instead fully cooperate with the requirements of Yan Fei and Neverland. You Xiaozhou, who originally collected information on Neverland, officially changed his job to be an information liaison officer.

It is rare for Yan Fei to leave Neverland this time openly,

But there are not many members of his entourage, except for Lu Pingping, who is his personal secretary Su Tan'er. There is also a small team of members of the Neverland Guard, their number is fifty, and You Xiaozhou is the only outsider on "Dream One" who is not a member of the Neverland family.

Although the law and order in Huaxia has been very good in recent years, and the country is very safe, but considering the current identities of Yan Fei and Lu Pingping, in order to ensure their absolute safety, the Neverland escort team returned to the country with escort weapons this time. The weapons they carried this time were mainly heavy armor, including two spider combat platforms and 20 exoskeleton armor, as well as a large number of supporting weapons and ammunition and other high-tech equipment. They had to rely on these heavy weapons and equipment to protect Yan The safety of the trip to the magic city.

Under the coordination of You Xiaozhou, Huaxia, considering the importance of Yan Fei and Lu Pingping, specially approved the Neverland Guards to bring the combat armor back to Shanghai. Once in danger, the escort can even use heavy combat armor to fight domestically.

The straight-line distance between Neverland and Magic City is only 3,000 kilometers. If a drone is deployed, it only takes one hour to reach Magic City from Neverland. However, the speed of civilian aircraft is slow, and it takes more than three hours to fly from Neverland to Shanghai. When "Dream One" flew for an hour, it entered the air defense identification zone of the island country, and then Yan Fei found that something was wrong outside.

Under the monitoring of the artificial intelligence "Dream", Yan Fei discovered that there were fighter jets taking off from the US Air Force Base in Naha, an island country, and six fighter jets took off at one time. Four of them are F-15 fighter jets and two are F-22 stealth fighter jets. From the photos taken by satellite, it can be found that the four F-15 fighter jets are full of combat weapons, and because the F-22 has a built-in bomb bay, it is not yet known whether there are weapons inside.

Originally, the launch of such a fighter plane did not arouse Yan Fei's vigilance, because the Mi Army planes at Naha Air Force Base often carry out such fighter take-off operations. But Yan Fei discovered that the six fighter jets actually flew towards the northwest after completing the combination of the flight formation. And if their flight direction and speed do not change, then this fighter squadron and Yan Fei's "Dream One" will intersect over the island country.

Considering the blood feud between Neverland and Mi Country, Yan Fei immediately became alert. He felt that such a coincidence could not happen. He prefers that the Americans want to shoot down "Dream One" when he and Lu Pingping return to China, and the plane they are on is over the territory of the island country.

In order to achieve the best publicity purpose, Aurora University has publicized the fact that Yan Fei and Lu Pingping are coming to participate in the alumni association in the country. Americans have very strong intelligence gathering capabilities, and such obvious information must have been known long ago. Moreover, the United States must have installed an inside line at the Neverland Airport, so the United States also knows the flight time and route of "Dream One", and then they can block Yan Fei on the flight route of "Dream One".

The Americans also know that Yan Fei is a god-level expert. Even if the plane he is flying in is destroyed by a missile, he will not be killed so easily. But the American people also want to take a risk. What if a miracle happens and Yan Fei and Lu Pingping are really wiped out in one attack? If that is the case, Neverland will be leaderless. Then the United States will immediately attack Neverland, and it will be able to completely occupy Neverland, and everything in Neverland will become the spoils of the United States.

Even if their attack fails this time, the United States can also shift the responsibility to the island country. Maybe one or two island countries will be found to replace the dead ghosts, saying that these islanders hold a grudge against Neverland, so they hijacked the American fighter jets, and they will use the American fighter jets to launch an attack on Yan Fei. The purpose is to provoke the relationship between Neverland and the American country. Letting island countries benefit from it has nothing to do with the United States...

However, Yan Fei was not sure that the target of this fighter team was his "Dream One", so he did not react immediately, but waited and watched. He even continued to chat with Lu Pingping without changing his face. No one else in the plane knew that they might have been targeted by Mi Army fighter jets.

Yan Fei often summoned the drone for Yang Qi to conduct research. After Yang Qi knew that the drone could be restored automatically, he even scraped off the drone's stealth paint for research. After many times of analysis, Yang Qi has cracked the secret of the stealth aircraft on the earth, and has developed a super radar capable of tracking the stealth fighter.

There are two F-22 stealth fighters in the fighter squad of the Mi Army. They form a flying squad alone and fly at an altitude of 20,000 meters. They just want to hide themselves and launch a fatal blow. However, the latest satellite of Neverland already has the ability to detect invisible targets, so although the drone did not activate the quantum radar, Yan Fei has always mastered the flight status of the two F-22s.

"Fantasy One" flew forward for twenty minutes without changing its flight path. And the Mi Army fighter squad also did not change the flight route, they are now less than 300 kilometers away from the "Dream One" ahead. By this time, Yan Fei could already confirm that the Mi Army fighter squad was targeting him, but they hadn't entered the missile attack range yet. Once they entered the attack range, the Americans would launch missiles at "Dream One".

There was Lu Pingping on the "Dream One", and Yan Fei didn't dare to take the risk of letting the Americans actually launch a missile attack. Before the Americans attacked, his drone clone quickly turned and flew towards the incoming American fighter squad.

The speed of the drone clone was at full speed, and in just a few minutes, the drone approached the American fighter team. The target of this fighter team is the "Dream One" in front. They use the airborne radar to monitor the flight situation of the "Dream One" at all times, but because of the powerful stealth ability of the drone, no one in the fighter team in the United States has found it. The man-machine clone is approaching quickly.

When the drone was less than 50 kilometers away from the fighter team, the hidden bomb bay of the drone suddenly opened, and 12 AIM-120 air-to-air missiles were fired out in an instant. These air-to-air missiles were launched like a goddess scattering flowers, and flew towards the Mi Army fighter team in front at an extremely fast speed.

The fighter squad of the Mi Army has been maintaining a comprehensive radar scan. They could not find the completely invisible UAV clone, but they discovered the incoming AIM-120 air-to-air missile in the first place. Seeing the sudden appearance of as many as 12 air-to-air missiles, the pilots of the Mi Army were shocked, because they remembered the mysterious plane of Neverland that brought devastating disasters to the United States. The mysterious plane also carried out sudden attacks in this way , and most of the fighters lost by the US Air Force were caused by this mysterious fighter.

The American fighter team finally understood that their operation this time could no longer be successful, because the mysterious plane from Neverland had been escorting Yan Fei's special plane. After the mysterious plane of Neverland found itself approaching, it made a bold move and took pre-emptive measures to shoot itself down.

For a long time before the rise of Yan Fei's Neverland, the military strength of the United States was unrivaled in the world, and no country could resist the threat of the United States army. Even if they knew that the American army was gathering to attack him, they would sit still and wait to die. They didn't dare to fire the first shot before the rice army was assembled. And the United States also relied on this huge advantage to gather a large number of troops and kill its enemies with the overwhelming power of Mount Tai.

Originally, the Mi Army fighter team also had such inertial thinking. If their operation was not discovered, they would really attack Yan Fei's special plane "Dream One". Once discovered by Neverland, they will stop attacking and leave here pretending that nothing happened. Who knew that Yan Fei couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, as long as he found a threat, even if the opponent hadn't attacked yet, he would nip this threat in the bud. He launched the most violent pre-emptive strike on this fighter squad without even contacting the US military.

When they found that each plane in their team was attacked by two AIM-120 air-to-air missiles, the pilots of the entire American fighter team panicked, because they knew from countless martyrs that the missiles of the mysterious Neverland fighter plane were No matter how powerful, no one can escape the attack of this missile. So they didn't dare to stay here for a long time at all, but fired two air-to-air missiles at the "Dream One" in the distance at the fastest speed, and then accelerated to flee the scene.

Under the guidance of the quantum radar, the AIM-120 air-to-air missile launched by the UAV clone is biting the American fighter team and will not let go. No matter how the opponent dodges, releases decoy bombs, or conducts electromagnetic interference, they cannot get rid of AIM-120 The pursuit of air-to-air missiles, a posture to completely wipe out the opponent.

It is very far away from "Dream One". Originally, the missiles launched by American fighter jets could not attack "Dream One", but Yan Fei did not dare to be negligent. He still fired 12 AGM-114 anti-tank missiles at these flying missiles. Missiles, it is necessary to use this improved armor-piercing projectile to intercept incoming missiles.

Under the lock of the quantum radar, twelve AGM-114 anti-tank missiles flew at high speed against the incoming Mi Army air-to-air missiles. With just a few flashes, all the incoming air-to-air missiles were destroyed, and twelve air-to-air missiles exploded in the sky. The huge spark completely lifted the crisis that "Dream One" might be attacked.

In the distant airspace, 12 AIM-120 air-to-air missiles launched by drones have caught up with the retreating Mi Army fighter squadron at full speed. Whether it is an F-15 fighter jet or an F-22 stealth fighter jet, they cannot escape the pursuit of AIM-120 air-to-air missiles and can only be destroyed.

The quantum radar of the UAV is powerful. It only took six AIM-120 air-to-air missiles to destroy all the fighters of the Mi Army fighter squadron, and the other six missiles used as backup lost their attack targets. destroy.

As a result, a series of explosions occurred in the sky in the distance, and the Mi Army fighter jet was blown to pieces, and the wreckage was scattered everywhere. However, the pilots of the Mi Army learned the lessons of the martyrs. After finding that they could not get rid of the pursuit of AIM-120 air-to-air missiles, they pressed the eject button one after another and chose to parachute to escape, only to escape a life...

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