Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 138: Yin Ling 9 Square Talismans (3/3)

The night was very dark and everything was quiet.

The lights in Yu Guihai's room were still on.

He quietly stared at a piece of white paper on the table in front of him, on which nine strange runes were drawn crookedly.

These nine runes are different, all of them are very complicated and mysterious, with a slightly strange and evil feeling.

These nine runes are the core of the jade talisman making method taught by Lu Linsheng, and each represents a magical talisman.

The method of making this jade talisman is called the Yin Ling Jiufang talisman method.

According to Lu Linsheng, these nine runes are only basic runes, and there are advanced chapters on them, which can make more powerful jade runes.

Unfortunately, the advanced chapter has been lost! All he knows is the basics.

However, Yu Guihai was already satisfied.

As long as he learns the rune method of this basic chapter, even if he has added a powerful immortal cultivation skill, it is of great significance to him.

The most intuitive is that a powerful jade talisman can be made, which can be directly used to enhance his strength.

Secondly, these jade talismans can be sold or exchanged for immortal cultivation resources.

"Runes, materials, methods!"

Yu Guihai said softly.

These three are the three core elements of jade talisman making, and none of them are indispensable.

Runes are these nine basic runes, each of which contains great power. As long as it can be expressed perfectly, it can exert its power.

If a rune is to be perfectly expressed, two conditions must be met.

One is the material that carries the power of runes. This material must be spiritual material, or semi-spiritual material. Ordinary mortal materials cannot carry it.

Moreover, this talisman is not a paper talisman, but a carving talisman. It cannot carry its power when drawn on paper, and requires hard spiritual materials. Generally, jade-like spiritual materials are used as the main carrier, and bone-like spiritual materials are also acceptable.

The second point is that you must use a specific method to describe the power of infusion.

The power used by the orthodox is of course the spiritual power of the cultivator, but some biased powers can also be used.

Lu Linsheng said that his grandfather seemed to be able to make jade talismans with blood essence. Although he worked hard to make a jade talisman, he never succeeded, but his grandfather firmly believed in this.

At present, Yu Guihai has all the three elements, and he can make it with his hands.

According to reason, this rune method should appear from the invisible interface, so that he can add some upgrades and let him master it quickly.

However, this rune method did not appear on the invisible interface.

Knowing only represents a problem, that is, the lack of some key things, which caused him to not really learn.

"What exactly is missing?"

Yu Guihai racked his brains to think.

He knows the method, he has spiritual energy, and he has cultivated to the sixth level of the mysterious method of Xuanyin, and his body is full of mysterious aura.

He also has the materials, the tentacle monster's seven teeth, even if it is not enough spiritual material, it is a good semi-spiritual material, and it can be used as a carrier.

The basic runes of the nine squares were also placed in front of him.

Nothing is missing!

"Could it be that the Lu family's inheritance of this talisman is incomplete, so I can't learn it? In this case, it can be explained that Mr. Lu can't make it."

"However, if that's the case, I'll be happy for nothing!"

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai felt uneasy in his heart, lest the fat meat he got would turn into stinky meat!

But this kind of thing can't be verified, unless you try it directly.

However, he is very sure that since the system does not admit it, there is little hope of doing this, and even trying it is a waste of precious spiritual materials.

"what 's the truth?"

Yu Guihai was extremely distressed.

Looking down at the runes drawn by Lu Lin Sheng himself on the table, he immediately felt amused.

This guy's drawing skills are really bad! It's almost like a child's doodle! This is still the best one he has painted hundreds of times in a row.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore! I'll trim these runes first."

Yu Guihai shook his head to shake off his unpleasant emotions, picked up a pen, put a new piece of paper on it, and began to draw.

But I usually feel very awkward when I draw it.

"It doesn't seem right to draw like this, by the way, what Lin Sheng described seems to be different from what he drew here."

Yu Guihai quickly found out that something was wrong, and began to combine the content of Lu Linsheng's dictation and corrected it according to the runes he drew.

After a long time, he finally corrected the nine runes in his mind.

The revised rune is different from the rune painted by Lu Lin Sheng, but it is exactly the same as the rune described by Lu Lin Sheng.

And that weird and evil feeling has also been enhanced countless times. Each rune seems to be the incarnation of ghosts, twisted and ferocious.

"This is much more pleasing to the eye!"

Yu Guihai drew the deduced runes casually, feeling a lot more at ease.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly called out the invisible interface.

A new item appeared on the interface.

Immortal Art: The Basics of Yin Ling Jiufang Talismans (not getting started).

At this time, Yu Guihai suddenly realized that the reason why he couldn't learn it just now was because Lu Linsheng's painting skills were too poor. So the invisible interface cannot be displayed.

"Hahaha! This kid almost made me suffer!"

Yu Guihai laughed. He even suspected that this spell was incomplete and could not be learned, and almost gave up.

At this time, the invisible interface suddenly changed. Yu Guihai saw that the upgrade point had been refreshed. It turned out to be midnight.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately muttered: "Upgrade the basics of Yin Ling Jiufang Talisman."

Immediately, there was a rumbling sound in his mind The basic rune of the nine squares swirled rapidly and descended from the sky, fell into his consciousness, and was firmly engraved on it.

Following this, a large amount of experience in the technique of carving runes, the mysterious method of infusing spiritual energy, the selection and judgment of spiritual materials, and other knowledge and experience poured into the brain.

In an instant, he had a comprehensive understanding of this rune technique.

Yu Guihai opened his eyes and called out the invisible interface, the basic chapter of Yin Ling Jiufang Talisman has really started.

He couldn't hold back his excitement, and immediately got up to find a piece of ordinary jade and carefully carved it.

A strange rune soon appeared on it, and as the characterization progressed, an uncomfortable feeling gradually radiated and became stronger.

Suddenly, with Yu Guihai's newly carved knife, the whole piece of jade shattered into several pieces.

"Sure enough, this ordinary material cannot carry the power of runes!"

Yu Guihai thought for a while, and took out the tooth of a mysterious tentacle.

This tooth is more than an inch long, pale, as smooth as jade, extremely hard, and there is a slight gloomy aura inside.

Yu Guihai thought for a while, then picked up the carving knife and carved it on his teeth.

With a click, the carving knife was broken, but the teeth were unscathed, not even a trace was left.

"Huh? It seems that I have to prepare a better carving knife!"

Yu Guihai said in surprise!


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