Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 220: showdown

"Shou Jincheng, you can't wait?"

Yu Guihai was not surprised to see this person, he smiled lightly.

"After all, it's about my family's life. I'm also afraid that the special envoy suddenly thinks of me one day, then I'll be miserable!" Jin Xieqing explained with a wry smile.

"Understood, I came here to tell Shou Jincheng. The day after tomorrow, I will hand over the evidence to the special envoy. When that time comes, you can go with me." Yu Guihai nodded and said softly.

"Ah?" Jin Xieqing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Yu Guihai's promise to be so straightforward. He thought Yu Guihai was going to make a new request.

Then he reacted and said excitedly: "Okay, that's great! Many thanks to the nine elders!"

"What's the point of worrying about your effort?" Yu Guihai smiled humbly.

"This move is a big effort for the nine elders, but for my adoptive father, it is a matter of life and honor. The elder is so kind, the little girl will never forget it!"

The woman in white who had been calm and silent beside her suddenly saluted solemnly and said with a solemn expression.

"Eh? Miss Qingya is serious! I don't know who your adoptive father is?" Yu Guihai was stunned, and then asked curiously.

"Qingya is my uncle's righteous daughter. The ninth elder helped my uncle to correct his name this time. She is naturally grateful." Jin Xieqing answered.

"It turned out to be the righteous daughter of Huangzhou Mu, I am disrespectful. Huangzhou Mu is a hero who fought against cults. I have always admired it, and I am honored to be able to contribute to her today. Miss Qingya does not need to be more polite." Yu Guihai said righteously.

"Thank you, Elder." Huang Qingya's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Afterwards, the three set a specific time to meet the special envoy.

However, Jin Xieqing claimed that he was not good at dealing with crimes, so he could meet the special envoy directly. In the end, it was decided that Huang Qingya would follow Yu Guihai to the audience as the shepherd's righteous daughter of Huangzhou and present evidence.

After the discussion, Yu Guihai left the Hanxiang Building.


When Yu Guihai returned home, it was already dark night. He didn't stop, so he brought the box of evidence to Zhengzhi to visit the patriarch Yu Guitian.

"Guihai, what are you doing here at this time?" Yu Guitian felt a little strange, in the middle of the night, what is this kid doing here? Are you disturbing your dreams?

"Second brother, I'm looking for you on something important." Yu Guihai said solemnly.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Yu Guitian heard the spirit.

"Second brother, please take a look." Yu Guihai said, put a box of evidence he brought on the table, opened it, and revealed the paper items inside.

"What is this?" Yu Guitian looked surprised, picked up the letter above and glanced at it, his expression changed slightly, he hurriedly took out the letter and looked at it carefully, after reading one letter, his face was sinking like water.

He didn't even bother to speak, he hurriedly picked up other letters and papers and looked at them, his face getting more and more ugly.

After a while, he closed the box, stared at Yu Guihai, and asked seriously, "Where did you get this thing?"

"Second brother, don't worry, just listen to me." Yu Guihai smiled lightly.

Afterwards, he told Jin Xieqing to ask him for help with these evidences, and he also talked about bringing Huang Qingya to see the special envoy the day after tomorrow.

"Confused, confused! Brother Xian, do you know how much this matter is involved? Isn't the Jinlian Temple a good thing? If this matter spreads, my family will be in danger of collapse!"

After hearing this, Yu Guitian was so anxious that he couldn't sit still any longer, and turned around in panic in front of Yu Guihai.

"Second brother is worrying too much. The special envoy is chasing the Black Lotus Sect. As long as we present the evidence, the special envoy will definitely launch the Jinlian Temple. At that time, the Jinlian Temple will only be destroyed. How can I threaten my Yu family?" Yu Guihai He smiled indifferently.

"Confused! Do you think the Jinlian Temple is easy to deal with? The Jinlian Temple has a long history, is powerful, and has deep connections with many big figures in the Beicang Mansion. How could the special envoy easily deal with such a big force based on these things? "

"What's more, even if the special envoy sends troops, Master Lianhua, the abbot of the Golden Lotus Temple, is a veteran innate powerhouse, and his strength is astounding. If he escapes, how can he spare my family?"

"No, these things must be destroyed, and it must not be known that they are in the hands of my Yu family."

The more Yu Guitian spoke, the more afraid he became, and in the end he wanted to destroy the evidence.

"Second brother, I'm afraid this matter can't be hidden. If we don't do it, then Jin Xieqing will give up, and everyone who preaches about it will surely know it. At that time, under the jealousy of Jinlian Temple, my Yu family is the only one. It's really going to be a disaster."

"One more thing, do you think that if we don't do it, they will let us go? Hehe, the Black Lotus Sect has been with my Yu family for a long time. I have repelled many sneak attacks along the way. I think they will also be in the future. Will not let it go.”

Yu Guihai's expression turned positive and analyzed.

"Well, what can I do with this?" Yu Guitian was at a loss.

He looked at Yu Guihai with a complicated expression. He originally thought that there was a thigh in the family, but he did not expect a disaster.

Even though he has always been open-minded, at this time he was in a mess.

For no other reason, the enemy is simply too powerful.

Not to mention the Black Lotus Sect, even the Golden Lotus Temple is a giant they can't afford to provoke.

"It's very simple, assist the special envoy to destroy the Golden Lotus Temple in one fell swoop, and completely remove the power of the Black Lotus Sect in this place. Even if they want to take revenge on us in the future, it will be difficult to organize their strength."

Yu Guihai raised the corner of his mouth and replied with a slight smile.

"You, are you so sure that the special envoy can destroy the Golden Lotus Temple? You must know that Master Lianhua is a real innate powerhouse, and he is almost the same as the special envoy."

Yu Guitian also saw some clues at this time. Yu Guihai seemed to be a little too calm, so he asked in surprise.

"Hehe, second brother, don't worry. Don't underestimate the power of Beicang Mansion." Yu Guihai chuckled lightly and didn't answer directly, but the meaning was obvious.

The reason why he didn't hand in the evidence directly was that he took into account what Yu Guitian was worried about.

However, these worries all dissipated after he visited the special envoy Li In the dark, he felt that Li Qingshan was powerful and terrifying, and he was definitely not an ordinary innate powerhouse.

In fact, some clues can be seen from the old servant called Uncle Xiong.

If it weren't for Li Qingshan being unusual, how could there be a congenital strong person willing to be a slave?

It was after confirming this that he really made up his mind to present evidence.

In his opinion, Jinlian Temple absolutely cannot escape Li Qingshan's palm.

Yu Guitian's complexion was cloudy for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and said with a grim expression: "Well, since we don't give us a way to live, then a fish will die and the net will be broken. The Black Lotus Sect is arrogant and unreasonable, then let's see who will die!"

"Go back to the sea, no need for the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, come with me to see the special envoy."

"Okay, second brother."

Yu Guihai nodded. Satisfied.

The reason why he pulled Yu Guitian was because as long as he made a move, the entire Yu family would be implicated.

And, at that time, the whole family will be able to get more credit. In one fell swoop, it attracted the attention of the Beicang Mansion and gained more support, so that he would not face the revenge of the Black Lotus Sect alone.



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