Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 297: Eavesdropping, vigilance (4,000 characters large)

Lingmo was something Yu Guihai had been looking for for a long time.

After he obtained the third-grade golden lotus, he wanted to cultivate it into a small grass, but the cultivation array made of ordinary ghost materials could not meet the requirements for use at all.

He wants to make a more advanced cultivation array, which requires more advanced materials, that is, he gets black skin.

However, ordinary talisman ink cannot leave traces on the black skin at all, it must be done with spirit ink!

Therefore, if he wants to cultivate the third-grade golden lotus, he must obtain spiritual ink.

And Lingmo is a very rare thing in the world. I didn't encounter it at the secret trade fair of the World Chamber of Commerce last time. I didn't expect to hear the news here.

In this regard, Yu Guihai is full of expectations, looking forward to the opening of the black market as soon as possible.

Yu Guihai looked at the time, and unknowingly it was already dusk.

He and Aoki were not just trading, but also had a long talk and exchange. The exchanges were about cultivation experience, immortal practice, spell cultivation, and even immortal cultivation skills, common sense of immortal cultivation, and even anecdotes about Yunmiao Mountain.

Yu Guihai's cultivation is very simple. As long as there are auxiliary drugs and upgrade points, he can easily be promoted to the cultivation base. The experience and perception of cultivation will also be automatically engraved in his memory, and he has a very deep understanding of the cultivation of immortality.

So after some exchanges, Aoki was shocked by him, and in the end, he almost treated each other like a teacher.

However, Yu Guihai is also very rewarding. Although Aoki's opinion is not as good as his, but the immortal methods of the two are different after all, and Aoki also has some unique insights that he has cultivated for decades, which makes Yu Guihai an eye-opener.

Later, Aoki also shared some of his common sense and insights on alchemy.

"It's time to gather at the Guitoushan sentry."

Looking at the sunset, Yu Guihai walked out of Guitou Fortress and walked towards the Guitou Mountain Post next to him.

"Whoever comes, stop!"

There was a choking sound of gold and iron, and the guard at the gate stopped Yu Guihai with a spear.

"I came to assemble after receiving a mission from the Martial Arts Alliance."

Yu Guihai took out the mission certificate of the Martial Arts Alliance and showed it.


When the guard saw it, his attitude was much better, and he respectfully moved out of the way.

Yu Guihai walked into the sentry fortress.

This is a simple military fortress, and there are teams of guards everywhere, standing guard or patrolling, with serious military discipline.

The area inside is not small. There are all kinds of functional buildings such as school grounds, dormitories, dormitories, weapon shops, ordnance warehouses. All these places are guarded by guards, and he cannot enter.

All Yu Guihai can walk is the road in front of him. The road leads directly to the General's Palace in the center of the fortress.

The General's Mansion is built entirely of boulders. Although the style is rough and not luxurious, it is magnificent and has a majestic and profound feeling, which is daunting.

He walked all the way to the front of the general's mansion, when a guard with a scar on his face walked out of the mansion, cupped his hands at Yu Guihai and said, "Your Excellency is here for the mission of Guitou Mountain."

"Exactly." Yu Guihai replied.

"Your Excellency, come with me." The guard respectfully led the way.

Entering the door and walking through a corridor, they came to a small courtyard. There were several people gathered in the courtyard. When they saw Yu Guihai, these people looked over.

Yu Guihai swept his gaze and saw everyone's situation in his eyes.

The two masters of the openness realm, the five masters of the openness realm, and the rest of the mission recipients are all here.

There are three other people, obviously the party who issued the mission.

One of the dignified-looking old men exudes subtle and powerful fluctuations from his body, which is quite similar to Li Qingshan's feeling to him.

Yu Guihai froze in his heart, this person is obviously a congenital strong man.

In this fortress, there is only one innate powerhouse, that is, the general who sits here.

This person actually appeared in person, which shows that there must be something extraordinary about this mission.

Yu Guihai's thoughts changed, and he had followed the guards to the front of these people.

"My lord, the last person to take over the task has arrived." The guard respectfully reported to the old man.

"Well, show your identity token and mission certificate." The old man nodded and looked at Yu Guihai expressionlessly. The voice was thick, with a majesty that had been in the upper position for a long time, which made people unconsciously surrender.

"Lord, please take a look."

Yu Guihai surrendered, and then took out the golden token and mission certificate.

A white middle-aged man beside the old man stretched out his hand to take the token and certificate, checked it carefully, and then said to the old man, "Sir, there is no problem."

"Okay. Now that everyone is here, let's talk about your mission. Time is urgent, so you can set off tonight." The old man gave a light command, then turned and left.

"As ordered, my lord!" The middle-aged Bai Jing sent the old man off. The others also respectfully watched the old man leave.

After the old man left, the middle-aged Bai Jing turned to face the crowd, first returned the golden token and mission certificate to Yu Guihai, and then said with a solemn expression: "My dear Li Xiaocheng, I am the general's butler, and I have seen all the masters."

"Everyone should have guessed it. This mission was announced by our General. We are going to investigate a location deep in the third floor. Your mission is to **** me and this Mr. Fan."

Li Xiaocheng said and pointed to the thin old man who had been expressionless beside him.

The old man's beard and hair were all white, and his expression was solemn. He seemed to be very old-fashioned and dull. Even if Li Xiaocheng introduced him, his expression did not change in the slightest.

However, Yu Guihai looked at the old man with some doubts in his heart.

The old man was neither a martial artist, nor did he feel the aura of immortal magic. He didn't seem to have any cultivation, but he could sense that the old man seemed to be hiding a hidden power, huge and strange.

He secretly wondered in his heart that this old man was someone he couldn't see through.

"I only want to make one request here, that is, everyone must obey my orders. If anyone has any objection, they can raise it." After Li Xiaocheng finished speaking, he looked around.

But no one said anything, and everyone was not stupid. In this military camp, there were innate powerhouses around, even if there was any objection, no one dared to say it.

And everyone has their own calculus. As long as they reach the burrow, they will of course listen to the orders they should listen to, but if they want to send everyone to their deaths, there will never be a fool who will obey them.

Seeing that no one was talking, Li Xiaocheng nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good. Everyone, take a rest first, we will leave in an hour. You can choose any room here, but remember not to leave the courtyard."

After speaking, Li Xiaocheng and the Master Fan turned around and left.

After they left, there were only a few people left in the yard who took over the mission. They didn't go to the room, but looked at each other cautiously.

Yu Guihai, as one of the practitioners of the Aperture Opening Realm, is one of the focuses of everyone's attention. However, the other master of the Aperture Realm was even more eye-catching than him.

This is a skinny old man with an ancient appearance. His hair is half black and half white, with a penetrating smile on his face, and his body unabashedly exudes the powerful breath of the peak of the opening realm.

In his hand, the old man was leaning on a long black iron staff with the thickness of an arm.

Judging from the displayed cultivation base, this old man has the strongest cultivation base.

"Everyone, this task is not easy. I think we can get to know each other and deepen our understanding. It is also a good thing that we can cooperate better in the task and reduce the danger. The old man said first, the old man has passed the seven orifices and is good at the snake stick. ."

The old man with half black and half white hair paused the snake-headed crutch in his hand and grinned. His smile was worse than crying.

However, no one dared to laugh.

Gui Hai saw the expressions of shock on the faces of the people around him, as if the old man's reputation was like thunder.

Another expert in the opening realm was a middle-aged woman with a withered and yellow complexion, who seemed to be ill, with two black-sheathed daggers hanging from her waist.

She used a certain method to hide the fluctuations of her inner qi, but she couldn't hide it from Yu Guihai's eyes. He saw through it at a glance that this woman was a master of four acupoints.

The woman squeezed a smile on her face, and said slightly to please: "Senior Snake is right, let me introduce you to the slave family. Zhang Yunfeng, the slave family, is in the middle stage of aperture and is good at double swords."

"It turned out to be Your Excellency Shuangjian, the old man has heard the name for a long time!" The old man smiled when he heard the words.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly cupped his hands.

Next, everyone's eyes turned to Yu Guihai, who was the third master of the opening realm.

"In Xia Chen Dabao, in the middle stage of Tongqiao, he is good at marksmanship."

Yu Guihai said with a faint smile. In his hand, the long staff of bones has been covered with a layer of iron, disguised as a large black iron spear.

"Your Excellency is very good-natured. Could it be from other places?" Snake asked with a flash of brilliance in his eyes.

"That's right, Xia is from the north, and has been living in seclusion in the mountains until recently." Yu Guihai said.

"So it is." The old man smiled, then looked at the five Tongmai warriors, and said, "You five also introduce us."

"According to the order, under Wang Jinbao, he is on the seventh floor of the channel, and is good at swordsmanship..." A middle-aged strong man with a thick-backed sword said in a stern voice.

The remaining five Tongmai warriors, four men and one woman, are all middle-aged and above. To have this kind of cultivation is a genius task in itself, but it is not an amazing genius.

After the introduction, the old snake ordered some things rudely. Maybe it was because he was in the general's mansion, he didn't say much, just instructed some common precautions.

Then everyone found a room to rest.

Yu Guihai also chose a room and pushed the door to go in. The room was very simple, but clean. This kind of room in the barracks was not bad.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

His powerful perception was released, especially his hearing. Originally, his hearing was very powerful and sharp. Now that the acupuncture point of his left ear has been opened, his hearing has increased dramatically.

His hearing is not powerful in the ordinary sense, but beyond the mundane level. There is a mysterious power in it that allows him to hear sounds that ordinary hearing cannot hear.

Thinking that when he was outside Qingshan City, he could ignore the mana shield set up by Yan Zhenhu and directly hear his conversation.

It would be impossible for someone with the same hearing as him to do this.


"...Xiaocheng, do you remember?" a deep and dignified voice asked.

"My lord, I remember." Li Xiaocheng said.

"Well, Fan She, after you go, investigate carefully, you must find that thing.

But remember, try not to disturb the white wax tiger. That monster is like a ghost, it has strange abilities, it is very powerful, it is only half a step away from the innate level, and it is very difficult to deal with. The key is to wake up the sleeping innate spirit monster after killing it. "

"The villain understands. However, what if, I mean, if the white wax tiger is disturbed, what should I do?" An old voice came.

"Let the gang entangle them. You two take the opportunity to get that thing, and then come back immediately. When necessary, Fan She remembers to use divine descent." He commanded in a strong and dignified voice.


"Well, get ready, hurry up and set off." A strong and dignified voice reminded.

"Follow your orders!"


In a guest room, Yu Guihai opened his eyes suddenly, his face showing a dignified expression.

Sure enough, he overheard the conversation between the general, Li Xiaocheng, and the Master Fan. The thick and dignified voice was the general, the old voice was Mr. Fan She, and the other was Li Xiaocheng.

From the conversation, he got a lot of information. The general is obviously looking for something. However, the place where the thing is is very dangerous. There is a powerful monster called Bailahu, and even a congenital monster is sleeping.

And from their few words, Yu Guihai sensed that they still had some conspiracy, and he didn't take them seriously at all, or they were victims.

"This time, be absolutely careful!"

Yu Guihai's eyes twinkled, and he was alert.


An hour later, Yu Guihai walked out of the room, and the others came out one after Li Xiaocheng and Master Fan also came soon.

"Let's go!" Li Xiaocheng waved his hand and took the lead in walking out.

The crowd followed closely and left the General's Mansion. Li Xiaocheng did not go through the door where Yu Guihai came in, but directly went out through the door leading to the depths of the Grand Canyon.

Walking out of the gate, it is a flat and open space, the ground is covered with gravel, not to mention trees, not even weeds.

Yu Guihai had heard that this place was originally a dense forest, but after the fortress was built, in order to prevent monsters and ghosts from hiding and approaching a sneak attack, the army sent people to burn and eradicate the mountains and forests, and transported a large amount of gravel and gravel to completely cover the soil, making the No grass grows here.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the open space was completely deserted.

Although there is no difference between day and night in the burrow, at night, the yin between the heavens and the earth is intense, and the demons and ghosts are more active, so entering the burrow at this time is definitely more dangerous than during the day.

Therefore, very few people enter the Guitoushan cave at night.

The group quickly passed through the long open space and entered the depths of the canyon. This side was also barren. However, the ground was not covered with gravel, but a dead soil that looked particularly pale in the moonlight.

Yu Guihai looked up and saw a strange low mountain standing abruptly in the deepest part of the canyon in the distance.

This low mountain is facing this side with several huge openings, which just form the face of a skeleton, making the whole low mountain look like a huge ghost head!

: . :

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