Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 693: persuade to surrender

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"Why did you come here, Fellow Daoist Xuming?"

The young man asked lightly.

"I came here to destroy the Taoist sect." Xu Ming said lightly.

Yu Guihai smiled softly and said, "I would like to thank you fellow Daoist first. If you have something to say, fellow Daoist please."

"Then I just said that. This time, the five ancestors of our sect joined forces to come together, and I think fellow Daoists know what they are for. This time, if there is no accident, Yunmiao Mountain can be said to be destroyed." Xu Ming looked solemn.

"If that's the case, what's the purpose of that fellow Daoist? If your ancestors know about it, how can I forgive you lightly?"

Yu Guihai's smile did not diminish, and he didn't seem to care about Xu Ming's words.

"As long as fellow daoists don't talk about it, no one else will know about it. Fellow daoists should take care of yourself first. Although you are from other worlds, you are still human race. Now the demon race is temporarily defeated, but I don't think so. Simple. So I don't want to see me waiting for the snipe and mussels to fight, and in the end, the devil fisherman benefits." Xu Ming said.

"That fellow Taoist thinks, what should we do? You must know that now, your five major forces have come together to destroy my Yunmiao Mountain. We never meant to attack you." Yu Guihai said with a smile.

"I think fellow Daoists should focus on the overall situation!" Xu Ming said solemnly.

"Oh? How exactly?" Yu Guihai said with a hint of interest.

Xu Ming paced gently, thought for a moment, and then said: "Now, Yunmiao Mountain is in a weak position, and if we fight together, we will lose without a doubt. If fellow Daoists are willing to admit defeat, come with me to meet the five ancestors, bow their heads, and surrender. I must try my best to convince the five ancestors to let Yunmiaoshan go!"

After Xu Ming finished speaking, he looked at Yu Guihai sincerely.

Yu Guihai saw his sincerity, and felt that what he said really wanted to resolve this war, not lie.

However, it is a pity that he Yu Guihai is not the one who bows his head to others.

What's more, even if this person is really kind, he can't guarantee that the rest of the five major forces are also kind. If he really bowed his head and surrendered, I am afraid that there is no way to survive.

This person is not a traitor, or a pedantic person who is too naive. Neither can be trusted.

Traitors are unbelievable.

But if you are a teammate, the latter is the real scourge, and the degree of harm is even far higher than that of the traitor.

At least the traitor will pay attention to interests. If it is beneficial to cooperate with you, he will not betray easily. But pig teammates will kill you for no reason and no warning.

Just like this False Ming, nine times out of ten, he is a naive and pedantic person. If he really believes in him, I am afraid there is only one dead end.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai's expression turned cold, and he said, "When we met, I suggested that we stick to the rear of the demons and contain the power of the demons. If you and I attack each other, we can destroy the demons in one fell swoop.

And you? Close the teleportation array directly. We are preaching everywhere that we are heretics, that we have evil intentions, and that we are even a gang of demons. Now that the demons have just retreated, they can't wait to join forces to attack. "

"Dare to ask fellow Daoist Xu Ming, how can I trust you?" Yu Guihai asked Xu Ming with bright eyes.

"This, after all, there were demons who were isolated from each other before, and they couldn't trust each other. Now, as long as fellow daoists are willing to come with me, I am willing to guarantee the safety of fellow daoists with my life." Xu Ming was speechless when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he had no choice but to With a solemn face, he assured.

Yu Guihai chuckled lightly, even if you die with me, what's the use? However, that's fine. He also just took this opportunity to see how determined the five major forces are to destroy Yunmiao Mountain.

"Since fellow Daoist is so sincere, then I will go with you." Yu Guihai thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay! Daoist friends are so reasonable and reasonable, they will definitely be able to turn battles into jade and silk. Daoist friends, please keep up."

Xu Ming's eyes lit up when he heard the words, his face was full of surprise, he laughed long, waved his hand, and a gray light shot out from his sleeve, turning into a crescent moon boat when the sky was empty.

He jumped into the boat and galloped northward.

Yu Guihai immediately activated his Divine Essence and turned into a black light to follow the boat.


In Beimiao Blessed Land, in a palace on the top of a mountain, three god-turning monks were discussing matters. Suddenly, a terrifying coercion came from a distance in the north, which almost made them feel breathless.

The three deity cultivators suddenly changed color, and hurriedly got up and walked out of the hall, looking to the north, and immediately looked suspicious.

The northern sky was full of thunderclouds, and in the thunder and lightning, five miraculous things could be seen flying.

Among them, there is a golden giant sword, which is clearly sharp-edged. Looking from a distance, it feels that the soul has been pierced, and it is tingling and tingling. There is an emerald palace on top of the giant sword, the green light is flickering, and the surrounding is golden rainbow light, the power is mighty, and the terror is boundless.

Then there was a huge tortoise with a huge body like an island, with its feet floating in the air on white clouds, its head held high and its roar resounding like thunder, rolling for thousands of miles. There is a hill on the back of the turtle, pavilions and pavilions can be seen, and thunderous drums of death are heard.

There is another verdant Lingshan, towering into the clouds, brilliance and brilliance, flying in the air, with boundless momentum.

The fourth is a golden palace floating above the white clouds. The whole body of the palace is shining with bright golden light. There are countless money patterns on the walls. It seems tacky and funny, but it has a kind of sacred majesty.

In the end, it was a thousand-meter giant ship, covered with dense formation runes, overflowing with aura, and a tall pine tree grew in the middle as the sail. The pine trees were surrounded by spiritual mist, and they shrank one by one, like a living creature.

These five miraculous things flew from afar, and the terrifying coercion shocked the entire Beimiao Blessed Land.

"This, what is this?" A monk of the Yunmiao Mountain God Transformation Stage panicked.

" Quickly report to the ancestors!" Jin Feng Shenjun said solemnly. After he finished speaking, he took out a white jade slip, entered some words, the divine essence revolved, and the jade slipped away as white light.

"Yes, yes." Only then did the other two react, and they took out the jade slips and sent them out in a little panic.

Soon, the five great miracles came from afar, and they were suspended in the sky. The mighty coercion radiated down. The entire Yunmiao Mountain was trembling, and all the disciples were forced to kneel on the ground, like a mountain pressing the top , unable to move an inch.

Not even the three cultivators could support it.

Soon, a figure flew from the sky, the terrifying coercion was as vast as the sea, and it was a powerhouse in the fit stage.

This man came to the sky above Beimiao Blessed Land and proudly declared: "Huh! You wait for otherworldly monsters to occupy our land, kill our disciples, and try to occupy our Five Spirit Realms. ."

After speaking, the man stretched out his hand and pressed downward, and a white cloud emerged, covering the sky of Beimiao Blessed Land, and then a terrifying power was brewed in it.

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