Supernatural Clairvoyant

Chapter 97: Legacy of the Fortune Gate

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As soon as Fang Shen left, Wu Taijing quickly ran after him, and the secretary Wu was also pulled away by his father.

Although this secretary Wu has not understood so far, why does his father attach so much importance to a young man? Also call him Master?

However, Secretary Wu has always been a filial son, and he also knew from his mother that it was this young man who cured his daughter, so Secretary Wu also followed.

On the road, Fang Shen stopped a car and said to Wu Taijing: "Taijing, since it's okay, I'll go back first, oh yes, then Xu Gang will not teach at Jianghai University in the future, this character is not good Do n’t pollute the teaching team. As for Xu Rong, she did n’t do anything to me, so do n’t worry about her. ”

"Yes, Master." Wu Tai respected Fang Shen to get in the car, reacted, and hurried forward to hold Fang Shen: "Master, my disciples have another thing to ask for."

Fang Shen asked, "What is it?"

Wu Taijing looked at the son behind him and looked at Fang Shen: "Master, please follow me."

The old man looked at his son again: "Take us to your office."

Secretary Wu somehow: "Dad, what are you going to my office for?"

"What are you talking about!" Wu Taijing stared.

Then Secretary Wu seemed to be really afraid of this old stubborn father, and said quickly: "Okay, old man, don't be angry."

Led by Secretary Wu, Fang Shen and others came to the Municipal Party Committee Building and entered the office of the Party Secretary.

Wu Taijing stared: "Close the door and let your secretary go out."

Secretary Wu did.

At this time, Wu Taijing just smiled at the other side and pulled Fang Shen's arm at the same time: "Master, please come to the seat."

Secretary Wu reminded out loud: "Dad, that's my position ..."

"I don't know where you are." Wu Taijing was really prestigious in front of his son, but he turned into a kind old man in front of Fang Shen.

Fang Shen waved his hand and took a stool to sit down.

"Okay." Seeing Fang Shen not sit, Wu Taijing didn't insist, he fixed his collar, coughed twice, suddenly looked seriously at his son, and screamed with a ritual tone: "Kneel down! "

Poor Secretary Wu, who was in his forties, was taken aback by his old father, and then his face filled with black lines: "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Let you kneel and kneel!" Wu Taijing glared again.

Fang Shen smiled helplessly, he can be considered understandable, looking at the posture, the old man is estimated to want the son of the municipal party committee secretary to kneel himself.

Secretary Wu put her neck around and said, "Dad, are you the evil?"

"You're mad at me, you filial son." Wu Taijing covered his chest with a breathless expression.

Secretary Wu hurried forward and helped his father.

Fang Shen also stood up and said with a smile: "Tai Jing, didn't you say it's okay, let's not be happy with it, it's all in the 21st century. How bad it is to kneel down."

"Master, this is the ritual of worshiping our gate of good fortune. This is already considered rude."

"Then it's a little humbler. Since he is your son, Tai Jing, he is naturally one of us."

"Dad, did you really find that organization?" Secretary Wu looked unbelievable.

He also knew about this good fortune gate, but he knew very little about it, but he probably knew his ancestors and was once a member of a certain school.

Wu Taijing ignored him, but looked at Fang Shen: "Master, this is my son, named Wu Shaolong, and his disciples asked him to join the teacher."

Fang Shen nodded: "then count as your disciple. You can pass on any medical skills and magical powers I pass on to you."

Wu Taijing bowed down and said, "Dear, thank you, Master."

Wu Shaolong anxiously said, "Dad, what are you doing?"

Fang Shen also quickly raised Wu Taijing.

Wu Taijing looked at his son: "Shao Long, if you still recognize me as a father, you should call Master, and I also know that it is impossible for you to kneel before you have seen Master ’s magical powers. I don't force you. "

Wu Shaolong stared at Fang Shen tightly, revealing Guan Wei in his eyes, oppressing Fang Shen.

Fang Shen shook his head and smiled, not caring.

Wu Tai admired his son's appearance, and he was too lazy to be angry: "Master, let's go, I have no right to have this son ever since!"

Wu Shaolong was anxious: "Dad! You! Hey!"

He sighed and looked at Fang Shen with extreme reluctance, stubbornly: "Master."

Wu Taijing yelled, "Be loud, can you a party secretary not eat enough?"

Wu Shaolong's tone became a little louder, turning his head, his face was a little red: "Master!"

Wu Taijing showed a happy smile on his face: "Okay, Shaolong, you will understand Dad's hard work in the future."

He looked to Fang Shen: "Master, I'll send you back."

"Don't, I have something to do in Jianghai City, so let's go first, Tai Jing. If there's anything in the future, call me, don't be afraid of trouble."

There was a warm current in Wu Taijing's heart: "Yes, Master."

The two walked out of the office of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee together, and the secretary Wu Shaolong was sitting in his seat with a black face. After a long time, he smiled bitterly, set aside this strange thing from his heart, and devoted himself to handling official business.

After Fang Shen and Wu Taijing stepped out of the Municipal Party Committee Building, Fang Shen did not return to the village for the time being, but instead went to the small courtyard with a well in his back when he came to Jianghai City.

Wu Taijing returned to his home.

As soon as he got home, Wu Taijing started flipping boxes.

His wife Ye Li asked him, "Old man, what are you looking for?"

Wu Taijing's hands kept moving, but his tone was extremely serious: "I just suddenly remembered a big thing."

Ye Li knew that her husband had always been calm, that is, his son became a municipal party committee secretary. When the old man knew it, he just hummed and secretly drank a little wine to celebrate.

Ye Li asked anxiously: "Old man, what is it?"

Wu Taijing said calmly: "I remember the year before my father died, and he accepted a sole disciple. That person was still my master. The father saw him well at the time, and his talent was very good. Give it to him, but my father suddenly left, but I remember that my father wrote some books of our fortune on a few sheets of work paper, so strictly speaking, he worshiped my father as a teacher and practiced me The practice of the good fortune gate, so it must be a good disciple. When I first saw the head master, I forgot to tell him that this is a major event, and I have to confess to his old man in detail. "

Ye Li couldn't help but be full of black lines: "Oh old man, what do you think is the big thing you said, dare to be this? Then what do you look for?"

Wu Taijing stood up angrily and said solemnly: "Ye Li, although you are my wife, but do n’t say that in the future! Is the rule of the good fortune a trivial matter? Help the master to gather the good fortune of the world, Is it a trivial matter? And the man was collected by his father without the consent of the master. What if it does n’t comply?

"Okay." Ye Li knew that her husband was an old stubborn. "You have better rules than the sky. What are you looking for? I'll find it for you."

"It's not your gate, it's our gate!" Wu Taijing corrected again: "I was looking for evidence. When the man worshiped my father as a teacher, the father said that this was a big thing, and we couldn't be careless, our family was starving. For a few months, I asked someone to take a picture. "

"Oh, you mean that photo." Ye Li took a shabby black-and-white photo from a pile of scrap books and gave it to her husband: "I haven't seen each of your fortune-making disciples as devout as you are." what."

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