In the morning, Lin Yue had just woken up when the phone rang.

It's Li Xiaoming's.

"Why is this guy so active and up so early. "

Lin Yue muttered.

"Li Xiaoming, morning!"

Lin Yue picked up the phone and said lazily.

"Brother Lin, morning!"

"Brother Lin, I've already got the admission ticket for the ghost market. "

"In addition, the stalls in the ghost market are drawn by computer. I've already signed up. We will be notified when the draw is finalized. "

"As soon as I got the notice, I got our billboards ready. "

"Wait for the ghost market to set the opening time, then go directly to your stall and hang up the billboard. "

"Brother Lin, you don't have to worry about anything. "

Li Xiaoming didn't care about 3721, and reported a meal.

"This guy is not bad at work. "

Lin Yue praised in his heart.

"Well, you've worked hard!"

Lin Yue expressed his condolences to Li Xiaoming.

"It's not hard, it's not hard!"

"Brother Lin, you are the hardest worker. "

"You have to prepare so many talismans. "

Although Li Xiaoming is not a cultivator, he has also understood.

Talismans are difficult to portray. Otherwise, how could it be sold so expensive?

I heard that the talisman of Longhu Mountain starts at one million.

High-quality talismans are hard to find.

He also inquired that Longhu Mountain had sold tens of millions of talismans.

That's why he said that Lin Yue was the hardest worker.

How did he know that for Lin Yue, portraying the talisman was actually a gesture.

Lin Yue didn't need to prepare at all, and there were countless high-quality talismans with a wave of his hand.

"Uh, don't bother me during this time. I'll prepare some more talismans. "

"I'll definitely hand it over to you before the ghost market opens. "

Lin Yue said.

Of course, Lin Yue could hear that Li Xiaoming's words reminded him to prepare as many talismans as possible.

No matter how much, he just waved his hand.

He said to Li Xiaoming like this just to reassure Li Xiaoming.

"Okay. Good. Brother Lin, who are you, great god! Of course I believe you!"

Li Xiaoming hurriedly patted his ass and said.

"By the way, Brother Ring, how should our billboards be written?"

Li Xiaoming asked again.

"Advertisement, you just write: Tianhai King Fu!"

Lin Yue thought for a while and said.

He believed that his name as the Sea King of Heaven would definitely be beaten. Advertising under his name is sure to be an instant hit.

"Heavenly Sea King Talisman!"

"Good! Good! Simple enough, domineering enough!"

"Brother Lin, I wish the Tianhai King Fu Gong a success!"

Li Xiaoming said arrogantly.

"That's a must!"

Lin Yue also said politely.

"Haha, Brother Lin, I'm going to get busy first!"

Li Xiaoming smiled happily and said to Lin Yue.

"Good. You can get busy. "

Lin Yue hung up the phone after speaking.

"First of all, ask the ghost market over there of the Spiritual Bureau why it was postponed. "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yue first thought of this.

Lin Yue had great hopes for the ghost market, and he didn't want the ghost market to be affected by something.

He found the phone number of King Guicheng and called.

"Ah, the Sea King. Hello!"

King Guicheng on the other end of the phone said with surprise.

He didn't expect the King of the Sky Sea to call him.

"King Guicheng, hello!"

"Last time, I didn't contact you for many days, how are you?"

Lin Yue didn't want to ask directly, so he pulled up the greetings first.

"Haha, hello everyone. You've always been missed!"

King Guicheng replied with a smile.

This is the truth, their Paranormal Bureau headquarters often talk about the Heavenly Sea King. Especially his uncle, he is a fan of Tianhai King.

"Thank you all for your concern!"

"King Guicheng, I want to ask you, do you know why the ghost market has been postponed?"

Lin Yue asked. He went to the point.

"That's right. It turned out that the person in charge of presiding over the ghost market this year was Zhao Qing, the king of Dongsheng. "

"Some time ago, King Dongsheng was calculated by the ghost master of the Ghost Sect and had an accident. So the bureau sent Li Hai, the king of Taishan, to take over. "

"Because the preliminary work was done by King Dongsheng, King Taishan still needs some time to take over. "

"The most important thing is that according to the information we have received, the evil cultivator family will take advantage of our change of generals to make trouble. "

"That's why we've extended the opening hours of the ghost market to strengthen security. "

"We expect the market to open in ten days!"

King Guicheng knew that the King of the Heavenly Sea would not ask about this matter inexplicably. What should the King of the Sky Sea have to do with the ghost market.

Therefore, King Guicheng did not hide it, and told Lin Yue.

"Oh. I see. Thank you, we'll talk about it when you're free!"

Lin Yue said.

When asked what he wanted to know, he had nothing to do with King Guicheng anymore.

"Celestial Sea King, goodbye!"

King Guicheng said.

After saying that, they hung up the phone.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he received two messages.

Dongfang Yu's: "Brother Lin, the goods have been delivered safely!"

Li Zhen's: "Thank you, master! The equipment has been received." I'll be getting people up right away!"

Lin Yue replied to Dongfang Yu: "Thank you!"

In addition, Lin Yue replied to Li Zhen with a talisman: "Immediately arrange for the ghost to try on the ghost cover." Immediately arrange personnel to break into the various evil cultivator families. "

After a while, Lin Yue received a message from Li Zhen that he had sent to him with a talisman:

"Master, what a magical ghost cover! All ghosts are just like normal people when they put on the ghost cover. "

"Even the Great Elder couldn't recognize the Second Elder's ghost thing as a ghost thing. He only knew his own ghosts. The second elder is the same, he only recognizes his own ghosts. "

"So I marked all the ghosts so that my own people could recognize them when they wore the ghost cover. "

"Our people have begun to break into the various cult families one after another. I will report any news as soon as possible. "

When Lin Yue saw these news, he smiled slightly and nodded with satisfaction.

The ghost cover he had refined must have been magical.

Except for their own ghosts, because they have their own breath, they can recognize it.

They definitely can't recognize other people's ghosts as ghosts, they see normal people.

If they can all see it, then masters like them can also see it, so what good is it?

Therefore, the ghost thing wearing the ghost cover refined by Lin Yue can only be seen by Lin Yue.

Including Li Zhen, he can't see other people's ghosts.

Li Zhen was embarrassed to say that he couldn't see other people's ghosts, so he used the second elder of the Great Elder to talk about things.

Li Zhen couldn't see it himself, so he could only go to make a mark.

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