Surprise! Tyrant’s Little Crybaby Went on a Killing Spree After Being Reborn

Chapter 96: General, you just came from the slave family...

  Chapter 96 General, you just joined the slave family...

   Papa screamed in a panic, and could only bend down to avoid being blown away by the wind.

The ghost lady was amused by this scene, looked at Shen Liu'an and said mockingly: "At first, I thought this little thing with short eyes would disturb our relationship, but now it seems that I think too much. General, You just came from the slave house..."

  Shen Liu'an watched the ghost lady approaching him while she was talking, and suddenly felt a more disgusting smell of rotting corpses, almost making him nauseous.

  At this moment, there was another cry of papa in the air.

I saw the corpse-eating insect passing by the two of them with Papa, it was waving its vines, and the barbed vines immediately hooked the eyelids of the ghost lady's eyes, pulled her flesh, and forcibly pulled her forward .

"Hey, my eyes!" The ghost lady let out a sharp cry, she was going crazy in pain, in order to relieve the pain, she could only keep stepping forward and chased forward, and was chased by Papa and corpse insects run forward.

  Papa is drooping on the vines, dragging the ghost lady like walking a dog, while being thrown up and down by the corpse-eating insect's body!

  Shen Liu'an had never seen such a strange scene, and was stunned for a while, he could only stare at them blankly, unable to say a word.

   "Stop it!" The ghost lady was furious, she stretched out her hand suddenly while speaking, and grabbed Papa and the two corpse-eating insects that were entangled with Papa.

  Ghost Lady exerted all her strength, and the two corpse-eating insects were immediately crushed to death by her, splashing out viscous liquid like an explosion.

  Papa was also splashed with venom. It jumped up as if it was burned, its body retracted to the size of a finger, and it pulled the vine vigorously.


A strange tearing sound resounded in the air, and the eyelids of the ghost lady's eyes were torn off from her eyes, and the two bloodshot turbid eyes were exposed to the air, and maggots could even be seen in them Writhing, almost nauseating.

   Shen Liu'an finally couldn't help making a loud retching sound, and couldn't help but look away, not daring to look at the disgusting face of the ghost lady.

  He really didn't want to throw up here.

   "You, how dare you hurt my face?!" The ghost lady opened her throat and let out a piercing scream.

   Papa also seemed to feel a little embarrassed, so she gestured to the vine, trying to return the eyelids that were stained on it to the ghost lady.

  It's easy to think, but extremely difficult to do it. Papa aimed at the ghost lady's eyes and worked very hard.

  Especially when she saw the face of the ghost lady, Papa also felt that it was so terrifying that she couldn't bear to look directly at it.

  However, Papa is not cowardly.

  In his heart, he was thinking of being brave and not afraid of difficulties. When Papa shook his hand vigorously, his two eyelids slapped twice and stuck to the cheek of the ghost lady.

   "Get out!" The ghost lady couldn't bear it anymore, let out a piercing roar, grabbed Papa's body, and wanted to crush it to death.

   "Stop!" Seeing this scene, Shen Liu'an's heart trembled, he bit the tip of his tongue, the piercing pain gave him a burst of energy, he broke free from the restraint, a breath swept out of his body, and went straight to the ghost lady.

   "Shen Liu'an, you really want to die!" The ghost lady was furious, and while speaking, she turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Shen Liu'an.

   "It's ugly." Shen Liu'an was forced to see the ghost lady's face at close range, and felt his stomach tumbling again, and his face changed color.

  (end of this chapter)

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