At present, Ye Han has not found other sources of tea, and these teas really drink a little less.

For a handful of tea leaves, Ye Han would have to make five or six pots of water, which can be said to be very economical.

Now, the amount Su Xiaoqi uses to make a dish is probably enough tea for him to drink for seven or eight days!


"Deduct your salary for ten years!"

Ye Han said viciously to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue, pulled Ye Han to sit down to eat, and quickly gave Ye Han a piece of chicken.

That is, the meat of the cassowary.

"Boss, try it."

"I did the math just now. Next time we go out to explore, we can definitely find new tea leaves!"

Su Xiaoqi opened her eyes and said nonsense.

Ye Han picked up the meat and chewed it.

One thing to say, eating Su Xiaoqi's dishes is a kind of enjoyment.

This meat is all processed, there is not a bit of bone in it, and even the fascia and other things have been cleaned.

When you eat it in your mouth, it is pure meat, and you don't need to worry about chewing it.

After taking this bite, the salty and fresh taste fills the whole taste buds, and there is also a tea fragrance, which is not to be said.

"It tastes pretty good, let's forget it this time."

"It's not possible for you to calculate the divination. If you can find tea next time you go out, it will be hell, eat and eat!"

Ye Han swallowed the meat in his mouth and picked up another piece of durian cake.

No one can believe it when you say it!

On the island, eat durian cake?

That's even more outrageous than finding wild iced Coke on the island.

Usually, the durian cake in the dessert shop is less than a small piece of palm, and it costs at least 20 to 30 yuan!

Many people want to eat it, but they are reluctant to buy it. They can only eat a piece of it occasionally to relieve their cravings.

Now Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are eating together...

Another sad day!

Many viewers wanted to leave the live broadcast room while they were eating, but they were reluctant.

Just watching them eat, the audience can also watch with relish, it's outrageous!

"I'm hungry, but I just finished eating, how can I break the old irons?"

"I decided to poke my eyes and never watch the live broadcast again!"

"I feel the fear of being dominated by Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi once again. I want to buy a tea chicken, but there is no takeaway software!"

"Humph! As if no one can eat it, I immediately bought a durian melaleuca!"

"Don't be deceived everyone, they are pretending, hahaha, they are definitely pretending, it's not delicious at all, I'm not greedy at all, hahaha!"

"It's over, is this another crazy one?"


It was very lively in the live room.

At this moment, in a ward abroad.

Jackson the Great, and his teammate Schmidt, both breathed a sigh of relief.

Because after so many days of sleeplessness and forgetting food, and playing at double speed at the right time, the two of them finally finished the lesson.

After catching up with the progress, I watched all the past live videos of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

Now, they happened to see Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi having lunch.

The beer in my hand seems to be bitter.

The sausage chewing in the mouth, it is also not fragrant!


The two made the same gesture of swallowing saliva.

Then they looked at each other.

"What, why don't we go to China to travel together?"

"I've heard that the food in China is very delicious, and many people don't want to come back when they go there."

Schmidt suggested. These words immediately hit Jackson's heart.

He thought so too.

"Shenzhou Kingdom is also very convenient. You can do everything with a mobile phone when you go out!"

"And there are many ancient cultural heritages in China, such as the bamboo slips made by Ye Han, which make me yearn for it."

Jackson said.

Just talking about food, it seems that the layout is a bit small.

We Jackson the Great is also a cultural man now, and the novels written by a large number of readers are chasing and urging them.

So he characterized this action as exploring the ancient culture of China and brewing inspiration for his works (going to China to eat and drink).

The two hit it off and have decided to fly directly to China after they are discharged from the hospital!

Not to mention, all the delicacies Su Xiaoqi made must be tasted all over again!

"How are you feeling now, can you be discharged from the hospital?"

Schmidt couldn't wait.

Jackson shook his head.

"It's only been a long time, and the wound has not healed. You are more serious than me, so just wait."

"Recover with peace of mind, and after the injury is healed, can you let go of eating, oh no, it is to let go to explore the culture of Shenzhou!"

Jackson said proudly.

Schmidt strongly agrees with this, take good care of your body, and then let go of eating, drinking, and playing!

Otherwise, his posture on the toilet now is the same as Ye Wen's fight, which is too uncomfortable.

Next, the two began scavenging other teams' live streams.

There are many others of interest, such as Leng Feng, who is known as the wolf of the Shenzhou Kingdom, Wang Heng, who is rumored to be divine, and Bill, the direct disciple of Lord Bei, and so on.

They all want to see how these players perform.

Of course, the unfortunate players from the Neon Kingdom are also indispensable. It is said that a lot of players from the Neon Kingdom have died, which is particularly miserable.

The two continued to watch the video and watched Ye Han's live broadcast.

On the island, Sean and Vasily have been very popular recently.

Sean was walking alone at this time, and occasionally he found something. For example, he saw a rabbit just now, but in the blink of an eye, the rabbit disappeared.

"If only I had a gun!"

Sean murmured.

Beautiful country does not restrict guns, and many people have guns in their hands.

If there was a gun just now, he was sure to kill this rabbit.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as a gun on the island. To say that it is manufactured, Sean has not thought about it.

Before going to the island, he asked some experts in relevant fields, and he came to an impossible conclusion.

Even the simplest and most inferior firearms cannot be made on the island.

The initial tools of all players are an engineer shovel, a pot, and a backpack. There is no way to develop to that point.

On the other side, Vasily was still walking outside!

This exceeded the expectations of many viewers.

I have never seen Vasily work, this guy just hides at home and sleeps, and starts praying when Sean comes back.

Now he has gone out for so long?

In fact, Vasily is also very tired now. He is too sunburned, and his body is soaked with sweat. When passing by the stream, he lay down directly to take a shower, and drank a lot of stream water by the way.

It is worth mentioning that some players are too lazy to boil water and let it cool before drinking.

They drink directly from wild streams.

The theory here is a bit like the sentence of Shenzhou Kingdom, it is not clean, and it is not sick after drinking.

Then they thought that even if they drank the water in the wild and had parasites in their bodies, it would not be a big problem. Wouldn't it be okay to wait until the end of the game to go back and take some deworming medicine?

Otherwise, boiling water every day would be too troublesome and unnecessary.

You want to say that this statement is justified, in fact, it is also reasonable, but after all, it is not enough insurance.

Boil the water, which can destroy the eggs and harmful bacteria in it, which is definitely the safest way.

Closer to home, Vasily has been looking for something and has traveled a lot.

Now, he has finally found his destination!

A cave, the entrance of the cave was blocked by a wooden door made of branches!

Without a doubt, this is where Sean hides his food!

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