Systems And Makers

Chapter -2 - System Framework (12)

This auxiliary chapter deals with the System Framework, and just like every other auxiliary chapter like this, do take note of the quoted chapter in the bracket of the title.

If you have not reached that chapter yet, then there will obviously be spoiler.

Now. What is exactly a framework? In simplest term, a framework is a library of functions or methods that provides generic things that all kind of systems might need. In other word, having a framework is almost a must for the development of any system, whether they are cosmic or digital.

Just like having a platform for a game. Without a platform, a developer would have to design the said platform then the game they want to make. Just like before computer becomes globally standardized. Before consoles are a thing. Even a television can consider a platform.

Anyway, for this story, think of it like a platform that all System relies upon, and yes, if the framework goes down, so will every system that relies upon it. That is just one of the arcs of the story. A later arc from just how much power it is required to take down something like that.

The System Framework that William Willow created is made of countless components. Inside each of the components is a Reality Cube, which basically can do anything within a reality, but William Willow only task one job to each cube.

It is due to the saying: complexity from simplicity.

In any case, below is the list of all the components that have been revealed so far. More will be added as the story progressed. Some will be created when they are needed. No point to create them all, but most already exist.

Please note that these names are suggested, as none of the components have been referenced in the story by name yet. They will eventually. Feel free to suggest name, as I do have problem with naming things. Meh.

[Multiversal Information]

This component allows a system to download any information from any reality, regardless of whatever the information is. Of course, there are some information that cannot be accessed due to their nature, but most information is available to the system, thus this make the system practically omni-sentient.

That is, the system knows everything there is to know, at least within a reality and within the field that it was designed for. But just because the system knows does not mean that it will tell the user. One of the restrictions placed upon the system prevents it from flooding user with irrelevant information.

[Natural Law Manipulator]

This component allows a system to manipulate the natural law of the universe. It can be used to create or destroy anything, but unless the system is designed to do such a thing in the first place, this will not be used to wipe out life. That said, almost every system will be using this component.

While a Game Creation System appears to not need this component at all, it actually resorts to this all of the time. This component takes the code the user writes and compiles it into something that works just like the user intended. Yes. It bypasses the natural logic to get the result.

[All of Creation Adjustment]

This components profiles everything within creation and gives those things measurable context. How would one describe a person? Their appearances. Their size. Height. Dimension. Their feeling. Emotion and so much more. These can be quantified and qualified. It is extremely complex to describe in actual detail, but think of those numbers in Strength, Speed, Wisdom, Intelligence etc. Gaming stats.

It also allows a user to grow much more rapidly than they normally would. Like why would creating a game instantly makes them smarter? Or why would be running for a long time makes them faster? It obviously does not, but this component can modify the stats.

Obviously, modifying the intelligence stats does not make someone smarter. There are some rules of the Aspectual Multiverse cannot be broken, and that is one of it. Otherwise, William would have made himself super smart and then figure out how to win against the others. Probably not since the others would undoubtedly do the same, thus returning to the stalemate again.

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