"But who can guarantee that the professors will be right! You haven't seen Penelope and Colin at all, and if you saw them now, you wouldn't think so! And, the professors say, they were only lucky to have survived this time!" Percy was now speaking clearly and fluently, and he was obviously much calmer.

"But what reason does Harry have to attack them?" asked Neville.

"There's no reason for Harry to attack Penelope, but not Colin. Harry also refused Colin's request to take a picture of him yesterday, who knows if he still cares about the past? Penelope may have been unlucky to bump into Colin when he sent him a washed photo yesterday night, so he was attacked together!" Percy argued.

"Percy, you and Harry lived together for a month during the summer vacation, eating and living together, don't you know him? Is he the kind of person who attacks others and endangers their lives for the slightest thing? When Harry was assigned to Gryffindor, you were the happiest one, and you shook hands! Now, because of this untenable speculation, you suspect Harry, which is really disappointing!" Locke said with a disgruntled expression.

"But, everybody...... Say so...... Percy lowered his voice.

"Rumours are always more marketable, especially at boring Hogwarts. However, you are the male student council president! I am sure the professors will be very disappointed when they find out!" Locke emphasized the position of male student president.

"I'm sorry, I was too impulsive. Percy finally gave in.

"You should apologize to Harry. Locke stepped away, giving way to the door to Harry's room.

Percy hesitated, but pushed the door in, and soon, there was an apology from ~ Percy in the room.

Harry forgave him, of course, but he was so depressed that he didn't even want to eat breakfast.

In the end, it was Locke who brought Harry food.

Because of this incident, Locke and Hermione's weekend study plan was also ruined.

Several people gathered again in the boys' dormitory for an emergency meeting.

This time it was Hermione who spoke first, "Harry, you have to tell us exactly what happened last night. Only then can we help you to the fullest!"

Hermione's expression was serious, but Harry still didn't look refreshed, and it took a while for him to pick himself up and talk about the events of the previous night.

After listening to this, several people looked at each other.

They had a lot to say, but they didn't know how to say it, so they looked at Locke together.

Normally, at this time, it was Locke who took the lead.

"Well, Harry, you've made a big mistake this time, and you can miss Voldemort's information. Maybe the current situation is a punishment for your negligence. "

"Locke!" Hermione glared at him with dissatisfaction.

"It's okay, Hermione. Locke was right, I did make a big mistake this time. In retrospect, I'm even a little glad that it wasn't you and Locke who were petrified and lying in the infirmary! Harry was sad, like a wilted eggplant.

"Harry, people make mistakes. I'm making mistakes all the time, you're just wrong once, it's nothing. Neville didn't want to see Harry like that, so he tried to comfort him.

"Yes, Harry. I don't blame you for Penelope and Colin's incident this time. Even if you hadn't missed the previous message, we couldn't do anything. After all, who else but us would believe that Voldemort was still alive?" Ron reassured Harry.

"Thank you, I'm fine, let's move on. Harry smiled reluctantly.

In fact, he is still very warm in his heart, but he can't forgive himself a little.

He felt that this year was a very bad year, much worse than the previous year.

"Well, finally back to business. Voldemort's beforehand aside. From the information Harry had obtained last night, we at least knew more about Dobby, the house-elf. Obviously, it really didn't have a normal head...... However, it seemed genuinely worried about Harry, and was not instructed by the Malfoys. In this way, maybe the next time we have the chance, we can win him over and make him our partner. If necessary, consider finding a way to set him free. "

"Locke, is Dobby really that important? I think what he's been doing hasn't helped us at all, it's made us worse. Don't forget about the start of school, Harry and I almost died beating Willow......" Ron couldn't go on at this point.

After all, this matter has long been decided, and he is also very responsible for not being able to drive.

And he's still using a wand to beat willow branches.

"Ron, Dobby repeatedly reminded Harry to leave Hogwarts. But you say, what kind of threat can make Dobby so scared that even Dobby, who is guarded by Dumbledore, feels unsafe?"

"This ...... I do not know. "Ron's brain didn't spin that fast.

"Locke, you mean, Dobby knew from the beginning that the threat had something to do with Voldemort!" But Hermione had a nimble mind.

"yes, what is the Undulating Ground Demon or the Basilisk? Dobby probably knows more than we think. We don't know now that it has to do with Voldemort, and Dobby knew about it before school started! So if we can get Dobby, it will be much easier now!"

"But how do we save Dobby?" Harry wondered. He didn't know anything about house-elves. []

"This is a long-term consideration, after all, Dobby will only come when Lucius comes. And Lucius left yesterday night. Let's talk about the attack first, and Harry clearly heard that the basilisk was going to attack him instead of she, which shows that the person who ordered the basilisk was actually coming for Colin. But has Colin offended anyone lately, or has he accidentally photographed something?"

After Locke finished speaking, everyone looked at each other, obviously no one knew much about Colin.

After all, Harry was probably the only one who knew Colin best, but not Colin's pictures.

"Well, about Colin, Harry can look into it with Ginny. For example, flipping through his photos or something. "

"Locke, and possibly, Colin was attacked for no other reason than because he was a Muggle wizard!" Hermione reminded.

"I know, but we need clues right now, so look into any possibility. Next, let's talk about the basilisk, but it doesn't seem like much to talk about, Dumbledore's judgment, and the evidence of this attack, I think we can almost be sure that the monster is the basilisk!"

"And then, I don't think it's a good place to start with the basilisk, it's too dangerous!" reminded Hermione again.

"Yes. So the focus of this meeting was not on the previous ones, but on the two pieces of information that Dumbledore had deliberately revealed. One is Voldemort's real name, and the other is the Chamber of Secrets, which is suspected to have been opened by Voldemort!"

"What do you want to say, Lock?" said Hermione. After all, she was the only one who could keep up with Locke's mind.

"First of all, the name Tom Mavolo Riddle, are you familiar with Ron?"

"Indeed...... It's familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it. Ron scratched his head.

"Looks like the trophy in your prize showroom is wiped in vain. "

"Oh, Merlin, I remember, I did see this name in the prize room, it seemed to be a special contribution award or something. "

"When you go to confinement tonight, look into this carefully, carefully, understand?" Locke patted Ron on the shoulder.

Ron's expression immediately became nervous, and then he nodded earnestly.

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