"Wait, Harry, you can't ...... Well, I'll tell you. Tom, it's a diary. It contained the soul of the Slytherin heir back then!He was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, it was him decades ago, and it's still him!I'm just being coerced!You know, my spell level, do you think I can resist such a powerful, dangerous dark magic object, Harry?" Lockhart cried out.

He probably thought that as long as he screamed loudly, someone would always be able to hear him.

And Lockhart felt that once what happened here was discovered, he would definitely be in a good position for public opinion.

After all, Harry was now a serious suspect of being the "Heir of Slytherin".

"Be quiet, Lockhart, I know that dark magic object, now tell me where it is!"

"I don't know ......"

"Are you kidding me, the fire is hot......"

"Wait, wait, please don't do that, Harry! I really don't know! Normally, I put it in that "four-nine-seven" drawer, but sometimes, it just disappears on its own for some reason. So, I'm not sure if it's still there. I don't even dare touch it directly......" Lockhart made a pitiful look, but he cursed in his heart.

He was sure that the portraits in the hallway outside should have heard something, but they apparently pretended not to hear anything.

"Give me your wand, Lockhart!" Harry said suddenly.

"Wait, I ......"

"Hurry up!" Harry poked Lockhart with his wand again, as if he was getting impatient.

Lockhart had no choice but to pull out his golden wand and hand it to Harry.

Harry took the golden wand in his other hand, said sorry to it, and threw it out the window.

This is the third floor, and with Lockhart's ability, he won't be able to retrieve his wand anytime soon.

Lockhart let out a wail.

Harry, on the other hand, let his wand leave Lockhart's neck.

But he still pointed his wand at Lockhart, and then walked over to Lockhart's desk and reached open the drawer that Lockhart had pointed to earlier.

As Harry looked down to see if there was the diary in the drawer, Lockhart suddenly became struggling and with a wave of his hand, he silently cast the "Memory Theater" spell on Harry.

Harry was hit directly, stunned.

Just as Lockhart was about to burst into laughter, Harry's body shook and he immediately regained his senses.

It turned out that the Occlumency technique he had just learned had worked!

Of course, there could have been other reasons, such as his mother's love, ritual magic.

Lockhart had been with Tom all the time, and he had Tom's breath on him, so he couldn't actually hurt Harry directly now.

But Lockhart himself didn't know about it, and when he saw Harry recover, he had a ghost-like look on his face!

"Lockhart!" Knowing that his brain had been invaded, Harry angrily threw a red beam at Lockhart, knocking Lockhart straight away.

Lockhart hit the wall, for some reason, dizzy, pale, and looked badly injured, as if he would die in the next moment.

In fact, he was sucked too much life force by Tom, and he was just returning to the light before, but now he was hit by Harry's disarming spell, and he couldn't support it a little.

But Lockhart was also unaware of this, and seemed to recognize Harry's great strength, and when he came to his senses, he immediately covered his head and shrank into a ball.

Harry was even more annoyed when he saw that the drawer was empty and there was nothing.

But he still had some sense and did not attack Lockhart again.

"Come with me, Professor. I figured if I couldn't get you to speak, the basilisk would. Harry closed the drawer and walked over to Lockhart, speaking in a calm tone.

"No, you can't...... There's no way you can command the basilisk!"

"Who knows, Professor?" said Harry, who put on his invisible canopy again, and then put his wand on the back of Lockhart's neck again.

Lockhart struggled to his feet, and Harry coerced him into staggering out of his office to the women's restroom where Myrtle had died.

They quickly arrived at the place, and then, with Lockhart's horrified expression, Harbhart spoke to the faucet in snake language, opening the entrance to the secret room.

"How, how could you?" Tom told me, he's the heir of Slytherin, how could you ......" Lockhart was starting to get a little confused.

However, Harry didn't notice Lockhart's condition, and after pushing Lockhart down, he covered his nose and jumped down.

He was envious of the bubble head charm that Dumbledore had used before, but it was a spell that only senior students could master.

Even Hermione hadn't learned it yet.

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The sewer pipes are dirty and smelly.

When Harry fell, he found Lockhart in front of him unconscious in the pile of bones.

Harry thought he must have been stunned. Because he himself almost fainted from the stench!

Just as Harry was about to check on Lockhart's condition, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

"Harry, you should be careful, you know, Lockhart, but my most important friend!"

"Who's there, who's there!" Harry was startled!

"Didn't you always want to see me, my name, Mr. Savior?" Tom's half-illusory figure emerged from the darkness, and with him was the massive figure of the basilisk.......

Harry immediately tensed and clenched his wand.

"It's useless, Harry. I'm just a phantom now, and you won't be able to hurt me even if you use all the spells!" Tom said with ease.

But Harry didn't want to trust Tom easily, and he threw a red light directly at Tom's phantage, but the red light pierced through it.

Harry then used a few more spells, but naturally it didn't work at all.

On the other side, the basilisk has swept away Lockhart under Tom's orders.

"What are you going to do to Lockhart!"

"What to do? Let him take on the obligations of a friend, of course. You know, I did him a lot of helps, for example, by teaching him how to be a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Like, help him punish Rock Chen!"

"It's you, it's you who ordered the basilisk to kill my friend!"

"No, no, I just petrified him, don't slander me! But the two mudbloods, and the cat, I did order the basilisk to kill them! Unfortunately, the basilisk seems to have its own ideas!" Tom looked at the basilisk beside him, and the yin and yang monster breathed.

The basilisk stiffened, still silently carrying out Tom's orders.

Ever since seeing those blue butterflies, the basilisk's mindset has changed, and he no longer knows Tom as well as he used to.

Because of this, Tom is now very dissatisfied with the basilisk.

Just now, he asked the basilisk what 2.2 it saw, so that its eyes were burned through.

But it was silent and unwilling to answer.

Tom was still angry before Harry and Lockhart got out of the pipe, and now he was only in a better mood.

In fact, Tom was worried, worried about what Locke had done to the basilisk and made it no longer loyal to him.

At this stage, the basilisk is still very important to him.

Even if he is fully resurrected, his strength is still limited as a teenager, and the thousand-year-old basilisk is still a huge help for him!

And there is a reason why he suspects that the basilisk is controlled by Locke.

Because Locke had indeed shown him a terrible power before.

Locke made every monster in the Forbidden Forest so fearful and obedient to Locke.

A young wizard who has been at Hogwarts for less than two years can do this, and it's hard to say whether he will be able to completely control the entire Forbidden Forest by the time Locke is in his seventh year.

In that case, he will become the most dangerous existence in the British wizarding world!

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