Partridge Whistle can confirm that the road shown in the video is still in use until recently.

There wasn't even a tiny weed on it, it was extremely smooth.

At this time, Hua Ling and the old foreigner next to the partridge whistle also noticed that something was not right.

"Brother, this road is so strange."

The partridge whistle nodded after hearing Hua Ling's words,"The road is too smooth, whether it is a pedestrian or a car, it will not be like it is now, similar to a mirror."

At this time, the camera was getting closer and closer to the dense forest and this strange road.

The details on the road were becoming clearer and clearer.

Soon the partridge whistle had seen that the road was not only smooth, but also smooth. It even reflected light.

When he saw this, even the well-informed Partridge Whistle was stunned for a long time.

…… parallel world.


Outside the courtyard.

Shirley Yang was also watching the video in the sky, her eyes full of doubts.

This inventory video is indeed very surprising.

It's actually not a big fish in the lake.

Instead, it moved to the shore.

When she saw the road on the shore clearly, Shirley Yang became even more confused.

This road clearly doesn't look like a normal road.

At this time, Shirley Yang heard the conversation coming from the courtyard

"Lao Hu, this road looks fresh. Who is building a road here? Have you built it all the way into the lake?"

"Fatty, are you not observing carefully? This road is not man-made at first glance. I built roads when I was an engineer in Tibet. Man-made roads are not like this. There must be drainage and there is a slight bulge in the middle. Look at this, it's sunken in. It was obviously rubbed out by something."

"Lao Hu, just talk nonsense. What can make such a wide and smooth road? Isn't that a big long insect three to four meters thick? Uh, can it really be this?"

"It's hard to say, I think it was probably formed by some kind of huge creature. When I was excavating 927 in the Kunlun Mountain Glacier in Tibet, I saw some very huge animals in the ice 927, which can completely rub out similar roads."

The two people in the courtyard were still talking. At this time, the video in the sky changed.

There were waves of strange sounds coming from the dense forest.

It sounded like something was crawling.

And judging from the sound, this thing was crawling over. The thing was absolutely huge.

This movement was definitely not coming from something small.

You could even feel the whole forest trembling.

Then, Shirley Yang saw the video in the sky. A huge figure appeared on the road in the dense forest.

It looked like some kind of lizard.

It was a bit flat, about seven or eight meters in length, and had short limbs.

The claws are thick.

There are bumpy scales on the body, and there are some spikes on many parts of the body.

This thing is almost very fast on the smooth road.

It took only a moment to rush into the lake.

The water suddenly splashed with waves.

When she saw this, Shirley Yang was half a biologist.


So he knew a lot about all kinds of dangerous animals and plants, but the huge creature in front of him was far beyond Shirley Yang's knowledge at the first moment when he saw this thing.

What comes to mind is a water monster!

Although it is far from the traditional image of a long-necked water monster, Shirley Yang was still shocked by the huge size of this thing.

Shirley Yang used to think that the Comoros dragon was already the largest lizard in the world..

But the creature in front of him was obviously bigger, even bigger than the largest crocodile.

It was definitely an extremely powerful and dangerous murderous demon.

At this time, Shirley Yang heard a cry from inside the courtyard.

"Fuck! I've seen this thing before, in a glacier."

"I remember that some experts called this giant spotted dragon. It was a prehistoric creature that was said to be extinct."

"It is said that this thing can grow up to ten meters long. The one in the video is considered a minor."

"His movements are extremely fast, he is extremely powerful, and he is extremely ferocious. It would be incredible if he were still alive today."

"No wonder it is on the top ten monster beast rankings."

Shirley Yang was slightly startled after hearing this.

She didn't expect that the person named Hu in the courtyard actually knew what was on the video.

However, Shirley Yang had also seen many people who talked nonsense.

I didn't know that this person named Hu was just bragging. Still really knowledgeable.

At this moment, the video in the sky changed again.

The vibration sound came from the dense forest again. This time, it was even louder than before.

The black and white figure appeared at the edge of the jungle.

This time it was more than two meters wide and at least twelve or three meters long.

It had a ferocious head and powerful limbs. The skin was very thick and had spikes.

Then it stared directly at the camera of the video, which shocked Chief

Shirley Yang. When the video arrived in the sky, subtitles slowly began to appear.

"Taking stock of the top ten monsters in the world of tomb robbers, the fifth list"

"Giant striped dragon"

"The king who lives at the foot of the snow-capped mountains and on the edge of the wind-eroded lake"

"Ancient biological remains"

"Possessing an extremely large size and swift movements"

"Amphibious, with strong swimming and hunting abilities in the water"

"The claws, teeth and spikes on its body are its weapons"

"Its huge strength, super defensive ability, and tenacious vitality make it the king of the wind-eroded lake."

"Strong resistance to toxins and cold"

"At the same time, the giant spotted dragon also possesses rare intelligence."

"Know how to fight for geniuses and treasures"

"Attack power: three and a half stars"

"Defense: four and a half stars"

"Vitality: Four and a half stars"

"Special Skill 1: Death Roll"

"The unique hunting method of the striped giant dragon"

"Attack similar to crocodile"

"But it has greater strength and stronger bite ability"

"Special Skill 2: Viral Saliva"

"Like other monitor lizards"

"The bite of the spotted giant dragon also has a special pathogenic effect"

"Can make the target weak"

"Overall rating: four stars."

When she saw this, Shirley Yang heard a sound coming from the courtyard.

"I knew there was a bigger one!"

"This thing doesn't require any special skills at all"

"With its size alone, how many people can defeat it?"

After Shirley Yang heard this, she shook her head slightly.

The strength of the striped giant dragon is not in its attack power.

Even compared to the six-winged centipede and the hundred-legged dragon centipede, which are powerful attacks with toxins.

The striped giant dragon The biggest advantage is its defense.

According to the description in the subtitles, the striped giant dragon is also extremely resistant to toxins and cold.

Moreover, Shirley Yang also noticed that the striped giant dragon also has a strong vitality.

One thing.

It has intelligence and knows how to fight for genius treasures.

Among the monsters listed above, most of them are insects.


It is indeed very powerful.

But it is still a little inferior in intelligence.

If this giant spotted dragon is as described in the inventory video, it is definitely a very difficult beast.

The fifth place on the list is worthy of the name.

At the same time , Shirley Yang secretly felt that the two people in the courtyard, especially the one named Hu, were indeed knowledgeable.

As mentioned, if this person also knows Qingwu Feng Shui and Tianxing Feng Shui, he is indeed an excellent candidate to lead the inspection team in Jingjue Ancient City.

However, the so-called fat man with the surname Hu does not sound so powerful.

It seemed that he was still eating while watching the video.

The sound of this guy slurping noodles was heard outside the yard.

He only stopped for a few seconds when the video was most critical.

Shirley Yang decided.

She really wanted to have a good chat with these two people.

Then Shirley Yang walked into the courtyard.

…… parallel world.

The mountains of western Hunan.

Partridge Whistle frowned as he watched the video slowly disappearing in the sky.

"It seems that getting the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eyes is indeed not an easy task."

Partridge Whistle was deeply worried about the giant striped dragon that appeared just now.

At this time, Hua Ling and the old foreigner next to him were a little strange and immediately asked Partridge Whistle.

"Brother, although this giant striped dragon looks very powerful, as long as you don't provoke it, it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"This monster is very powerful in the water, but it may not be very flexible on the shore. Whether it is hiding on the steep rocks by the lake or on the big trees in the dense forest, it should be relatively safe."

After listening to what Hua Ling and the old foreigner said, Partridge Whistle shook his head slightly.

"What I'm worried about is not just how to avoid this monster."

"In fact, there is no way to avoid many monsters and evil spirits."

"I don’t know if you have noticed, but there is a very interesting point mentioned in the inventory video just now."

Hua Ling and the old foreigner all shook their heads, obviously not understanding what the very interesting point mentioned by Partridge Whisper was.

"The video mentions that this giant striped dragon has developed spiritual intelligence and knows how to compete for genius treasures."

"Obviously, in this area, the only one in the wind-eroded lake that can compete with the spotted giant dragon for the genius treasure is the big fish in the water."

"This is not the most important thing, but what kind of genius and treasure can be found in this place, a wind-eroded lake at the foot of a snow-capped mountain?"

After Partridge Whistle finished speaking, his eyes radiated bright light.

"In the previous video where I took stock of the Ghost Mother’s Crystal Demon Eyes, I remember very clearly where the scene disappeared at the end. It was not that weird ancient city."

"It's this lake that looks ordinary but is actually very weird."

"In other words, is it possible that this genius treasure that the striped giant dragon and the big fish in the water are competing for is the crystal demon pupil of the ghost mother?".

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