Dragons suck water, which is the most violent and dangerous weather on the sea.

If we encounter similar weather during this trip to Xisha.

I'm afraid it will be quite difficult for the expedition team to survive.

An Ning's face became paler and paler.

The picture on the video also began to change.

The violent dragon sucked water, and the huge waves like hills finally stopped.

The sea began to show its magnificent and gorgeous side again.

The golden sunshine filled the sea.

The waves have also become much gentler.

At this time, a strange thing actually appeared in the distance on the sea.

Aning's heart sank after seeing it.

After a few seconds, the video camera started to zoom in.

Aning finally saw it clearly, and it turned out that what appeared on the screen was a huge black stream of water.

This black stream of water is clearly distinct from the surrounding blue water.

The difference is very obvious.

At the same time, there were many dead fish with white bellies in the black water.

Some of the fish were big fish that Aning had never seen before.

Looks ugly and vicious.

But it's already dead.

Some of the skin and flesh on his body had even begun to rot.

Aning even saw some looming white skeletons in the rolling black tide.

He couldn't tell whether they were the bones of a big fish or the bones of some kind of terrifying monster in the deep sea.

The images on the video kept shocking Aning.

It made Aning's breathing quicken.

Obviously, there are too many unknown things in the endless sea.

There are also many unknown dangers.

At this time, Aning discovered that a huge gray-white thing vaguely appeared in the black tide on the video screen.

This thing floats and sinks, disappearing and appearing.

When Aning saw it clearly, his eyes suddenly widened.

Eyes full of disbelief

…… parallel world.

At the foot of Bottle Mountain.

Chen Yulou had been leading Luo Laowai's engineering battalion to dig for most of the night in the heavy rain.

At this time, there was a noise from the engineering camp that was digging.

Chen Yulou immediately stepped forward and immediately saw many watermelon-like things dug out more than ten feet underground.

This thing actually has branches and leaves.

The undulations on the skin of the melon look like a human face, and there are spots on the face that look like blood stains.

When he first saw it, Chen Yulou thought it was someone from the engineering battalion digging out human heads in the soil.

It really shocked me.

At this time Luo Laowai also arrived nearby.

After seeing the human heads in the soil, I immediately crushed one with my feet.

With a pop, the flesh inside was revealed.

It looks bloody.

A lot of red juice splashed out.

It looked more like blood than ordinary watermelon flesh.

Although Luo Laowai was bold and murderous, his heart was still pounding when he saw such weird things.

Immediately ask Chen Yulou what this thing is.

Chen Yulou is well-informed.

Just pick up a melon in your hand and look at it carefully.

Then he immediately said, this thing is called pumpkin.

It only appears in the barren mountains and harsh waters where the Miao people gather.

There is another name called Corpse Head Man.

According to Chen Yulou, the ghosts of those who died will go down.

For example, there will be a section of black coal in the ground at the feet of the Hanged Ghost.

A pumpkin shaped like a human head will grow out of the ground of a decapitated corpse.

These things are formed from the resentment of dying people.

Generally, there will be more of them on execution grounds and ancient battlefields.

On the contrary, there are not many in ancient tombs.

So many tomb robbers don’t know them well.

Chen Yulou has a treasure-knowing night eye, so he recognizes this thing.

But this thing does look quite evil.

Chen Yulou also felt uneasy.

But Chen Yulou couldn't show it.

The morale of Luo Laowai and his men must not be affected.

Soon Chen Yulou said something.

In ancient times, Pingshan was the place where the Seventy-Two Dong Yi and the Mongolian and Yuan armies fought.

It is indeed a battlefield.

I'm afraid that this place at the foot of Pingshan Mountain may be the execution ground where prisoners were killed.

The lonely ghosts who were suppressed nearby were full of resentment.

That's why these corpse-headed barbarians and human-headed melons appear.

But since these corpse heads were dug up, it means that they must not be far from the tomb door of the ancient tomb.

After hearing Chen Yulou's words, the morale of Luo Laowai and others, as well as the people in the engineering battalion, suddenly increased a little.

At least he won't be as scared as he was when he saw the corpse-headed barbarian just now.

At this time, Chen Yulou discovered that there was a burst of purple light in the tunnel dug below.

The inventory video starts playing again.

Chen Yulou simply asked the people in the engineering camp to take a break, drink some hot wine to warm their bodies and restore their physical strength.

After all, digging in heavy rain is hard work.

Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai and a group of Xiling warriors were watching the inventory video here in the tunnel.

The location shown in the inventory video was actually above the sea, which made Chen Yulou frown a little.

Chen Yulou's Xiling warriors are quite powerful in the mountains and dense forests.

But I don’t know much about the sea.

Nor is he good at going to sea.

Chen Yulou was also shocked when he saw the ghost ship in the thick fog in this video.

Seeing this thing, Chen Yulou couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"But I don’t know if there is anything strange on this strange ship.¨」 ¨」 "

"Could it be that the monsters we want to take stock of are some of the monsters on this ship?"

But before Chen Yulou could see the ghost ship clearly, the video picture had changed.

After the violent storm, Chen Yulou was stunned.

As a person who grew up in western Hunan, Chen Yulou boasted that he had also seen violent storms..

I have heard some brothers from the southeast coastal areas mention the so-called typhoon passing through, but I could never imagine how big it could be.���wind and rain.

The dragon that appeared on the video sucking water was much heavier than the biggest rainstorm Chen Yulou had ever seen.

For a moment, it even seemed like the heavy rain that everyone was experiencing was much lighter.

But what surprised Chen Yulou most was the black tide that appeared on the sea after the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

Obviously Chen Yulou really couldn't understand how these black tides appeared.

Naturally, the people around Chen Yulou, such as Luo Lao, Waihua Maguai and others, didn't understand.

But when I asked Chen Yulou this time, Chen Yulou was not able to answer, so he could only prevaricate.

Fortunately, the video screen changed immediately.

A coffin floated in the black tide.

The coffin was very huge, it seemed to be more than two meters wide and four meters long.

At first, Chen Yulou guessed it was a stone coffin.

But when the distance got closer, Chen Yulou was also surprised.

Because Chen Yulou had never seen such a coffin anywhere before.

It is really difficult to determine the age and who left the coffin.

It is covered with the skeletons of various sea creatures.

It can be seen that the original material is a dark gray stone.

But it looks a bit like wood.

It's just covered with a layer of shells and the like, making it look white and green.

You can see many reliefs on this huge coffin.

It's a pity that the coffin on the camera is moving too much, so it's hard to see (Zhao De's (Zhao De's)) clearly the images of these reliefs.

Luo Laowai and other Xiling warriors were discussing the origin of this coffin and whether there would be any special treasures inside.

However, Chen Yulou saw clearly at a glance that there was something very huge under the coffin.

Looming in the dark tide.

It turned out to be the skeleton of a huge animal.

And the skeleton and the coffin were tied together by huge copper chains.

When he saw this, Chen Yulou opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a long time.

For a Xiling warrior, this thing is indeed beyond the scope of understanding.

But Chen Yulou immediately had a premonition in his heart.

That is to say, the monsters that need to be counted in this inventory video are most likely in this coffin.

As a result, Chen Yulou's premonition just appeared.

The video camera moves forward very quickly without looking back.

Chen Yulou opened his mouth, thinking that it was lucky that he didn't express his thoughts just now.

Otherwise, his face would have been swollen by now.

After the video screen moved forward rapidly for a while, it suddenly rushed into the sea.


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