parallel world.

In the courtyard.

Hu Bayi saw the inventory video appearing in the sky.

Especially going into the cave underneath the slide.

See that huge jade mountain.

I saw the white smoke gathering around Yushan.

After seeing the flag clouds floating on the top of Yushan Mountain,

I immediately shouted

"I go! This is Dragon Ball Summit!"

The voice suddenly startled Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang was dizzy when he watched this video.

He didn't know what kind of monster would appear.

The huge black figure before was not the monster to be counted. Fatty Wang was very surprised.

But thinking about it, he didn't know whether it was a monster or not.

But what Hu Bayi said at this time made Fatty Wang even more surprised.

"Lao Hu, what is Longzhuding?"

It took Hu Bayi a few seconds to calm down the shock in his heart.

"Dragon Ball Top is actually a Feng Shui pattern"

"There is no doubt that there is only one such Feng Shui pattern in the world!"

"The so-called Dragon Pearl Summit must be located where the source of the world's dragon veins is located."

Hu Bayi's"Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" records the extremely rare, or unique, special Feng Shui pattern of Longzhu Ding.

Of course, what does Longzhu Ding look like? In fact, Zhang Sanlian I don’t know. Zhang San Lianzi roughly analyzed what the

Feng Shui pattern of the Dragon Pearl Summit should be based on his own understanding of the pattern. The Dragon Jewel Summit is surrounded by gossips and is like a bonsai.. The mountain-shaped jade texture is almost exactly the same as the one in front of me. Even the crystal dust and smoke on the outside are correct.

"I really know where this place is."

The more Hu Bayi said, the brighter the light in his eyes became.

Hu Bayi had served as an engineer and was very familiar with the geological conditions in the Kunlun Mountains.

Starting from the underground lake, small volcano, and crystal channel that appeared at the beginning of the video, Hu Bayi I had doubts at first.

But I am not sure yet.

But now, with the Feng Shui pattern at Longzhu Peak, there is no doubt that this place must be the source of the world's dragon veins, even if it is Nanlong.

The first line is also inextricably linked to the Kunlun Mountains.

It just goes east and south from Emei. In addition, there have been several inventories of the Tibetan Plateau.


At this time, Hu Bayi was able to roughly determine the location of this place.

It was probably not far from the huge Zanggu Valley and the glacier, but because the picture in the video was definitely underground..

So Hu Bayi still doesn't know how to get to this place.

Since it is the source of the world's dragon veins, Hu Bayi is a little confused after confirming this, because logically speaking, the source of the world's dragon veins. It is the place with the most abundant spiritual energy.

The feng shui pattern of this place is extremely magical, but at the same time, it is difficult for this place to breed any extremely terrifying monsters, so Hu Bayi is a little confused..

Because this video is about monsters.

At this time, the video screen flew around the jade mountain very fast.

Be prepared.

He was really concerned about what the Dragon Pearl Summit looked like, so he looked carefully and saw some artificial architectural ruins on the island-like Dragon Pearl Summit..

There are also things that look like pools.

Unfortunately, I didn't see it very clearly.

At this time, the video camera started to dive, but it didn't rush to the top of the dragon ball, but rushed into the almost solid white smoke.

The lens was covered.

Hu Bayi could vaguely see a lot of black things in the white smoke, like piles of dry wood. After a few seconds, Hu Bayi realized that he had just seen it. The ones that arrived were most likely dead bodies. Fatty Wang opened his mouth wide at this moment and obviously noticed the things in the white smoke.

"Lao Hu, why are there so many dead people in this place? I'm afraid there are... several thousand? Thousands?"

Hu Bayi also shook his head,"I don't know, but these people definitely did not die of natural causes."

The camera did not stop near the corpse mountain and continued downward.

Surprisingly, the cave near Longzhu Dingyu Mountain was not particularly deep. It was only a few dozen meters.

After reaching the bottom, the camera immediately flew across the ground and hit the cliff directly. direction.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were so frightened that they almost stumbled from their horses and fell to the ground.

Soon they found that the camera flew into a dark rock gap on the cliff. , there seemed to be water flowing below.

After the camera moved forward for a while, a wall made of stones appeared in front of it, but the video camera did not stop. Up.

Of course, the video camera did not hit the stone wall, but passed directly through it.

Behind the stone wall,

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw this space. At that time, my mouth suddenly grew bigger

"Dinosaur! Lao Hu, I just said there are dinosaurs in this world, right? You also said that I read too many street stall magazines"

…… parallel world.

The mountains of western Hunan.

Partridge whistle and the old foreigner Hualing have almost arrived near Pingshan.

At this time, the inventory video that appeared in the sky once again attracted the attention of the Partridge Whistle.

Of course, it also starts from the stone door with the closed eyes symbol in front of the crystal channel.

This closed-eye pattern is very similar to the swirling eyeball pattern that is more familiar to Taoist Banshan practitioners.

It's just that the eyeball patterns that Partridge Whistle noticed before were basically all with eyes open.

But this time the eyeball pattern appeared with eyes closed.

Even so, Partridge Whistle is very curious about this eyeball pattern.

The scene that appeared later shocked Partridge Whistle even more.

Partridge Whistle also has a certain understanding of Yin and Yang Feng Shui.

Although it is not as good as touching Jin Xiaowei's Fenjin Ding point.

But the general Feng Shui pattern is still understandable.

The mutton-fat jade-like jade mountain that appeared in the video also made Partridge Whisper intuitively feel that it was definitely not an ordinary Feng Shui pattern.

It's just that I couldn't guess what the Feng Shui pattern was for a while.

The subsequent video footage progressed rapidly, rushing out from the gap in the rock wall under the smoke.

As a result, the video enters a very huge space.

It was dark all around.

It took a few seconds for Partridge Whistle to clearly see the terrain on the screen.

It is actually a huge underground canyon.

There are huge rock walls thousands of meters high on both sides.

Steep and precipitous.

Between the rock walls on both sides is a flat canyon with a width ranging from tens to hundreds of meters.

There are also some very large white figures in the canyon.

At first Partridge Whistle didn’t recognize what these white things were.

When the camera moved forward, Partridge Whistle discovered that what turned out to be some huge skeletons on the canyon floor.

In fact, it’s not the Partridge Whistle’s fault if you can’t tell.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner still didn't recognize what these skeletons were, even though the camera had already rushed in front of them.

"This is the bone"

"But...are these the bones of a divine dragon?".

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