Li Hao checked the data access flow of his official account.

Only a small fraction are scattered tourist visits and wild public visits.

Most of the access data is restored to his real ip address through technical means.

Li Hao discovered that they were several well-known naval companies in China.

They replace the rhythm on their official account. Fortunately, the official account of WeChat, the author does not publish comments, it cannot be displayed.

But in Weibo, another battlefield of public opinion.

As one of the well-known base camps, it is very lively now.

Li Hao himself has a lot of confidence, but in reality his strength and network are not that strong.

Unable to cope with the pressure brought by the enemy in reality. Even before today, he was a little unsure how to deal with it.

But since 7 o'clock this morning, Li Hao has the confidence to deal with them.

Because the parrot has been used for a long time, its learning algorithm has grown.

Although this kind of artificial intelligence can never grow to a human-like artificial intelligence.

But its learning algorithm grows after itself. The intelligence shown externally will be doubled.

For example, as an analogy, in the past, a wooden pick was used to plow the ground. Now it has become an ox pulling a plow to plow the ground.

The evolution of artificial intelligence is a leap-forward development of exponential growth.

Now people cannot live without the Internet. Parrot's current ability can crack most of the Internet's public network.

Li Hao has a big killer like a parrot, and he has the confidence to deal with any challenge.

It is to see the public knowledge on the Internet stir up the emotions of netizens. Discredit him and the company.

He also laughed it off, this method is too low-level.

He let the parrot automatically generate scripts to fight with the public and expose their old background.

This is an idle move, and the primary purpose is to teach the perpetrators a lesson, and there should be no distinction between primary and secondary.

Li Hao looked at the results of the parrot's IP analysis.

Now, there are two listed companies who are paying to deal with Qingci Technology.

An education and training group listed in the United States, Xiangxi Education Group.

A large domestic chain of private schools listed in Hong Kong, Qingteng International School. It mainly focuses on the education of western aristocrats.

Mainly these two listed companies took the lead.

The combined market value of the two of them is as high as more than 50 billion yuan.

Their main focus is English training, especially Qingteng International School. They not only teach English but also French and German.

Taking multilingual teaching as a selling point, it charges high tuition fees from parents of students.

Now as soon as the intelligent translation software comes out, people from two strange countries can communicate with each other.

Communicating with foreigners is no longer a patent for elite talents.

In this way, they focused on English education, and they went to collapse.

Although this method is too mechanical, it does not have the smooth feeling of people using language.

But the most essential function of language is a basic tool for communication.

As long as it enables communication, it is acceptable to have some flaws.

Li Hao reckoned that their action was just a tentative action in advance.

After all, they are all adults, and it is impossible to add all the weight from the beginning.

After a little trial, I found that Qingci Technology has no background. They will do their best.

After Li Hao manipulated the parrot and asked him to establish a virtual ip. Start attacking these two companies.

He wants to act first, not wait until he or the company is hurt. Then strike back.

The servers of these two companies use common defense systems on the market.

Defense performance can only block conventional viruses and Trojans.

It was quickly breached by Parrot, and it attacked the personal computers and mobile phones of the executives of two listed companies.

Li Hao watched the parrot retrieve the information he set.

It is mainly the financial situation of these two companies and various illegal and criminal activities.

During the parrot's data retrieval process, Li Hao used the parrot's ability.

He began hacking into the communications network where the heads of the two companies were located.

Li Hao was surprised to find that the heads of the two companies were in the same position.

He learned from the data sent back through the communication network that the two people were using Apple mobile phones.

A smile appeared on Li Hao's face, knowing that it was an Apple phone, it would be easy to handle.

Today's smartphones are generally not very secure.

Android phones are completely open source, which is completely defenseless for programmers.

Although the Apple mobile phone is a closed system, its degree of protection is not high.

In particular, the FBI in the United States requires Apple mobile phones to have a back door for them.

This backdoor program was exposed by the Prism program that year.

Li Hao also specially collected this backdoor program. Although the Apple system has updated this backdoor program in the future. But its logic remains largely unchanged.

Through a few simple experiments, Li Hao completely controlled the two people's iPhones.

He has obtained all the permissions, even the operations that the owner of the machine cannot perform, he can also easily complete the operations.

Li Hao was monitoring the conversation between them in the background.

I heard a rough voice say: "I inquired in the circle, Tsingci Technology is a company. It was founded by two young people who just graduated from Tsinghua University.

We can put the founders in jail and take the company over.

Since the Internet Conference last month, I have found that the advent of artificial intelligence is unstoppable.

Youdao Company released translation eggs, and I knew that our industry would enter depression sooner or later.

Just seize this opportunity and we will transform. "

A sharp voice replied: "Old Wang, your thinking is too simple.

Have you done any in-depth research? Their parents and teachers, and their networks.

Don't run into the young master who is playing tickets at that time. If you forget Lao Zhao, he will overturn. Still in jail now.

It's still my idea, after a few trials. With our abilities, we can easily corner them.

If they find that they have no background, they will directly take over the company. "

When Li Hao heard this, he hung up the connection.

He mainly wanted to know how the other party treated him.

It depends on the extent of his revenge on the other party, and now it seems that the other party wants to put him to death.

In this way, he will not have a psychological burden if he is ruthless.

Looking up at the parrot, the data has been analyzed.

From the collected data, many hidden details can be found.

Xiangxi Group's tax evasion and tax evasion reached 17.5 billion yuan.

His chairman is also involved in a P2P financial project. Established online financial companies through various vests.

The final volume of 8.5 billion yuan has since evaporated.

In addition to deducting teachers' salaries, Qingteng International School charges students arbitrary fees.

The person in charge was very cautious and did not do anything wrong with taxes.

However, Li Hao carefully tracked and investigated the student information, and found that there was a very abnormal phenomenon in one of their schools.

Most of the students who study in this school suffer from skin diseases a few years after they graduate.

Li Hao asked Parrot to collect data on the Internet and dig deeper.

It was discovered that the original site of the school turned out to be a landfill that used to handle hazardous chemicals.

Without any treatment, the school will be built on it after being directly landfilled.

There was a smile on Li Hao's face. The information he found out was enough for the two of them to be imprisoned.

After getting rid of the leader, he also created an appearance of a deep background for himself. Warning to others.

When the company really grows, he's not afraid of anyone.

Li Hao anonymously handed over the compiled materials to prosecutors and well-known reporters with a sense of justice.

Their fate was already doomed, and the company survived this crisis perfectly.

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