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Chapter 98 New Ideas

Li Hao put down his work on other projects in the company, and now he has to concentrate on developing the new Skynet system.

As for whether it can be successfully developed in three days, it depends on whether their company's system integration capabilities are strong.

Li Hao also used this incident to test the efficiency of the cloud intelligence platform integrating various departments.

He first asked the parrot to memorize the source code of the abandoned Skynet system. Based on the source code of the abandoned Skynet system, Parrot writes new codes according to the intelligent algorithm set by Li Hao.

At the same time, let the parrot extract various functional modules required by the Skynet system based on the source code of the abandoned Skynet system.

Send these templates to the computer company, and let them rewrite the functional modules that meet the current development according to the company's technology.

In particular, the artificial intelligence identification module that Ding Yi is best at is the most important in the composition of the Skynet system.

Li Hao arranged all the work, and he himself started working. He first had to write the most important core intelligent algorithm of the Skynet system to form the central intelligent control program of the Skynet system.

He has experienced system upgrades for parrots many times, and writing a weak artificial intelligence program based on big data is not complicated at all for him.

Time passed little by little, waiting for him to finish writing the core algorithm of the entire Skynet system.

Suddenly feeling my stomach growling, I looked up at the time on the screen. It is already past 7 o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that Li Hao stopped writing the code, Zhou Yunsheng said distressedly: "It is the Skynet system, if the time is too tight, we will not participate in the bidding.

Haozi, why are you so devoted. I asked you to have dinner at noon, but you didn't respond. "

When Li Hao saw the plan next to Zhou Yunsheng, he knew that she had finished reading about the Skynet project.

He rubbed his sore wrist and said: "I think our company has the ability to participate in the Skynet system bidding. Now the company has not gotten rid of the shortage of funds. The fact that the project worth tens of billions of dollars can really be won is that the Skynet software system does not get much. , There should also be more than one billion yuan.

Money is not the most important thing. One is to maintain the relationship between me and Wang Feng. He applied for this project for us, and it would hurt people if he applied for this project too perfunctorily.

The other is that it is very convenient for a company to have a good relationship with the public security department.

Even if the bidding is unsuccessful, this large-scale project is also an exercise for employees, and it can also test the effect of the cloud intelligence platform, and we have also benefited a lot. "

Zhou Yunsheng took out a set of pastries and handed them to Li Hao: "Have some pastries first, and I will cook you a big meal when I get home at night."

Seeing Li Hao take the pastry, she said softly: "I don't understand what you're saying, but the time is too tight. It takes three days to build a Skynet system from scratch, which is really too difficult for anyone. I'm afraid you're exhausted."

Then Zhou Yunsheng's eyes lit up and he said: "I just thought about it, we can't complete the Skynet system step by step, we should find another way."

Li Hao took a sip of water and swallowed the pastry in his mouth. Quickly asked: "Yun Sheng, what good plan do you have?"

He is now only completing the core algorithm of the Skynet system. The entire Skynet system is a set of huge programs, and there are many functional modules that need to be added.

His plan is to travel light and minimize the number of functional modules. That's it, it is also necessary to add dozens of necessary functional modules stipulated by the Skynet system design. Long hours of overtime were required to complete this project.

"It's very simple." Zhou Yunsheng pointed to the camera set up in the office, "We can develop the Skynet system on the basis of the company's security system.

Our company's security system has a certain degree of intelligence when it was established, and the computer company has maintained and upgraded it many times.

The only difference between him and the Skynet system is the different data processing methods and the lack of many functional modules.

I don't know the specific technology, but I think it will be easier to develop the Skynet system on the basis of the security system than to start over. "

Li Hao gave his thumbs up and said pleasantly: "Yun Sheng, your idea is great. This idea is completely possible to realize."

Hearing Zhou Yunsheng's idea, a smile appeared on his face. This is much better than what he imagined to use the abandoned Skynet system of the Ministry of Public Security to design a new Skynet system.

One is the copyright issue. If they really use the abandoned Skynet code, their company will probably give a lot of benefits.

There is also the issue of efficiency, which is where Zhou Yunsheng's idea is more subtle. The employees of the computing company are already very familiar with the various interfaces of the security system. It is also more efficient to make modifications based on it.

Li Hao took action immediately. He changed the task assigned to the parrot so that it only extracted the functional modules of the abandoned Skynet system, and designed new functional modules based on intelligent algorithms.

At the same time, on the cloud intelligence platform, the tasks of employees are changed. Fortunately, Li Hao asked the staff to design some functional modules in advance, and they have not yet entered into the system design work, so it is more convenient to change.

Zhou Yunsheng saw Li Hao finished the operation and said: "It's so late, let's go home first, judging from your performance just now, I know that three days is enough to develop the system.

I really didn't expect to experience so many things today. Let's go home and have dinner before going to work. "

Li Hao saw that the staged goal of the Skynet system was completed, and only his limited guidance was needed during the development process, plus the final module synthesis. Now he just has to wait.

He packed up the suitcase server and went home with Zhou Yunsheng. The rest of the work can be done at home.

Li Hao was driving. The street lights on both sides of the road were very bright. Now that the evening rush hour had passed, there was still a lot of traffic on the road.

Zhou Yunsheng was sitting in the passenger seat, and she said happily: "Haozi, you've been developing the Skynet system today, what method did you use to bring down several games of Wangyi Company."

"What? They collapsed so quickly." Li Hao replied in surprise.

This was beyond his expectation. Generally speaking, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. With the background of Wangyi Games, it collapsed in less than a day, which was much faster than he expected.

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "It's not as if the whole thing has collapsed. The Wangyi game Onmyoji, because they have too many fans, they still maintain a certain amount of traffic, but the current number of online users is less than 20% of the peak period.

Especially every character, their pets, and things that seem to be called shikigami in the game, everyone is the highest level. Gradually changed from a card collection game to a competitive game. "

She said happily: "This is maintained by a large number of hardcore fans, and Wangyi's ordinary games are unlucky. Especially like the newly developed chicken eating games, most of them are now ghost servers, and no players are playing. "

When Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, he basically understood the current situation of Wangyi Games.

He said calmly: "It's what they asked for. They can't tolerate any kindness to competitors in the market. What we do is killing chickens and scaring monkeys to ensure the survival of our company."

They talked and laughed all the way, and soon returned home. Zhou Yunsheng cooked a big meal, and Li Hao continued to work after eating.

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