Tennis: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Create The Skills Of Gods!

Chapter 38: Go All Out, Reach The Limit Of Hard Work!

'Is this why the minister wants me to study with Akutsu?'

Fuji Syusuke, from Akutsu, felt a faith that he had never had before.

At this time, Akutsu, with his fighting spirit soaring, was not impulsive. Instead, he was like a predator patiently waiting to pounce.

Standing at the baseline, making incomprehensible exaggerated movements, waiting for Tezuka to continue teeing off.

"Playing tennis is not running. What's going on with Akutsu?"

Seeing Akutsu put on the preparatory movements that he would only do for sprinting, to be honest, most people in Hyotei didn't understand.

But it's a strong deterrent.

Akutsu's eyes were as cold as a wild beast.

The strange defensive posture, combined with the fierce eyes, really made him look like a humanoid beast.

"Tezuka, how should you deal with Akutsu like this?"

Chiba Rin also watched the match between the two with great interest.

'Strange movement, but obviously impossible to be useless, what's the idea? ’

Tezuka didn't think Akutsu acted like that just to look cool.

However, Tezuka does not have the physical fitness of Akutsu, so he cannot understand Akutsu's defensive movements.

"No matter what you are like, I will be the strongest under the minister."

"Go with all your strength, Akutsu!"

Tezuka's enthusiastic throw led to the racket.

boom! !

Or a close-angle shot.

But this time, when Tezuka was serving, an astonishing glaze flashed across her wrist.

A flash of milky white light suddenly flashed around Tezuka.

But everything happened in a flash, and most people outside the venue didn't notice it.

Only Akutsu felt the abnormality of this ball.

"It's obviously the same ball at the beginning, why does it give me such a dangerous feeling?"

"But...I'm Akutsu!"

At this time, Akutsu, even after taking supplements, knew a lot of knowledge.

But his technical understanding is definitely not as good as Tezuka's.

If you can’t figure out how to hit this ball, then don’t think about it!

Break all laws with one force!

Akutsu made an instant decision to suppress all Tezuka's skills with the most powerful physical fitness!

Swipe! !

Akutsu activated instantly, and everyone in the court turned into afterimages.

The scary thing is that the center of gravity of Akutsu's body is almost touching the ground. A normal person would have fallen out long ago, but Akutsu is able to maintain an extremely stable balance while running at high speed.

"This physical fitness?"

Tezuka was also surprised by Akutsu's beastly athletic ability.

At this time, the ultimate close-angle strike, which has been tempered for thousands of times, has also been imprinted on Akutsu's baseline.


Under the unruly smile, Akutsu turned his body sideways and threw his elbow at a terrifying and inhuman angle.

Then the racquet stirred up a violent air current and knocked the tennis ball away.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The tennis ball hit the ground like a cannonball, and then bounced onto the out-of-bounds court, spinning crazily.

"FUCK, God, what kind of horrible way to return the ball?"

Everyone in Hyotei outside the court was shocked.

There is no skill at all, just simple and crude body functions.

Even if you see the way Akutsu returns the ball, no one present can imitate it.

"Terrible physical fitness. If you can learn the basics of tennis well for a period of time, it will be terrifying."

Tezuka calmly pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses, very worried about Akutsu's body functions.

But now, Akutsu doesn't have many skills and is just a wild beast that can only run rampant.

Tezuka is confident that he can suppress this violent beast with excellent skills.


With a stronger surge of milky white air, Tezuka completely opened the Selfless State.

"Be careful, Akutsu!"

Whispering to himself, Tezuka smiled in Akutsu's direction.


The tennis ball is thrown high, and then the racquet swings out at a strange angle.

A light cut that gives a light and airy serving feel.

But when the tennis ball crossed the net and landed on the Akutsu court, it suddenly fell, then stuck to the ground and stopped bouncing at all.

Instead, it was on the ground, rolling rapidly towards the net.



Facing this ball, Akutsu was completely powerless and couldn't even make a move to connect the ball.

Zero chop can also hit the tennis ball before it hits the ground.

But for Zero serve, according to the rules of tennis, the first ball of the serve must hit the ground before the return ball can be returned.

This is almost unsolvable.

Unless you have mastered the unreasonable deep field like Chiba Rin, you can use the strong airflow around your body to make the tennis ball fly in front of you.

Otherwise, even if Akutsu's physical fitness explodes, he will not be able to handle this type of Zero serve that does not bounce at all.




"Tezuka Kunimitsu scores, 1-0!"

When Tezuka came up with the Zero serve, Akutsu was destined to be unable to break serve.

He could only watch helplessly as Tezuka easily scored and won the first game.

"Huh, my uncle's serve is over!!"

However, Akutsu, who lost the first round, was not at all discouraged. Instead, he smiled horribly.

Different from the milky white air flow that broke out from Tezuka, Akutsu's whole body was covered with a layer of gray air flow.

Under the blessing of this gray air flow, Akutsu was originally just like a dormant beast.

But at this moment, everyone just felt that Akutsu had a fierce look in his eyes and that he was already hunting a violent predator.

In the end, Hui's terrifying aura strangely gathered into a ball of swaying gray light, covering Akutsu's entire body.

"Here, uncle, fall down!!"

After the brewing momentum reached its peak, Akutsu suddenly threw the ball to trigger the racket, and a terrifying serve broke out.

The super-fast smash ball is incredibly fast and incredibly powerful.

The tennis balls blasted by the strong wind made Tezuka's pupils dilate continuously, but it did not affect his mentality at all.


During the steady steps, Tezuka's feet and hands flashed with a stunning glaze color.


Double the power and spin of the counterattack were added to the tennis ball, and it quickly flew back towards Akutsu.


"Go back to me!"

Akutsu predicted where the tennis ball would land, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the right position and suddenly swung the racket.

But the moment he swung the bat with one hand, Akutsu knew that he couldn't catch it!

The terrifying power was transmitted through the racquet, causing Akutsu's expression to change wildly. The gray air flow became more intense, and Akutsu's expression became more fierce.

"Go back!!"

Akutsu, who subconsciously clapped his hands with both hands, exploded with unprecedented power.

The racquet swung forward little by little, but the next moment, Akutsu couldn't help but let go of his arm, and the racquet flew out.

The string of the net was pierced by the tennis ball, causing Akutsu to almost stumble and fall to the ground.

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