The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Twenty-five low-orbit battles

The same as the original plot is... Frey joined the army again, but the difference is that the reason for joining the army this time has changed from avenging her father to being taught by her father's idleness, and decided to pass on the meritorious ship. The experience of serving in the military gives himself political capital.

What didn't change was that she still chose an officer in the ship to approach, but the difference was that this time she approached Li Ping instead of Kira.

After the advance team was completely destroyed, George Harstad, the undersecretary of affairs, wanted to express condolences to the Archangel on behalf of the official, but the continuous harassment operations of the Cruze team interrupted his thoughts.

As short as half an hour and as long as two hours between battles, the combatants on the ship were miserable.

The other positions are fine. The four MS and MA teams, Captain Ramias, and Vice-Captain Bucky Lulu really didn't get a good rest during the two-day pursuit, so they didn't care about it at all. This Undersecretary.

Taking advantage of these two days, the Harstad Undersecretary also found out that several major decisions on the ship were actually driven by the second lieutenant named Li Ping, including designing to protect the Holy Shield and bypassing Aru. Taimis, use the battle video to give the Union the initiative to fight for the public opinion war, go to the gravel belt to collect resources, split up to rescue the advance team, wake up the MA pilots and let them play a beautiful exchange ratio, and fool the adjuster on this ship to go to the bubble. Daughter of the Speaker, release three hostages in exchange for not resorting to extreme measures against the coalition.

It can be said that the Archangel has achieved outstanding military exploits and strong political capital so far. As long as you can survive this war, it will not be too far to finally get the general star. And it looks pretty good.

It would be more appropriate to ask your daughter to invest in advance.

After seeing that his girlfriend Frey and his friend Kira both had the attitude of "I will actively contribute to the union and strive to end the war as soon as possible", Sai silently tore up his discharge permit.

Toru and Milielia also chose to be loyal to their friends and chose to stay.

Kazuy chose to leave.

Also... because this time ZAFT assembled more troops to hunt down the "long legs", the low-orbit battle was a full 21 hours later than the original, and the Archangel not only completed the supply, but also completed the carrier aircraft by the way. upgrade. Because of this, the Archangel sank one Nazca-class ship, severely damaged one Nazca-class and one Loracia-class, and shot down several MSs.


Lieutenant Colonel Mu La Flage is now a lieutenant colonel, and has been promoted to MS pilot. Now drive a G-Gene modified with Tempest and Duel spare parts. Sergeant Maddock tried to find a way to install an air combat backpack and two spare batteries on the modified Gene, which enabled the Gene to use the dueling beam rifle.

"The first battle configuration of the entire ship, anti-air, anti-ship combat preparations, MS and MA teams, dispatch preparations." Li Ping, who was promoted to captain, was awakened by the harsh alarm sound shortly after he slept.

"ZAFT is here?" Li Ping lifted the quilt, put on his clothes in a hurry, and ran towards Genaku.

"Captain Li, the left hand you want can't be modified with the existing conditions of the attack shield, but the PMP agency has already accepted the order, and it will be sent directly to the Alaska base. Now only two beams can be added to the shield of the Holy Shield. A pistol and a fixed lightsaber, let's get together and use it first." When Li Ping flipped into the cockpit, Maddock said to Li Ping.

"Understood, that's enough. Please start to induce."

"The MS team is dispatched, the induction begins, the storming port catapult, the Aegis starboard catapult, the G-Gene port catapult, the MA one on each side."

"Captain Li, I'm starting to serve as a carrier-based aircraft correspondent today, please give me more advice." Frey's face suddenly appeared on the screen of the Holy Shield.

"Eh? You joined the army?" Li Ping blinked. The schedule is too full recently, and there is no time to learn about the group of student soldiers. It stands to reason that Frey's father is not dead, she should go back and continue to be the eldest lady, why is she still here?

"There are some things that I can't avoid even if I want to. Instead of going back to the birdcage and continuing to be a canary, it's better to do something actively and end the war as soon as possible." Frey shook her head.

"Well... that's true." At this time, what Li Ping thought was... If Frey wasn't captured in Alaska, who should the K team ask to send the information on the anti-neutron jammer?

"The Archangel comes forward, Major Bucky Lulu." Um... Second Lieutenant Bucky Luluyuan, the deputy captain, is the only one who has been promoted to three ranks in a row, just to match the rank of major of the deputy captain of the Archangel.

"Understood, the Yang electron gun is activated, the Nazca class is in front of the target, and the hull control is transferred to the CIC."

"Lieutenant Colonel Ramias!" Admiral Halbaton saw the Archangel advance to the forefront of the fleet.

"This ship will open the fire for this fleet to victory. The Archangel was built by you alone. Please enjoy the battle of this ship."

"Hmph, as always, don't play cards according to the routine."

"Because there is a good teacher."

"Strike, Kira Yamato, leave the ship."

"Holy Shield, Li Ping, leave the ship."

The five carrier-based aircraft of the Archangel took off in sequence, and behind them, the MA of the Eighth Mobile Fleet also disembarked in sequence.

"Lieutenant Colonel Flagg, we have merged with other MAs, and the Mobius body cannot form an effective cooperation with the MS." The pilots of the two MAs flew next to Lieutenant Colonel Flagg's Gene.

"Go, remember to come back alive."

"Understood, I wish Wu Yun prosperous."

The MA team was divided into four groups and accelerated in four directions away from the fleet.

"Hey! Team MA, what are you going to do?" The captain of the Menelaus looked at the situation where Team MA was far away from the fleet, with a confused expression on his face.

"We want to re-enact the record of the advance team, okay?"


"Permit. Let the carrier air force regain their glory."

"But Admiral, in this way, the fleet's air defense net will..."

"Our battleship is not so fragile that it will sink after two hits by Fleet formation change, pull up the artillery formation, prepare for the gun mine battle, our target is only the opponent's battleship."

"The enemy ZAFT army, released MS, the number is 33, of which the three are Storm, Duel, Thunder."

"Machine 39, it's not easy to fight this battle..."

"The enemy Nazca class, get into range."

"Lohengrin, launch!" The Archangel's positron blaster opened fire first, and two red beams rushed towards the fastest rushing Nazca class.

"High-energy reaction ahead!"

"Avoid! Left full rudder!" Although the Nazca-class captain roared hysterically, the helmsman pushed the joystick all the way.

However, this Nazca-class was still directly hit by a positron beam. The trident-shaped hull, the right hull was hit, and the explosion broke off from the other hull.

"The Archangel retreated and entered the fleet's shelling formation with the relative speed." The Archangel's layered armor is not fake, but it can't withstand the focus fire of the remaining 6 battleships on the opposite side...

"The enemy was hit by a Nazca-class bullet, the damage is unknown!"

"Wow..." The Monelaus exclaimed.

"I don't know when this weapon will be installed on ordinary warships... During fleet battles, a salvo will boost morale." Admiral Halbarton was a little jealous of the Archangel's special-equipped guns.

"I estimate that the next batch of Nelson-class will be installed. Now our main purpose is to survive." Although the captain of the Monelaus was also hot, the current situation gave him a headache.

33 MSs and 6 battleships, according to past experience, all of them are going to be wiped out.


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