The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 1042: Return to the original track (3/3)

The Absolute Speed ​​of A Comprehensive Manga Chapter 1042 Returns to the Original Track (3/3)

"You should have been vaguely aware of it, right?"

The human silhouette looked ironically at the two in front of him.

"This island will come to an end sooner or later! It's not anyone's interference, but the will of the island itself!"

Jiang Li fell into silence.


He had already noticed this.

After becoming able to hear the island's whine, he vaguely understood.

There is only Britain in this world, so the will of Britain is the will of this Lostbelt.

And Britain is longing for its own annihilation.

It means that the world itself no longer wants to live.

Forced life extension will definitely be strongly resisted by the island itself!

What Ash is doing is extending the life of Britain!

And letting Yosser, who is a human, build a kingdom is the closest thing to a successful life extension!

Of course, the British Island will not allow such a thing to happen, so this Illusion Calamity was dispatched to get rid of Uther in every possible way!

"Is the essence of Calamity... the island's will to self-destruct?"

Even Jiang Li felt powerless at this moment.

No wonder no matter how many years have passed, the disaster has not disappeared.

Small disasters once every hundred years, major disasters once every thousand years, that is the thing that the island wants to self-destruct, so it was born!

When a person wants to commit suicide, nothing can stop it.

This fairy country is destined to be unable to go on.

Not only because it is a Lost Belt, but also because the island itself is begging for death!

"not all."

The silhouette of the human figure complements it frivolously.

"There are other wills in that big cave, haven't you seen it with your own eyes?"


The curse **** in the big cave is also the source of disaster.

Thinking about it this way, the number of illnesses in Britain is astonishing, as if all the organs of a person are cancerous, so it is no wonder that the whining ceases to be heard.


Ash raised his wand and inserted it into the silhouette's chest.

She has understood.

It is because of understanding that everything is meaningless.

She simply killed the Calamity.

"Ugh... that's decisive."

The silhouette of the humanoid groaned, and the luster on his body flickered, gradually disappearing like foam in the sea.

"It's best if you already understand that it's all in vain, and I don't want to do any extra work."

"But if you still want to forcibly extend your life on the basis of understanding everything... Hmph, then we will meet again sooner or later..."

Before he finished speaking, Illusion Calamity completely disappeared.

a time.

Silence spread between the two.

Ash raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Let the tears roll only in the eyes.

Jiang Li lowered his head, not even finding a word to comfort Ash.

Uther is dead.

Unless it's magic, it can't be saved at all.

Jiang Li has never had such a moment when he regretted not bringing Qingzi here.

Everything will return to its original trajectory.

With his arrival, almost nothing changed.

Do not.

Is this all right?

Make at least a little change!

Jiang Li stretched out his hand.

A pitch-black mist emerged from the surroundings of Lentinion, covering the dream realm covering a radius of more than ten kilometers, and suddenly turned at this moment!

In the blink of an eye, everything was like a dream.

Everything seems to be going backwards in time, changing from reality to dream.

"As long as this reality is treated as a dream, at least Lentinion can keep it!"

Jiang Li tried his best to activate the power of dreams.

Thanks to the fact that he started the dream realm when he was at the venue, after that, everything that happened in the realm, Jiang Li was able to turn it into a dream realm!

In this way, all the dead humans and fairies will be resurrected.

This riot that swept the whole city will be regarded as a dream, and people will laugh at it!

But Uther couldn't pull it back.

Because long before Jiang Li started the dream realm, he had already died.

Moreover, the sanctuary was covered with a barrier of ash. In order to avoid the sight of the world, the barrier blocked all interference inside and outside. From the beginning, Jiang Li could not use the power of dreams to protect Youser.

"no need."

But this time, Ash took his arm.

"Lentinion is unstoppable. You and I both knew that fact from the beginning, didn't you?"

The surrounding bizarre scene slowly stagnates.

Jiang Li stopped.


From the beginning, they knew that this king was bound to collapse.

Because there are so many ways to collapse a huge country!

No matter how you defend it, it is absolutely impossible to play the island itself.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Ash has given up on his ideals.

She has long discovered that it is impossible to achieve her ideal by relying on these gentle methods.

But the purpose of the island is to bring about the collapse of the human kingdom.

Then, Uther didn't have to die.

If the kingdom collapsed, but Uther changed his face and survived, even if he was discovered by the island afterwards, he would not do anything to him.

This is the real purpose of ash.

At least let Uther live to the end of his life!

The previous so-called "let Yosser pretend to be his brother and inherit the kingdom again" was a lie to Yosser. The two of them knew from the beginning that Yosser had no chance of inheriting at all.

As long as Uther can be rescued, it is the best ending.


I didn't expect this island to be so amazing!

Even the small wish "Let Uther live" is not allowed to be fulfilled!

Uther is dead.

Cannot be resurrected.

No one can save him.

If that's the case, what's the use of restoring Lentinion now?

Unless Jiang Li does not leave Lentinion for a moment in the future, this city will definitely be destroyed in history.

But that doesn't work.

Because then, what Jiang Li will usher in is no longer the revision of history, but the erasure of history!

Erase him from everyone's memory and records, until no one remembers him anymore!

The huge contradiction will even tear Jiang Li into the most basic spiritual child in the most direct form!

Ash has completely given up.

She has stopped putting her hope in others.

She is no longer the savior.

Jiang Li clenched his fists.

He subconsciously didn't want to give up.

But finally stopped dreaming. UU reading

The screams of killing overflowed into the ears again, blood and screams were intertwined, and the flames engulfed Lentinion little by little.

Jiang Chen's thoughts went back and forth in his heart.

"Feel sorry."

Countless emotions converged into an apology.

Even if he comes.

It didn't change Ash's ending either.

He said big words like "I don't want to see your desperate and collapsed face", but he didn't do anything.

Everything has turned into empty promises, into beautiful words on the surface!

"You don't need to apologize. You have supported me with all your strength from the very beginning. Anyone can apologize to me, but you don't need to."

Ash's smiling face became very empty, as if it would disappear from Jiang Li's face in the next moment.

"It was me who was wrong."

"I'm too naive."

"Whether it's fairies or humans, they don't need peace, and even the island itself doesn't need the slightest reverence."

tomato novel

"—Whoever it is, all they need is ruthless domination!"

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