After dinner, we walked out of the state-run restaurant, and it was already dark.

Tian Shao said with a smile: "Comrade Zhao, please send Sister Aihua back."

Zhao Kang responded immediately.

But Li Aihua was unwilling, and said: "How can this work, I don't feel at ease when the two of you go back at night. In this way, I will send you back first, and then let him take me home."

Tian Shao smiled and agreed, then took Sanya's hand and walked to the front, deliberately pulling away from them to refuse.

Li Aihua asked in a low voice: "Xiao Shao is only eighteen after the Chinese New Year, she has no idea of ​​a partner for the time being."

Zhao Kang took her words and continued: "Maybe it's not just because of her young age. Her father is not in good health and can't do heavy work, and several younger sisters have to go to school. The family depends on her now, and it's hard to get results now. .”

When investigating Zhu Yuxiu, he also checked Tian Shao, so he knew that Tian Daya was filial and cared for his sister. In this case, how could she go for a date. This is about to get married, and there will be many uncertainties in the future.

Li Aihua became anxious when he heard this, and asked, "Uncle Tian is not in good health and can't do heavy work, who did you hear that from?"

Seeing that Tian Shao didn't turn his head, Zhao Kang said in a low voice, "It was detected by the hospital. Uncle Tian has suffered from a lot of fatigue in the past few years. The doctor told him not to do any more physical labor or his life would be in danger."

Li Aihua thought about what Tian Shao said that day, and said with some discomfort: "Xiao Shao said that Uncle Tian is fine, as long as he has a good rest."

Zhao Kang nodded and said: "She didn't lie to you. The doctor said that as long as you don't do heavy physical work and take care of yourself, you will be fine. You don't have to worry, Accountant Tian is capable of supporting the family."

But Li Aihua said distressedly: "Tian Shao is not in good health and needs to take medicine! It is too hard to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family now."

Zhao Kang thought more clearly, and he said: "It would be really difficult if she didn't get into the textile factory. Now she is better than most people."

There are many families in the city, and one person's salary supports the whole family. Tian Shao is a technical talent, and his salary is a bit higher than that of front-line workers. He also writes books and gets manuscript fees, which is more than enough to support his family. But this is also her ability, and other people can't match it.

Li Aihua was silent, and said: "Compared to Xiao Shao, I am really inferior."

Zhao Kang chuckled lightly and said, "Don't compare with Accountant Tian. They are so loved by God, and comparing with them is asking for trouble, just be yourself."

Hearing these two words, Li Aihua asked curiously: "Do you know someone as smart as Tian Shao?"

Zhao Kang said with a smile: "It's Pei Yue, you've met him twice. This guy is very smart. He graduated from high school at the age of thirteen and joined the army at the age of fourteen. No matter whether it is cultural courses or skills, no one can match him." get on.

Li Aihua was a little strange, and asked: "You can join the army at the age of fourteen, don't you have to be eighteen years old?"

Zhao Kang explained: "He was specially recruited, not enlisted during the national conscription. I don't know why he was transferred to our company, but he was transferred after only one year."

Li Aihua thought about Pei Yue's tugging look, and snorted coldly: "With your intelligence and good looks, you can ignore people? I don't know how you can have such a deep friendship with this kind of person."

"You have misunderstood this. He is not targeting you. He has this attitude towards everyone. There is no way to change his cold temper."

Li Aihua felt more at ease now, but the words on his mouth were still unpleasant: "With that face, as if someone owed him a thousand or eight hundred, I don't know how his fiancée can bear it?"

Zhao Kang really wanted to say that his fiancée didn't exist, but seeing Li Aihua's appearance, he didn't dare to explain otherwise, otherwise his impression of Pei Yue would be even worse. It's okay to misunderstand Pei Yue, but implicating him is too innocent. The marriage was urgently urged at home, and he happened to have a crush on Li Aihua again, so he didn't want to miss it.

The two talked while walking, and soon arrived at Shen's house.

Tian Shao cheerfully waved his hands and said, "It's getting late, Comrade Zhao, hurry up and send Sister Aihua back!"

Before Li Aihua could speak, Tian Shao closed the door.

Sanya asked curiously: "Sister, can Comrade Zhao and Sister Aihua succeed?"

This Tian Shao didn't know. She has already created an opportunity for Zhao Kang, if she hasn't grasped it well, it can only be said that the two are not destined.

Sanya said to herself again: "I really hope they can succeed."

Tian Shao snorted, and asked with a smile: "Why do you hope they can succeed? Do you think Zhao Gongan is very good?"

"Zhao Gongan is a good person who helped us, and Sister Aihua is also very good. I think the two are a good match." Sanya said.

Tian Shaowaner, there are many good people in this world, but good people don't mean they can become husband and wife, but she hopes that these two can become a husband and wife. Although Li Aihua never said it, she could feel that the matter of Yan Yaozong made her resist men. Such a good girl deserves to be happy.

Li Aihua felt that Tian Shao was acting weird today, but he couldn't think of what was wrong.

The two quickly arrived outside the county/committee family building, and Li Aihua said, "I'm already here, hurry back!"

Zhao Kang finally came to his senses and said, "I promised Accountant Tian that I would send you home, and I have to send you downstairs before I leave."

Li Aihua quickly waved his hand to refuse, and said, "No need, it's like coming home here. The Public Security Bureau is quite far away from here, and it's hard to walk at night in this cold weather, so hurry back!"


After stopping the bicycle, Mother Li looked at Zhao Kang by the street lamp. Well, he looks upright, with a heroic look between his brows, and a tall and burly figure. The more she looked, the more satisfied Li's mother was.

Li Aihua found that she was looking at Zhao Kang in a bad mood, so he went up to her and held her arm, saying, "Mom, why did you come back so late?"

"Recently, there are too many things in the factory, so I have to work overtime."

After saying this, she looked at Zhao Kang with a smile on her face and asked, "Aihua, what's the name of this comrade? Why don't you introduce me?"

Zhao Kang was a little nervous, and he couldn't help but straighten his waist: "Auntie, my name is Zhao Kang, and I work in the Public Security Bureau. Today, Tian accountant treats guests. After dinner, I will send Comrade Aihua back when it gets late."

Mother Li felt that the name was a bit familiar, and after thinking about it, she said with surprise, "Zhao Kang, it's you..."

Because it was introduced by a middleman, she thought it was good and asked Li Aihua to meet him, but she had never met anyone.

Li Aihua didn't see well, so he hurriedly said to Zhao Kang: "It's getting late, I'm going back with my mother, you should go back too!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Mother Li to move forward.

Zhao Kang also saw that she was uncomfortable, and said with a smile: "Auntie, it's quite cold, you and Comrade Aihua should go in quickly!"

It's so late now that it's not easy to invite him to the house, Mother Li said enthusiastically: "Zhao Kang, someday I have time to come to my house for dinner!"

Zhao Kang happily agreed.

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