Zhao Kang's speed was quite fast, and he brought people to arrest Xu Lina two days later. No one dared to stop Tian Shao from being arrested. After all, no one dared to get involved in that department. Meng Yang's words that day had already mustered up a lot of courage. But now deputy section chief Lou stopped Zhao Kang, and he had to show evidence before he would be taken away.

Zhao Kang ignored her, looked at the trembling Xu Lina and said, "Chen Gou'er and Gao Xiangcao have already been recruited, you must tell me the evil things you have done here."

He didn't believe that this woman would be afraid, and if she was, she wouldn't have harmed so many people. It would be understandable if there was a deep hatred, but those people had no grievances or enmity with her, just because they were better than her, they couldn't let Chen Gou'er get rid of them, and it was rare for them to be so narrow-minded.

Xu Lina's expression changed, but she quickly said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Zhao Kang didn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore, so he said to the female colleague who came with him: "Cuff and take away."

Deputy Section Chief Lou stopped people from being arrested, and Zhao Kang threatened: "You should have heard about the case that has been spreading all over the past two days, right? Chen Gou'er is the grandson of Big T/W Chihu, and he has an inseparable relationship with Xu Lina." Relationship, are you sure you want to stop it?"

When Deputy Section Chief Lou heard this, he got out of the way in fright.

Liu Wan'er heard the noise below, ran to the window to look, and happened to see the scene of Xu Lina being taken away. She cried out, "My God, what's going on?"

Before everyone could react, she ran out immediately.

Tian Shao's heart skipped a beat, and he put down the books in hand and ran to the window, seeing Xu Lina in handcuffs, he was secretly relieved. The poisonous snake was finally caught, and she can return to the rented house with peace of mind.

Meng Yang was also shocked when he saw this scene, and said in surprise, "What's going on, did they arrest the wrong person?"

Tian Shao said disdainfully: "You think the Public Security Bureau is the group who arrest people without evidence?"

Meng Yang hissed and said, "You don't want to die? It's going to be heard by those people, and they won't let you go if they know you arranged it. I know you have resentment in your heart, but for yourself and your family, forget about it as soon as possible. .”

Tian Shao knew that he meant well, and nodded to express that he would pay attention to it in the future.

After Xu Lina disappeared from sight, the two returned to their seats, and Liu Wan'er came back with a pale face after a few minutes.

Meng Yang was a curious person, he asked, "Career Liu, what's the matter?"

Liu Wan'er said tremblingly: "People in the Propaganda Department said that Director Xu has close contacts with the disciples and grandchildren of that big T/W. This, this is too scary."

Looking at her like this, Tian Shao asked very strangely: "Do you have a good relationship with Xu Lina?"

I haven't seen the two of them interacting again on weekdays. But that woman had deep thoughts, she might have bribed Liu Wan'er.

Liu Wan'er's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no, I just meet and say hello to her on weekdays, and we haven't exchanged a few words. It's just, it's just that she has close contacts with bad elements. You say our factory..."

Tian Mengyang saw that she was speaking without restraint, and said, "Liu Wan'er, you don't want to kill yourself. How dare you talk nonsense without evidence? If it spreads, you won't even be able to keep your job."

Liu Wan'er quickly covered her mouth.

Zhao Xiaorou glanced at Meng Yang. He used to look down on Meng Yang, but now he feels that although he likes chattering like a woman, he has good character.

Because of the relationship between Xu Lina and Director Xu, Tian Shao didn't hear anyone talking about it when he went to the cafeteria for lunch. Tian Shao finished cooking and was about to go back, but Tang Yuanyuan caught up with him as soon as he left the cafeteria.

She took Tian Shao's arm and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Shao, I heard that Officer Xu was arrested by Officer Li's partner. Do you know what she committed?"

Tian Shao shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

The two walked under a big tree, Tang Yuanyuan looked around and said in a small voice: "Xiao Shao, now many people say that Officer Xu offended Officer Li and that's why he was arrested. Is this true? ?”

Tian Shao was speechless, these people had too much imagination: "How is it possible? If someone is arrested because of personal enmity, Zhao Gongan can still stay in the Public Security Bureau? Once the incident breaks out, he can't be fired."

Tang Yuanyuan didn't believe this statement either: "You really don't know what happened to her?"

Tian Shao said firmly: "Don't talk about me, even Director Li doesn't know about it. Comrade Zhao never tells Sister Aihua about the case, let alone the case that is being handled, even the case that has been processed."

This in itself is a job that needs to be kept secret. If the case is leaked casually and the consequences will be bad, the clothes you wear will definitely not be kept.

Tang Yuanyuan was a little disappointed, she still wanted to get first-hand information!

After get off work in the afternoon, Tian Shao and Li Aihua said: "Sister Aihua, I haven't taken any medicine for the past few days, and I have to resume taking medicine from tomorrow. I won't be staying at your house from now on."

She now decocts the medicine twice every morning and pours it into a thermos to drink twice, which saves a lot of trouble.

Li Aihua took her arm and asked, "Then I will live with you, and I will go back to live after this case is over."

Tian Shao didn't refuse this time, it's convenient for Li Aihua to come over directly after class. But Li Aihua's idea failed in the end, because Zhao Kang came to pick her up.

Li Aihua asked: "Is the evidence conclusive?"

Zhao Kang didn't hide it from her, and said: "Chen Gou'er admitted that he did the two officers of the Propaganda Department and the matter between you and Tian Shao, but he said it was because he admired Xu Lina and couldn't see others bullying her. He did it behind his back, and Xu Lina didn't know about it."

"Who would believe such nonsense?"

Zhao Kang said: "Aihua, we need to talk about the evidence in the case. Xu Lina also said that she didn't know Chen Gou'er, and Gao Xiangcao only said that she received an envelope saying that she would ruin the reputation of the male officer. will give her a job."

Gao Xiangcao was a substitute at the textile factory at the time. The so-called substitute shift means that when an employee is sick or reluctant to ask for leave for other reasons, he pays someone to take the shift, as long as it does not delay the matter, the person in charge will turn a blind eye and close his eyes. It is her dream to have a formal job, and Gao Xiangcao agreed without hesitation.

Li Aihua had no choice but to think for a while and said, "Let's go to Tian Shao and hear her thoughts."

Tian Shao was not surprised by this. After all, if Xu Lina was a flower in the textile factory, what Chen Gouer did would be shameful. There seemed to be no intersection between the two faces.

She thought for a while and asked, "Zhao Kang, don't Chen Gou'er's subordinates know that Xu Lina is such a person?"

Zhao Kang nodded and said, "I have interrogated several of his confidantes, and these people have never heard of Xu Lina."

Tian Shao didn't believe it, and said, "Comrade Zhao, you can show Xu Lina's photo to Chen Gou'er's confidantes and subordinates. As long as you can tell the time and place where the two met secretly, you can reduce the crime, and I believe you can pry it open." their mouths."

"If this trick doesn't work, then post a photo of Chen Gou'er in our factory. I don't believe that no one saw the two of them meeting so many times in secret."

Zhao Kang agreed with the first solution, but rejected the second suggestion: "We don't have any definite evidence yet, so it's not appropriate to make the matter too big, otherwise it won't end."

Tian Shao nodded and reminded: "Not only must there be frontal photos, but also face-covered photos, profile photos, and back photos."

Chapter 252 "Tian Shao Was Arrested" wasn't missed, it was locked, and it was released the next morning. Those who haven't watched it, you can go back and watch it.

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