The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 155 The greedy predator

"What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end?"

After the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker asked the question, he fell into silence again, as if waiting for the questionee to answer the question.

Albert frowned, and after repeating the riddle of the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker to himself, he complained, "I hate guessing riddles."

At a critical moment, he was actually blocked by a riddle, which made Albert feel uncomfortable.

Albert knew that he might not be able to guess the answer, at least, temporarily.

Deciphering this level is actually very simple, as long as you understand all the riddles, the content of the questions asked by the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker will inevitably be repeated.

After all, Ravenclaw's students can't all be bright and wise geniuses who can answer questions because they already know the answer from someone else's mouth.

Knowledge is for learning.

When someone can't answer the question posed by the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker, they can only wait for others to answer, so that they can learn the knowledge they don't understand.

Students who are not Ravenclaw naturally have no chance to learn the answer to pass through the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker from other senior students, and naturally cannot pass this simple barrier.

Even for a genius, it is not easy to get an answer immediately without having been exposed to similar riddles.

Albert never considered himself a genius, so he didn't expect to answer the question of the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker immediately.

Do you really want to use the Disillusionment Charm to squat at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room and eavesdrop on the riddles and answers of the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker?

How ridiculous!

Even if I get some riddles and answers from Ravenclaw students, the next time I come, the riddles will definitely be changed.

"It's really nerve-racking!" Albert said to himself.

He'd given up on answering the eagle-shaped bronze knocker for now, unless it happened to ask about the phoenix and fire.

But the chances of that are slim.

Albert recorded the riddle and got up and left the Room of Requirement. Anyway, I already know how to get in, so I can wait until next time to come over and answer the question about the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker.

After leaving the House of Requirement,

Albert went directly to the library.

"Where did you just go?" Fred asked looking up. "I heard people say that you just stepped into the library with your front foot, and then turned and left with your back foot."

"Suddenly remembered something." Albert sat in the empty seat that Lee Jordan and Fred had occupied for him.

"What's the matter?" Fred asked again.

Albert took out his notebook and turned to the page of the riddle to show Fred.

"What?" Lee Jordan also put his head close, and was stunned when he saw the contents of the notebook.

"Riddle, can you guess the answer?" Albert asked a few people.

"How free do you have to be!" Lee Jordan retracted his head and resumed his vacation homework, apparently he couldn't guess the answer.

George came over curiously as well, just glanced and went back to do his vacation homework.

This guy always likes to study those weird things.

The three of them sighed that their roommates were sore. If they had such free time to think about the answers to the riddles, it would be better to do a few more questions.

Albert didn't expect a few people to help him solve the problem, and began to read the content of the riddle seriously.

"What is the beginning of eternity? What is the end of time? What is the end of space? What is the beginning of every end?"

"There should be one thing in common between them."

Albert thought carefully and wrote down the information he analyzed on the scratch paper.

First of all, that thing has to be eternal and related to time and space?


If time is eternal, then the moment when time first begins is the beginning of eternity, and the last moment of a period of time is not the end of that period of time?

is the beginning of each end

If the time is divided into periods of time consecutively, each end point is the beginning of another period?

But... what the hell is the end of space?

Shouldn't it mean four-dimensional space?

It has been speculated that the four-dimensional space refers to time.

Well, it seems to be barely enough.

Make up a ghost!

Albert didn't think this was the answer the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker wanted, and he even wondered if the wizard knew what four-dimensional space was.

Even wizards are far superior to Muggles in the study of time.

So... this is definitely not going to be the correct answer... it means...

"May I fall into a misunderstanding?" Albert stared at the riddle.

"The answer here is not to replace something, but to refer to the commonality of eternity, time, space, end point."

Eternity, time, space, end point in common

Albert ran his fingers over the eternal word, read it softly, and then froze.


At this moment, Albert suddenly felt that he knew the answer to the riddle. The word for time was ti, the word for space was ce, and the word for end was end.

So... the answer to the eagle bronze door is actually e?

English alphabet riddles

Albert looked at the e on the small notebook, and felt that this answer was more in line with the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker than the moment.

"It seems that I'm not too stupid, at least I guessed the answer."

"Are you making fun of us on purpose?"

Hearing Albert's words, Fred couldn't help rolling his eyes at him.

If you're still stupid, what are we?


"Why don't you do your vacation homework?" Angelina asked, looking away from the parchment.

"Albert is enjoying the joy of solving the riddle!" Lee Jordan asked sideways, "What's the answer?"

"The letter e."

"Where did you get the riddle?" Angelina glanced at the content of the riddle and muttered, "It doesn't seem to be difficult."

"That's because you've just heard the answer, of course it's not difficult." Lee Jordan looked at Angelina silently. He had just read the riddle and didn't think about it at all.

"Don't you want to challenge Ravenclaw's eagle ring riddle?" Arya looked at Albert suspiciously and continued, "It is said that a Ravenclaw student once challenged the eagle ring riddle and answered correctly. A hundred or so."

"It's a good idea." Albert nodded, "I'll try it another day when I have time."

"I'm very curious about how Ravenclaw's students will react when they find out." George looked up. "Whenever you go, remember to call me."

"It would be good to answer a few?"

"We have confidence in you," Fred said with George. "We believe you must be smarter than Ravenclaw students."

I don't have confidence in myself, where did you two get your confidence from?

Albert glanced at the prompt on the task panel, and a new task appeared:

greedy predators.

You find it fun to set up a challenge with the eagle ring, try to answer a hundred eagle ring riddles correctly in one go, and let Ravenclaw students know that it's not just Ravenclaw students who can answer the eagle ring riddles correctly.

Current progress: 0100.

Reward: 10000 experience, 1 skill point, 100 reputation in the magic world, and get a designated panel skill.


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