The Alien Species in the City

Chapter 696: Self-study

Alice, who was sitting next to them, was also attracted by their conversation, poking her head over to them, listening to what they were saying. After hearing Mu Ningshuang's words, she tilted her head suspiciously, obviously still not understanding.

"What are you talking about?"

After observing the teacher on the lower stage, seeing that he hadn't paid attention to this side, Alice asked Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yueling in a low voice, with a curious color on her face.

"Nothing to talk about, just topics related to learning."

Hua Yueling looked at her, and Mu Ningshuang explained a little bit. After listening to it, Alice nodded, at least she seemed to understand.

"I'm coming too, I'm coming too!"

Alice liked the excitement, so she immediately offered to join it. Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang naturally did not refuse, but they had nothing to talk about for the time being.

Hua Yueling said some self-study questions, she was using Chinese, and Alice could hear her in the mist, so she could only ask Mu Ningshuang to translate for her. Mu Ningshuang not only had to listen, but also had to translate for her, which was troublesome enough.

"Self-study, Alice also likes self-study."

After Mu Ningshuang's translation, Alice nodded happily and said. She leaned forward a little, looked at the books Hua Yueling had placed on the table, and saw that they were using the textbook and the content of the textbook. She said in a surprised tone: "I have learned it here! "

"Well, Alice, are you also self-study?"

"Of course, every subject is oh, unless it is something that I can't understand, otherwise I will study by myself!"

Alice is very proud of what she did, and she can hear it in her tone. Self-study is indeed a good thing, but it cannot be generalized. Sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing to believe in yourself too much.

They didn't listen to any class in one class, instead they discussed topics related to self-study. The teacher didn't know if he hadn't noticed them or didn't want to care about them. Anyway, he ignored them from beginning to end and just let them discuss like this.

Mu Ningshuang didn't talk after the two of them got in touch, and was caught between the two of them listening to their conversation, translating for them from time to time. She listened very seriously, and forgot about the fact that she was still in class.

Talking until the end of get out of class, Alice still had some ideas. She wanted to talk more with Hua Yueling, but the time for get out of class was tight, and she wanted to buy something, so she had to pause the topic.

"Hua Yueling, let's talk later."

Saying to play, Alice pulled Mu Ningshuang and hurried out. Now her Chinese literature is not very good, only some simple sentences, so she has to rely on Mu Ningshuang to translate it even when she buys things.

"Well, I didn't do anything I wanted to do in one class."

He looked down at the open textbook on the desk, and he couldn't study anymore until the end of get out of class, so he closed the textbook and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The greening of the high school that Hua Yueling studied was not very good. Outside the window is the playground. The entire playground is completely exposed to the sun. It seems to feel hot and sweating, let alone going to gym class.

Fortunately, it is not completely green here. There are trees on both sides of the road beside the playground, which brings some shade.

"What's the next class...ah..."

After a long yawn, he crawled on the table rather unconsciously, ready to sleep for a while. The noon time was spent playing games with Sister Aroline, and it was natural to lose energy in the afternoon meeting.

"I really look forward to the evening activities."

Thinking of what Sister Alorin said to herself, Hua Yueling was really eager to try, and she didn't know where she would go. There are still three classes to leave school, and you have to persist in it.

He fell asleep on the table. When he felt someone sway his shoulders, he raised his head and saw Mu Ningshuang and Alice back, while the teacher was standing at the door, looking like class was about to begin.

"Don't sleep, wake up."

Mu Ningshuang put a bag of potato chips on his table, the bag was opened, and it seemed that she had eaten some.

"Eat something, you won't be sleepy after eating."


Hua Yueling first stuffed the bag into the drawer, then looked at the teacher at the door, and saw that his eyes turned to other places, and then quickly took out two pieces and put them in his mouth.

"Do you still eat Ningshuang?"

"Stop eating." Mu Ningshuang shook his head, "I have others here. If I want to eat after eating, I'll give it to you."

"No need, a bag of potato chips is enough."

The afternoon passed in this atmosphere. Huayueling looked forward to the arrival of school all the time. When the school bell rang in the evening, he immediately stood up.

The schoolbag has been packed long ago, but he hasn't left yet, so he has to wait for Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.

"Want to go together?"

Alice actually wanted to go to school with them, but Hua Yueling and the others won't go home for the time being, so they didn't go along.

"No, we will get there in a while."

Although Hua Yueling was a little embarrassed, she still rejected her.


It can be seen that Alice was actually quite disappointed, but she immediately regained her spirit, and she was quite good with her mental adjustment ability. She packed up her schoolbag and stood up, but did not leave.

"Then let's go out of school together. I will walk a distance with you as far as we can go."

Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yueling are her best friends here, and they are not particularly familiar with other people due to language relations, so she decided to go with them.

"Then let's go together."

Rejection is a bit inappropriate. At least Hua Yueling's character is difficult to reject her in this situation, so she glanced at Mu Ningshuang and saw that she had no response, so she nodded and agreed.

Alice was very happy and said a few happy words, and Hua Yueling was also happy for her choice.

"Let's go."

After packing the schoolbag, Mu Ningshuang got up and walked out, Hua Yueling and Alice followed closely behind. The three of them went all the way to Lu Yuetong's class. Because they were in the third year of high school, their usual studies were much busier than theirs. So, they were all out of school, and Lu Yuetong's class was still in class.

Lu Yuetong realized that they had arrived only when she got to the door. She was sitting at the front of the class and near the door. Turning his head to see them coming, Lu Yuetong showed them an apologetic smile.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't care, and waited beside them. In the third year of high school, there will be a lot of this situation, and they will not feel that it is too unexpected. This is extremely normal.

"I'm even more tired by the third year of high school."

Alice said so.

"Yes, there is very little free time every day, let alone shrinking holidays."

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