The Alien Species in the City

Chapter 766: Confrontation

"Detection skills, I forgot about this again!"

It wasn't until this time that Hua Yueling suddenly remembered that he had forgotten about this incident again, patted his forehead, and he gave a wry smile, his own forgetfulness is really greater than his memory.

Obviously, not long ago, I just forgot about this matter as a matter of course. Since I can't rely on my eyes, I can rely on my exploration skills.

After rushing into the exploration skills, it really felt different. Although the situation on the stairs could not be seen clearly, it was not much different.

Taking advantage of this advantage, Hua Yueling brought Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong to the third floor without any risk.

"Is it here too?"

This is not surprising, after all, the white mist itself spread from the third floor. But this time it caused them a lot of trouble, and they had to climb a "mountain" to get to the top floor, and it was not that easy.

"Ningshuang, senior sister, you will follow my instructions for a while, otherwise it will be too dangerous."


In this way, Hua Yueling walked to the foot of the "mountain", grabbed a bump and climbed up. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were waiting for his instructions below.

After climbing to the top, Hua Yueling first inspected the surrounding situation, and then called them, and instructed them how to climb up.

"Here, yes, a little bit further here."

Although it took more time, they still came to the road to the roof.

"Is it here?"

Looking at the seemingly empty roof outside, Hua Yueling asked Xiaoxue.

"It should be, Master, go and see."

Hua Yueling didn't hesitate, walked straight out, went out to the top of the building, looked around, he found the location of the resentful spirit easily.

"You are still there."

The moment she saw her, Hua Yueling said so.

"It was my mistake yesterday. You shouldn't have seen it there."

When the resentful spirit said so, he turned his head and faced Hua Yueling. And at this moment, they were finally able to see clearly what the ling master looked like. It can be said to be exactly the same as in the photo, except that the resentful spirit seems to be older. If she is still a high school student in the photo, then she can be said to be a college student as the resentful spirit.

Staring at him vigilantly, Hua Yueling didn't make any movement, just standing opposite her and keeping a certain distance from her. Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang stood behind Hua Yueling, staring at the resentful spirit as closely as him, guarding her.

"What you want has been taken back, and I have returned all what I got. Even so, you still want to force me, must you kill me?"


Hua Yueling looked at her, the spirit of resentment at this time was obviously a little overwhelming, and she looked more like the injured party.

"No, we have no such plans."

After she finished speaking, Hua Yueling said slowly. Not only him, but Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang also think so. What they have to do is to solve the problem, and there are many ways to solve the problem, not that it must end with killing the resentful spirit.

"Then you are still persecuting me like this, you don't want to kill me but what you want to do!"

Yu Ling didn't believe Hua Yueling's words, she put on an attacking posture, and seemed to be able to launch an offensive at any time.

"You wait a moment, if you don't have to fight, we can stop and talk for a while."

Hua Yueling stretched out her hand to signal her not to be impulsive, Yu Ling hesitated for a while, then put down her raised hand and stared at him earnestly.

"Okay, I'll listen to what you want to say."

"The reason why we came to you is because of what you did before, and we are also to help those who have been hurt by you will find you trouble. I hope you can figure this out."

Yu Ling did not speak, but she knew it without saying, and Hua Yueling had never said it before.

"So if you can promise us that we won't hurt others in that way in the future, we won't hurt you."


The resentful spirit was hesitating, if she could, she didn't want to agree to this condition, but now the enemy is strong and she is weak, if she doesn't agree, she will be eliminated in all likelihood. In that case, it is better to agree to it temporarily, as for the others, it is not too late to think of a solution in the future.

"Okay, I promise you that I won't hurt ordinary people anymore. Is this the head office?"

"Can you guarantee it?" Lu Yuetong asked at this time.

"Yes, I promise you that if I hurt ordinary people again, I will do it with you!"

Lu Yuetong nodded at Hua Yueling, seeming to think that the words of the resentful spirit can be believed. If this is the case, Hua Yueling felt that it was fine, there was no need to force the other party, otherwise it might be more troublesome.

"That's good..."

After nodding, Hua Yueling looked at the other party and glanced at the principal's office in the distance, with a somewhat hesitant expression on her expression.

"Well, there is one more thing I want to ask."

"What?" Yu Ling was somewhat upset about Hua Yueling's questioning behavior, but she still did not refuse.

"If you can, why are you doing that kind of thing, can you tell us? If there is any difficulty, we may be able to help you, so you don't have to do that kind of thing anymore."

Hua Yueling wanted to solve the problem from the source, but it also meant that he believed that the resentful spirit itself was not bad, but because of some hidden reason, he had to do that. This is quite in line with his own ideas, but Lu Yuetong does not agree with his ideas so much.

Of course, he is still in front of the resentful spirit, no matter what kind of thoughts he has in his heart, it is not appropriate to say at this time, Lu Yuetong is still prepared to wait until he leaves to remind Hua Yueling, it is best not to trust the other party so much.

Fortunately, there are three people on their side, so it is safer, even if the other party wants to attack or have any ideas, they dare not act rashly.


Yuan Ling looked at Hua Yueling in surprise, and obviously did not expect him to ask such a question, which surprised her.

"Do you really believe me that way?"

"Whether you believe it or not, I want to listen to you first, no matter what the reason is, if you can say it."

"Ha," Yu Ling tilted his head, slowly lowering his body, moving towards Hua Yueling, "Do you want to help me?"

"Perhaps, no matter what, I want to hear what happened to you first. This is the most important thing."

Hua Yueling did not make a gesture of guarding her, behaving quite trusting her, but both Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were on guard, and obviously it was quite difficult for them to trust her like Hua Yueling.

Yu Ling traveled some distance forward and then stopped. She looked at Hua Yueling and the two women behind him, without speaking, as if still thinking. She is not in a hurry.

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