The Alien Species in the City

Chapter 784: strength

In this way, at least for now, some things have been settled, which is enough for Lu Yuetong to be excited, although it is considered flat on Mu Ningshuang's side.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Mu Ningshuang couldn't help but pouted slightly. My eyes moved between Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong from time to time. Although I could only see Lu Yuetong by jumping over Hua Yueling's body, he could only see a little bit.

After learning their thoughts, she suddenly had doubts about her choice, deeply doubting, is it really good for herself to do this, should she be with Hua Yueling?

Of course she wants to do this, but she also wants to learn more about art. Although her paintings are pretty good now, she feels that she still has no way to compare with really good people.

There are many ways to improve, and there is no need to do this. Moreover, even those universities that are not specialized in teaching fine arts, or universities that are less well-known in this respect, are not impossible to go to, but this is the same as her first The idea didn't match up, which made her hesitate and didn't know what to do for a while.

People's ideas will always change, and in many cases they change quickly. Mu Ningshuang was like this at this time, after some hesitation, she still made a decision.

"Me too!"

"Hey, Ningshuang, aren't you going to study art? The university we went to may not be so good in this respect."

"It's okay, no need."

Mu Ningshuang's answer was simple and straightforward, without the slightest hesitation.

"But is this okay? Give up your study plan and follow us...Ningshuang, don't you want to improve yourself?" Hua Yueling also asked at this time. These are no jokes, but he is not particularly worried, as long as he can make her a partner, these things are all right.

"Anywhere," Mu Ningshuang shook his head firmly, and stretched out his hand to firmly grasp her hand, got up and leaned over to grab Lu Yuetong's hand. "We are more important to be together!"


Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong, who were touched by Mu Ningshuang's words, didn't know what to say, but the expressions on their faces showed their joy. Although he was still a little worried about Mu Ningshuang.

"Is this really good? Ningshuang, you spent so much time and energy learning to paint."

"It's not possible to learn without you."

Mu Ningshuang's answer was still unusually firm, and she could see her seriousness by looking at her eyes.

"If Ningshuang thinks that way, then we'll still be together at university!"

Confirming each other's thoughts, the three of them all smiled happily and gave high fives to congratulate.

"Huh, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Aroline suddenly opened the door and walked in from outside, not knowing when she came back.

She was staring at the three people with strange eyes, their faces were flushed, and they immediately sat up shyly.

"Ah, sister Aroline, when did you come back, why didn't you say anything."

Hua Yueling stood up and walked over and said.

"Sister, it hasn't been long since I just came back. Why, do you mean that you guys did something unspeakable?"

Aroline blinked her big eyes and said mischievously.

"Not at all!"

Hua Yueling immediately refuted her.

"I'm just asking, how could it be possible at this time... Forget it, let's not talk about it, is Sister Livello also here?"

"Yeah, sister, she is busy in the kitchen."

While talking about Aroline, she swept over all of them with big eyes, shy showing them, and subconsciously avoided her sight.

"Then let's go and help out."

"No need, my sister said she can do it alone. Besides, it's just hot dishes and no other work. It's still necessary for some of you to pass."

"Uh, let me go and help serve the dishes."

Hua Yueling wanted to walk outside as she spoke, but was still stopped by Aroline for a while, preventing him from getting out.

"Xiao Yueling, you should recruit from the ground up, what were you doing just now?"

Aroline didn't play any other tricks at all, and just asked.

Anyway, there is no secret of invisible people, so Hua Yueling and the others also directly told Aroline about the matter they just discussed.

"That's it." After listening to it, Aroline spread her hands out very bored. "I thought Xiaoyueling were you discussing something more important. It's true. My sister, I was looking forward to it for nothing. ."

"That's really sorry."

Hua Yueling said silently, this is also a very important thing, OK?

"But Xiaoyueling, you guys are also unreasonably worried. Of course, this kind of thing is based on your own thoughts. Xiaoyueling, you are not ordinary people now, why should you restrain yourself in some ways according to ordinary people's thinking?"


Hua Yueling and the others suddenly noticed when they were reminded by Aroline. Sister Aroline was right in this regard. Although they possessed extraordinary abilities, they were still ordinary people in terms of thinking.

"But even if we are not ordinary people, it is only in terms of strength. If we talk about other aspects, in fact, we are not much different from ordinary people at present."

"A gap in strength is enough."

Aroline patted Hua Yueling's head hard, and said with a bit of hatred that iron cannot become steel.

"As for other aspects, the strength has been improved and the strength will be stronger, so it will naturally be easier to learn."

"Really? But it doesn't seem to be the case with us."

Lu Yuetong was also confused at this time. They were already smart enough, and they were also among the best in school, but they didn't feel any change after their strength increased.

"This is also normal."

Aroline glared at them and said.

"That's because most of your strengths are directly grabbed from others, so naturally there will not be too much increase, and if you want to change, you must find a way to grab the strength that you grabbed. Become your own completely."

"So this is ah."

"Besides, if you can't fully grasp it, you won't be able to use all your strength."

"Then Sister Aroline, what should we do to master all these powers?"

Lu Yuetong asked again immediately. Of course she is very interested in such things, so she can't wait.

"Well, the main thing is to exercise more and use it more. Of course, sister, I also have a pretty good way. I have time to tell you later."

Although Hua Yueling and the others kept inquiring, Aroline was tight-lipped. In any case, she didn’t want to say it at the moment. As a result, Hua Yueling and the others had nothing to do. For the time being, they had to give up. When she wanted to. Moreover.

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