The Best Director

Chapter 64 The Pants He Wears Must Be Cool

Chapter 64 The Pants He Wears Must Be Cool

Although it was morning, the sky in New York was gloomy, and it seemed that it was about to rain.

Yesterday, Wang Yang took a plane from Los Angeles to the Big Apple City. He still stayed at the hotel on Park Avenue in Manhattan, which is close to Broadway, so it is convenient to find candidates for Juno. He is mentally prepared to stay in New York for a while. If Natalie Portman is not suitable for Juno, or if she is unwilling to act, he will have to audition in New York. Actresses, have basically emptied out.

"Mark, I know, you are such a wordy guy." Wang Yang stood on the balcony looking at the street view outside, and said to the mobile phone with a grumpy face: "I won't screw up on purpose, since I came to New York, I I will do my best to do this well. If Natalie Portman is really suitable for Juno, I will definitely pester her and go to Harvard University, okay?"

Mark Slant's hey laughter came from the mobile phone, and he said: "Yan, I am also thinking about your movie and the company. But I am relieved when you say that, show Natalie your charming charm "

"Shit" Wang Yang ended the call with a smile, and walked back to the room.

The appointment time with Natalie Portman is 09:30, meet in a coffee shop. Seeing that the time was almost up, Wang Yang left the room with a briefcase containing the "Juno" script. In the familiar corridor, he glanced at a place by the wall, and vaguely remembered the woman with heavy makeup. He looked away, Stride away.

"Beep--", "Beep--"

Listening to the piercing sound of cars and looking at the yellow cars blocked in front of him, Wang Yang, who was sitting in the back of the taxi, frowned. He turned his head and looked at the back again. There is no end in sight. He looked at the time, it was almost 9 o'clock, and he couldn't help complaining: "Hey, why is it so jammed?"

The fat black taxi driver in front put his hands on the steering wheel, shrugged and said, "This is New York, there is a traffic jam every day."

Wang Yang knew that he had made some miscalculations. He had never been to this area when he was in New York last time. He didn't expect it to be so congested. It seemed that he couldn't advance 100 meters in ten minutes. He frowned and asked, "Man, when do you think we'll be there?" The taxi driver looked in the rear-view mirror and said helplessly, "I'm not sure, it's not like this usually, maybe something happened before today, who knows? " Wang Yang looked back and forth again, there was still a long yellow traffic flow, and asked a little anxiously: "How far is it from where I am going?"

"It's not very far, there are still a few streets." The driver replied. Wang Yang took out his wallet to get the money, and said, "If I want to run to Jiangye, how should I go?" He doesn't like being late and missing appointments.

Whether it's for others or for yourself. Hearing the driver's instructions, Wang Yang paid the fare, got out of the car with his briefcase, closed the door with a bang, and ran forward quickly.

After running for two streets, Wang Yang followed the driver's instructions to make a detour, but soon, he found himself lost. Looking at the old buildings around, they were empty, and there were no passers-by nearby. know where this is. Wang Yang couldn't help cursing: "Damn it..." He took out his mobile phone while continuing to walk forward. It was almost 9:30, but he didn't want to call Natalie Portman. Somewhat reluctantly, say something like, "I'm going to be late because I'm lost?"

He was going to find a passerby to ask, maybe the location of the coffee shop was nearby, if not, he would call again.

After walking for a short distance, he finally left the old building area and came to the street outside. Seeing that the time was running out, Wang Yang frowned more and more. Suddenly, he saw a few people in front of him, and his eyes widened. Liang, finally saw the person, but he immediately realized that something was wrong. He saw the head of a black car hit a blue car parked on the side of the road on the one-way road, and there was a police car behind it.

On the side of the road, a middle-aged black woman was full of anxiety. She was hugging a little brown-haired girl, begging a policeman in a traffic police uniform next to her, and shouted: "Sir, help me. My daughter had an asthma attack and she needed CPR"

"Oh, oh, I don't know how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation." The white policeman smiled nonchalantly, and said, "I only know that you were going the wrong way on a one-way street and hit a car. You need to go to the police station with me. ’” He took the handcuffs from his waist.

Wang Yang walked over to Jiang Ye, and listened to their words with some puzzlement. It seemed that the police must arrest the black woman, and this woman's daughter... He frowned and glanced at the little girl in the woman's arms. The little girl He was about six or seven years old, with his eyes tightly closed, his face was pale, his lips were turning purple, as if he had died. His heart suddenly twitched, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh, my God..."

"While she is still breathing, while she is still breathing..." The black woman burst into tears. Her daughter had an asthma attack in the morning. She called 911, but it took a long time for the ambulance to arrive due to the traffic jam. She drove her daughter to a nearby hospital by herself. Because she was in a hurry, she went on the wrong side of the bicycle lane, but hit a car on the side of the road, and was dragged by the white policeman. She looked at the policeman and continued to plead, "Let us go, Briana, my daughter, she won't last long..."

Wang Yang, who was next to him, looked around anxiously. He glared at the white policeman and shouted anxiously, "Take this girl to the hospital in a police car, it's important to save her."

"Chinese boy, don't teach me how to do things." The policeman snorted and said coldly: "Sorry, I am a policeman, not a doctor. I have to abide by my duties. This is my responsibility." The black woman saw Looking at the daughter in her arms, her body was shaking with anxiety, and she was about to lose her footing. She begged, "Officer, please let us go. The hospital is just two streets ahead..."

Several passers-by were also accusing the policeman, saying, "Let them go, the girl looks like she really needs treatment", "Officer, you can't delay her condition..." But they obviously didn't plan to do anything. Actions to help.

"k" Wang Yang couldn't help cursing loudly. Seeing the little girl's face getting more and more ugly, he couldn't help clenching his fists and shouted: "Some people are crazy." He could see that this policeman was obviously a race Discriminator, this guy doesn't want to be a little girl is a life he looks at the black woman in tears and yells "ma'am I'll take her to the hospital stop wasting time here" he'll have a daughter too, he almost had one Now that his daughter is gone, he doesn't care if he causes trouble or not, it's important to save people

The black mother glanced at Wang Yang hesitantly, and tightened her hands holding her daughter.

"What are you thinking?" Wang Yang turned around anxiously, scratching his head frantically, and suddenly thought of something, handed all the wallet and documents in his pocket, together with the briefcase, to the black mother, and said anxiously: "Please Briana can't wait." The black mother nodded with determination, and he took the little girl from the black mother's arms and asked, "Is the hospital just two streets ahead? Go straight, right?" ?”

"Yes, just exit the one-way street ahead and go straight to the left." The black mother said anxiously. The white policeman frowned and said, "Hey, Chinese boy, what are you doing..."

Wang Yang ignored the cold-blooded policeman, hugged the little girl named Briana tightly, and ran towards the hospital in front. If he went straight, he was not worried about getting lost.

Several passers-by looked at each other, the black mother drew a cross with her eyes closed, and the white policeman watched Wang Yang's back as he walked further and further away, without saying a word; Focus lens camera, while chasing up, while pressing the shutter.

Wang Yang, who was holding a little girl, was not running too fast, and the paparazzi quickly chased after him. Wang Yang felt his face was swept by the flash light, and his feet kept speeding. He looked to the side and saw When Cole pressed the camera with a satisfied smile on his face, Wang Yang was a little surprised: "Cole?" This guy actually followed him to New York

Cole exclaimed, and continued to press the shutter. While closely following Wang Yang's footsteps, he asked with a smile, "Wow, Magic Yang, are you saving people? Superhero, what mood are you in now?"

Wang Yang gritted his teeth tightly, looked at the face of the little girl in his arms, and it became ugly again. He kept saying in his heart, "Run faster, run faster" and ran as fast as he could. He ran forward, exited the one-way street, and the driveway outside was still heavily blocked, so he carried the little girl and continued running to the left.

"Yang, don't run so fast, I can't take pictures clearly enough." Cole kept shooting beside him, saying his own suggestion: "Your running posture is not handsome enough, put it in a better position; keep your hands away, I'm going to take a picture of this little girl's face oh look at her, what a poor thing."

This scumbag listened to Cole's words, and the anger in Wang Yang's heart grew bigger and bigger, but he didn't even look at Cole, and kept running forward all the way. Passers-by looked at this scene in amazement. He was sweating profusely, and his breathing gradually became short of breath, but he ran faster and faster. Finally, he saw a sign of a hospital. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and accelerated his pace and rushed in. Once he entered the hospital gate, he shouted anxiously. Said: "Help, help, this girl has an asthma attack, she needs cardiopulmonary resuscitation, help!"

Immediately, several doctors and nurses rushed over. They took over Briana, carried her onto the ambulance bed and pushed her into the emergency room for emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"Huh...huh..." Wang Yang panted heavily, sweat ran across his face, and fell to the ground "tick-tock-tick". He looked at Briana who was being pushed away, and felt waves of pain all over his body. Scared, God bless, there must be nothing wrong with Briana she's just a 6 or 7 year old girl, she shouldn't have left this world so early, no, definitely not...

Cole, who followed all the way, squatted beside him, pointed the camera lens at Wang Yang, whose face was sweaty, and whose expression was mixed with prayer, worry, and helplessness. He pressed the shutter and praised: "Wow, This expression is very good, the first time I took a picture"

Hearing this voice, Wang Yang slowly turned his head and glanced at Cole, and took two steps before panting. He snatched the telephoto camera from Cole's hand, and before Cole could react, he took the camera He lifted it above his head, and then smashed it to the ground with all his strength, the camera was smashed to pieces with a bang, and he roared furiously: "****, go to hell!"

Before the words fell, Wang Yang swung out a fist, and hit Cole's left cheek heavily with his clenched fist, shouting angrily, "I've wanted to beat you for a long time, you son of a bitch"

After being punched, Cole staggered back a few steps, his cheeks were hot and painful, but his eyes never left the ground, the broken camera, he said dumbfounded: "Oh, my Oh my God" The lens of this camera is the most expensive in his hand, and now... He took a deep breath, cursed "k" suddenly, and rushed forward to hit Wang Yang.

"Scum, come on!" Wang Yang dodged Cole who was pounced on him, punched Cole on the back again, and kicked his knee joint, and Cole suddenly fell to the ground . Cole roared and hugged Wang Yang's feet, trying to knock him to the ground.

At this time, other patients, family members of patients, and hospital staff in the corridor of the hospital all exclaimed, looking at the two wrestling together, they couldn't move their eyes away. Obviously the Chinese boy was better at hitting, but he obviously didn't hit hard; and the middle-aged man seemed crazy, he stalked, hugged his legs and bit his teeth, although he was beaten badly, his teeth A few of them fell off, and his mouth was full of blood, but his stalking actually caused the Chinese boy's forehead to hit the corner of the wall, and blood flowed immediately.

"He's fucking..." Wang Yang touched his forehead, only to see blood on his hands, the anger in his heart suddenly burned out of control, his heart twitched a little, and he was about to rush forward and twist Cole's arm off Lose.

Cole was in a panic several times, his eyes were swollen, he looked at Wang Yang panting heavily, and saw that kid's face turned murderous, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little scared in his heart.

At this time, several security guards from the hospital arrived after hearing the news, and they quickly grabbed Wang Yang and Cole. A security supervisor knocked on the baton in his hand, stared and said: "Be honest, don't the hospital Arena, please get out"

"I brought the patients here." Wang Yang gradually calmed down, but his clenched fists did not relax for a long time. He glanced at Cole and said to the security guards, "Throw him out, that guy messed with him." thing."

Cole, who was also grabbed by the security guard, also looked angry, and said, "He smashed my camera. He hit me first. I want to call the police." He gritted his teeth and said, "Magic Yang, I will definitely sue you." , you wait to receive my lawyer's letter"

But Wang Yang ignored him, because he saw the doctor who first rescued Briana came out, his heart tightened suddenly, and he shouted to the white male doctor: "Doctor, how is the little girl?" He broke away Controlled by the security guard, he rushed to the doctor over there.

Several security guards shrugged and let Cole go. The paparazzi stared blankly at the camera fragments on the ground, then squatted down to pack them up.

"That's a lucky little girl. She's fine." The white male doctor patted Wang Yang's shoulder, smiled with relief, and said, "If it's five minutes later, I might not be able to save her." He seemed Only then did he realize that Wang Yang's forehead was covered with blood and the corners of his eyes were covered with blood. He asked with a strange smile, "What's wrong with you? Do you need to deal with it?"

Is the little girl all right? Wang Yang exhaled a long breath, and the boulder that weighed on his heart disappeared. He laughed happily, and murmured: "Oh my God, thank God... really, oh, YESYES." The male doctor laughed Then he said "If you need to deal with it, come to me" and left.

Wang Yang stood there for a long time, holding the wound on his forehead and smiling silly. At this time, the little girl's black mother rushed in anxiously and hesitantly. When she saw Wang Yang, she staggered over feebly and asked in a voice full of fear, "Sir, my daughter... Where is my daughter and how is she?" Wang Yang smiled and said, "Ma'am, she's fine, she's fine."

The black mother closed her eyes immediately, with a very grateful and happy smile on her face, she took a few heavy breaths, and said with a smile: "Thank you, sir, thank you so much, I have to go and see Briana She scared me to death." She took two steps, then turned around suddenly, returned Wang Yang's briefcase, wallet and documents, etc., held his hand, and thanked him again: "Thank you, Sir, you are a good man"

Seeing the back of the mother rushing to the rescue room, Wang Yang smiled brightly. He looked back to the front of the corridor, that guy Cole seemed to have left, and there was no sign of him. He was startled suddenly, and saw the time on the wall clock. At 10:15, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh my God!" He and Natalie Portman made an appointment to meet at 09:30

This time he was completely late. Wang Yang subconsciously rushed out of the hospital. After he ran to the street and hailed a taxi, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Natalie Portman. Check to see if she's still at the coffee shop you agreed to, or make another appointment. But he rolled his eyes when he looked at the cracked phone screen and the no power display, damn Cole

"Hey, buddy, can I borrow a cell phone to make a call?" Wang Yang poked his head forward and asked the taxi driver with a friendly face. The white man shrugged and said, "I don't have a cell phone."

In desperation, Wang Yang waited patiently for the end of the journey. It was already past working hours and there was no traffic jam on the road. Soon he came to the agreed street, got off the taxi, and headed to the front Go to a coffee shop. It was almost 10:30 by this time, and he was an hour late, would Natalie Portman still be waiting? He had no hope of that.

When he came to the door of the coffee shop, Wang Yang rushed in in a hurry. In order not to hit a girl who was about to come out, he had to push her: "I'm sorry." But when he rushed a few steps, he suddenly stopped like a brake. Alright, that girl just now seems to be? Natalie Portman, he rushed back in a hurry and shouted at her back: "Hey, Miss Portman"

Natalie Portman, who was walking in front, stopped. She looked back at Wang Yang, and saw that he was holding a briefcase in his hand, sweating profusely, and his gray coat was wrinkled and naked. Dirty and bloody, smells like sweat from so far away. She frowned, and looked at Wang Yang who walked up to him expressionlessly.

"Sorry, I'm late..." Wang Yang said a little out of breath. The previous running and fighting had already exhausted his physical strength, so that now he was out of breath after running for a short distance. He gasped, "Miss Portman, can I invite you back for a cup of coffee?"

Natalie didn't shake her head or nod, she asked flatly: "Mr. Wang, if you are an actor, there is a director who made an appointment with you to discuss the script of the movie. But he was an hour late, and he didn't The phone call, and then he arrives in a stinky coat, and you end up talking to him. Why?"

Wang Yang was slightly taken aback, his breathing slowly calmed down, he shrugged and said with a smile: "Then the pants he is wearing must be cool."

"OK" Natalie looked at his jeans and couldn't help but smile.


PS: Every chapter is useful. In addition, the content of the little girl in this chapter is adapted from real life, not nonsense. But the reality is more cruel. The reality is that there is no Wang Yang. Because of the delay of the police, this little girl cannot be rescued.

[Niuwen No Ad Novel Dedication]

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