The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 643: Rescue, battle for time

Cao Meng looked worried, "Brother Sheng, now is not the time for you to be brave, don't go, okay..."

Cao Meng usually speaks and acts like a tomboy, and has never asked Sheng Muxi anything in such a pleading tone.

But now, she begs Sheng Muxi not to take the risk.

Sheng Muxi said solemnly, "If you know me, you shouldn't say such things."

Wang Liang and Zhao Haofei knew him well, so even if they didn't support his cooking, they gave up dissuading him.

Nan Yuan said lightly: "Let him go. If he is not allowed to go this time, he may have a bad conscience for the rest of his life."

Cao Meng's mood was a little out of control, "Ji Xingmi! You said it lightly, you said it yourself, if Brother Sheng doesn't come back within 30 seconds, she doesn't care about his life or death, you don't care about his life, I care. !"

As soon as Cao Meng said this, a strange atmosphere flowed in the car.

Fang Miaorong glanced at her, "Sheng Muxi decides his own life, he doesn't feel bad for him, neither does his girlfriend-my family Xing Mi feel bad, what does your little brother care about?"

Cao Meng opened his mouth and said nothing to refute.

She is indeed not qualified, but she just doesn't want Brother Sheng to die, is she wrong?

Nan Yuan swept over a few people and reminded in a cold voice: "Don't talk, do you want to attract zombies?"

A group of people suddenly shut up.

Nan Yuan didn't let others say it, but she emphasized to Sheng Muxi, "Sheng Muxi, remember, you must make a good time, I won't be late."

Sheng Muxi grinned, but the cry was more ugly than a smile, "Mi Mi, you don't have to keep stressing, I understand. I don't want you to have an accident because of me."

At this time, Xiaotang secretly reminded Nan Yuan, "Yuanyuan, don't worry, let him go. His original name is Sheng Aotian, and it's hard to die."

Xiaotang thought that Nan Yuan would breathe a sigh of relief when she heard this, but Nan Yuan didn't look surprised when she heard this, "You think I didn't take this into consideration and asked him to save people?"

Sugar is shocked.

Yuanyuan has guessed that this person will not die for a while, why is he still very relieved?

Could it be that Yuanyuan is worried about something unexpected? After all, Yuanyuan still didn't know that Sheng Muxi was a lucky boy, a bunker that could activate his supernatural powers with just one breath.

Hmph, if Sheng Muxi follows the original plot, it will be a thousand miles away from the type of puppy that Yuanyuan likes. Yuanyuan will sooner or later find out that this product is not her thing.

The group of zombies scattered in front began to sway around again.

But because it has just spread out, it is still much denser than the scattered zombies in other places.

Nan Yuan took out a toy from the plastic bag piled under her feet and pressed the button.

In the delay of a second or two from the time the toy pressed the button to the sound of the sound, Nan Yuan quickly threw the toy from the window to the back of the car.

The toy that flashed the lights and sang children's songs was thrown by Nan Yuan, and was thrown two or three hundred meters away from the car.

She could throw it farther, but the sound of the toy was not too loud. If she threw it further, she might not be able to attract the zombies in front of her.

Nan Yuan glanced inside the car and motioned everyone to lie down and hold their breath.

This large luxury SUV was parked behind an abandoned car, and the location was very hidden. The eyesight of the zombies was severely degraded, similar to the blind people. As long as they didn't make a sound, the zombies couldn't find them.

Most of the zombies wandering in front were indeed attracted by the sound of the toys, and a group of zombies suddenly rushed in that direction with bared teeth.

The wandering zombies quickly converged into a zombie group.

However, there is a distance between the first batch of zombies and the last batch of zombies, and the distance of 200 to 300 meters is not far. When the zombies who were first attracted by the sound found they were fooled, the last wave was probably far from the zombies in the past. The car is less than 100 meters away.

If they make any movement, the zombies behind will find it immediately.

So they have to be fast.

Nan Yuan aimed at the timing, and suddenly shouted: "This is the time! Action!"

Nan Yuan gave an order, and the two of them opened the door together and ran towards the car that was about 100 meters away.

Two big living people were running on the street, and the five or six zombies who didn't go far behind heard the sound and immediately turned around, rushing towards here with a roar.

The rest of the people in the car were worried, but they didn't dare to make any noise. They all buried themselves and covered their mouths tightly.

Sheng Muxi rushed towards the car in front of him at a sprint speed of 100 meters. His speed was very fast. The distance of 100 meters took less than ten seconds. Even if he carried a child, it would take more than ten seconds. Enough is enough, after all, children are not heavy.

But Sheng Muxi was probably too nervous. When he opened the trunk, he pressed it several times but didn't open it.

Nan Yuan slashed at a single zombie that was rushing towards her. She wanted to prevent the scattered zombies from attacking, and she was distracted by looking around. She had no time to help him, and she could only rely on Sheng Muxi herself.

Finally, after a delay of about five seconds, Sheng Muxi finally opened the trunk of the car.

There was indeed a little girl of six or seven years old hidden in the trunk. The little girl didn't know how long she had been crying secretly in the trunk. Her eyes were swollen into walnuts from crying, and she looked extremely pitiful.

Sheng Muxi picked up the person and left, not daring to stay for a second.

The group of zombies attracted by the noise of the toys had already discovered that something was wrong. In addition, there was a lot of noise here, and the group of zombies had all turned in one direction and rushed towards Sheng Muxi and Nan Yuan.

That battle, just looking at it will make your legs go weak.

But this second of Sheng Muxi's mind only had thirty seconds.

Thirty seconds, thirty seconds...

Don't hesitate, don't think about anything else, don't delay for a second!

Even if he is now rushing towards the direction of the zombie group.

Sheng Muxi didn't hesitate.

When Sheng Muxi rushed to the car,

The zombie group also rushed to the front.

Sheng Muxi shoved the little girl into the car without thinking.

Just when he thought he was about to be caught by the rushing zombies, Nan Yuan slashed across with a big knife in his hand, cut off the arms of the first few zombies, and kicked him into the passenger seat.

Sheng Muxi was shocked, "Ji Xingmi! Come on up too!"

Nan Yuan will come up as soon as possible without his nonsense.

But the more this time is, the more urgent it is.

She had to make sure that the zombies that got close didn't scratch her.

After another big sword dance, Nan Yuan immediately closed the door of the car.

Thinking that the fire had to be started at such a critical moment, Nan Yuan's face darkened for a second.

Two seconds after getting in the car, two seconds after the fire, the nearest zombies had already rushed over. Fortunately, Nan Yuan had foresight and had cut off their hands. The zombies that rushed over could only roar with a face at the hole.

In the next second, the car started, driving fast on the road, and soon left a group of zombies with claws and claws behind.

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