Among the thirteen people, only one had a yellow-skinned face, a representative from a quantum research center in an island country.

After Walter finished speaking, he immediately cast his vote for the Intel Integrated Electronics Corporation's standard for quantum computers.

Others also started to vote. Fortunately, representatives of two Russian research institutions voted for the Red Letter Group, plus three others, and the Red Letter Group now has a total of 24 votes.

The others are Intel 22 votes, IBM 19 votes, and others are a little worse.

"Hongxin Group ranks first!" Beside Lu Zixin, Mr. Tian from the Computer Research Center affiliated to the National Academy of Sciences of China said excitedly.

"Congratulations, President Lu!"

"This time, the standards of Hongxin Group have been recognized by the international community, which is worth celebrating!"

Representatives of several Huaxia scientific research institutions also looked at Lu Zixin and congratulated him!

Lu Zixin also smiled. As long as this matter is settled, the commercialization of the quantum computer of the Hongxin Group will be much easier.

As long as the world adopts their standards, other accessory manufacturers and computer research centers will have to follow in their footsteps, and those without technology will have to spend money to buy computers and hardware from Hongxin...

The results of the vote came out. IEEE Chairman Lancelot and American Computer Society Chairman Walter both lowered their faces slightly. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were very unhappy.

And they haven't announced the results yet, nothing has been decided yet.

IBM's representative, Plitter, stared at the public screen and gritted his teeth secretly. Their company has always considered itself to be a pioneer in the quantum computer industry, but let others take the lead?

"Absolutely not!" Plitter looked at Walter, and the two had a secret exchange before the meeting.

"Chairman Lancelot." Walter greeted Lancelot, indicating that he had something to say.

"Everyone wait a moment, we'll be right back." Lancelot said, leaving the venue with Walter to discuss.

The venue was still silent, but Lu Zixin could keenly sense that there were many hostile gazes swept over him.

After a while, the two chairmen returned.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting." Lancelot said apologetically, "I had a discussion with Chairman Walter just now."

"Both of our associations believe that Red Letter, Intel and IBM are well ahead of the rest in terms of voting results."

"But—" He turned around, and Lu Zixin and the representatives of the Huaxia Scientific Research Institute immediately became alert.

Lancelot continued: "Given that the voting results of these three companies are too close and the gap is not large, it shows that there are many supporters of their respective standards. For the sake of fairness, we decided to conduct a second election, from these three companies. If we choose a unified standard, such a result will also make everyone more convincing.”

He said, and glanced at Lu Zixin with a smile, like a polite gentleman.

Lu Zi snorted in confidence, he had expected that voting would not be so easy! There are too many representatives from American companies and institutions, and representatives from countries like island countries also support the standards of American companies.

Most importantly, the ACM and the IEEE are hosting the vote!

Needless to say, the American Computer Society is purely a national scientific research organization in the United States. Although the IEEE Association claims to be a stateless international academic organization, its predecessors are the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers. Its headquarters and main members are all Americans, and it is not surprising that it favors American companies.

"I object!" Before Lu Zixin could speak, Teacher Tian couldn't hold back and protested: "The result of the vote is obviously the first place in the Red Letter Group, so there is absolutely no need to re-election!"

"I also think so, our red letter's quantum computer calculation is obvious to all, and this is the result of everyone's choice!" Lu Zixin said righteously.

Lancelot was not angry, he still kept a smile, and said: "Two representatives, we have also considered your opinions. The quantum computer standard of the Red Letter Group is indeed very informative, but this time the choice is for the entire industry. The standard is used all over the world, so we also need to consider everyone's opinions."

Walter also said: "The re-election is to make the results more accurate. If everyone supports your standards, you can still get the highest number of votes!"

"The two chairmen are right, I support the re-election!" Plitt took the lead in supporting, and representatives of other agencies also spoke out, expressing their support for the re-election.

"This...this is favoritism!" Teacher Tian complained in a low voice in Chinese dialect instead of English.

"Professor Tian, ​​let's re-election, let's just stick to our vote." The person next to him said helplessly, how could they, the representatives of China, not see the other party's small actions?

It's just that they have too many supporters, and now they are forcibly protesting, and it is estimated that there will be no results.

"Okay, since everyone is talking about re-election, then re-election!" Lu Zixin stood up and said loudly, "Before the re-election, I want to tell you one thing!"

The representatives of various institutions looked at Lu Zixin, and Lu Zixin said loudly: "The two chairmen and vice-chairman Tolan mentioned just now that this vote is to choose the standard suitable for commercial quantum computers."

"And we Hongxin, in addition to the quantum computer technology that has been demonstrated. We have also successfully developed a superconducting quantum computer that can be commercialized on a large scale! It turns out that using our standard is absolutely correct!"

"God, have they been able to commercialize quantum computers?" representatives of some foreign research institutions exclaimed.

"If it is true, then it is better for us to directly choose the standard of Hongxin Group, which can save us a lot of detours." Some representatives don't care whether the standard is from Hongxin Group, IBM or Intel. Anyway, it is not theirs. They choose whoever is convenient and beneficial.

"There is no basis for words!" Plitt said quickly, "We IBM built a commercial quantum computer a few years ago."

If he didn't talk about performance, he was right, and some representatives hesitated.

"Everyone, please be quiet. We are now starting the second round of voting. This time there are only three options, IBM, Intel, and the Red Letter Group from China," Lancelot said.

Check and start again.

At the beginning, Lu Zixin and other Huaxia representatives decisively voted for the Hongxin Group, and got seven votes.

Subsequently, some representatives who supported them also voted, and the number of votes soon reached 23 votes. At this time, IBM followed with 19 votes, and then Intel with 10 votes. Five representatives chose to abstain, and the others were still waiting to see.

In the short term, Hongxin Group seems to have gained the upper hand again. But Lu Zixin always felt that things would not be so simple, because at this time, the representative of Intel had not voted yet. Logically, he should vote for his company as soon as possible, but he did not.

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