Drum Kingdom, Vilia Port under the snowy night.

"Hoo hoo ~"

A gust of cold wind whizzed by, and a crumpled newspaper from the World Economic News Agency was blown into a dark street by the wind, and then was grabbed by a young man in a ragged padded jacket.

The young man glanced at the newspaper dated October 21, 1507 in the Haiyuan calendar, and found that he had read it the day before yesterday, so he threw it away.

"Boy, it's time to work, go and get the things to the designated place."

Behind the young man, a big man with a scarred face in a black padded coat looked at his watch through the flames on the cigarette butt, and immediately took a deep puff of the cigarette, exhaled a thick puff of smoke, and then pushed the young man, Commanded in a cold voice.

The young man with black shattered hair is very thin. Even though he is wrapped in a thick old padded jacket, he still looks very thin, but he has a very good appearance, even if a beautiful woman sees him I can't help but feel jealous, and my skin is very white.

The only pity was that there was a burnt red mark on the right cheek, which damaged this beautiful face a little and made it imperfect.

Hearing the words of the scar-faced man, the young man immediately showed a nervous expression on his face flushed from the cold, but he quickly took a package and a single-shot musket handed over by the scar-faced man, and then walked step by step towards the On a pitch-black pier with no lights.

The young man walked very lightly, even when he stepped on the snow, he could not hear any sound. In the snowy night, he was like a ghost wandering on the quiet and silent pier.

Every time he took a step, Barr pricked up his ears to listen to the surrounding sounds. When he did not hear anything unusual, he continued to take the next step gently. In order to minimize the friction with the ground, he did not wear shoes. , wearing only a pair of cotton socks with holes, his feet were blue and numb from the cold, and he almost lost consciousness.

For this, Barr didn't complain, and could only endure it silently. Since he accidentally traveled to this world after death, and saw what the real evil of human nature is, he no longer complained about the pain. He just wanted to live, and then become Strong, and then go to revenge those guys who treat him like a pig dog.

At this moment, in order to live, he needs to deliver the smuggled goods in his hands to a certain ship at the berth of the dock.

Helping the Ram Gang transport smuggled goods, this is his first job since he came to this place. It is the tenth time he has helped the Ram Gang smuggle goods. As long as he completes this time, he can officially become a A member of Ram's gang.

With the experience of the previous nine times, Barr, who has very good night vision ability, is now familiar with the road, and soon arrived at the predetermined location, next to a completely inconspicuous boat.

Even when he arrived at the scheduled location, Barr remained vigilant. During his miserable life as a slave of the Dragonites, he learned to be cautious at all times. In this way, under the cruel and inhuman slave rule of the Dragonites, He survived successfully, and also developed some abilities to increase his chances of survival.

Now, those abilities have saved Barr once again.

At this time, Barr found that the humble boat was obviously heavier than the previous nine times, and the water surface under the boat was not small. He could hear the slight breathing sound through his trained hearing, and his nose, which had long been accustomed to the smell of blood, made him quickly breathe. He smelled a bloody smell mixed in the cold air.

"problem occurs."

Barr instantly realized that something was wrong, and suddenly felt like retreating.

The smuggled item in his arms is a healing medicine unique to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, named Goddess of Healing. It belongs to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and is used as a tribute to the Tianlong people from the heavenly gold. Since the annual output is very small, it is left after the tribute to the Tianlong people every year. There are not many, so it has been regarded as a forbidden item by the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and is not allowed to be exported.

Once discovered, the death penalty will be imposed.

But in today's chaotic world, this kind of top-notch healing medicine that can stop the bleeding of wounds in an instant is undoubtedly very precious.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life at a critical moment.

Therefore, in the black market, the price of this Goddess of Healing has always been high, and it is often fired up to hundreds of thousands of Baileys a bottle.

Facing the huge profits, the smugglers were naturally moved. Even at the risk of beheading, they still chose to smuggle without hesitation.

The Ram Gang is one of the few gangsters in the Drum Kingdom who have mastered the smuggling chain of this precious drug.

Of course, the Ram gang is just a tool in this smuggling chain, and the current Barr is a small part of this tool, and it is very likely that it is not the key part.

It is a common thing in smuggling to eat black people.

After Barr smelled the blood, he immediately knew what was going on on the ship. The smugglers of the Ram Gang on the ship must have died, and the murderers inside were waiting for him, a small part that could be discarded at any time, to save his valuables. The healing medicines were sent over.

To survive, this is the only thought in the mind of 16-year-old Barr at this time.

He began to back away calmly, staying as far away from the ship as possible before the murderers on the ship found him.

But Barr knew that he couldn't retreat very far, because there were still many people like him who served as parts. Since something happened to him, the situation of other parts would definitely not be much better.

In the face of death, no one would choose to struggle, which is why the Ram Gang gave Barr and their cheap parts a single-shot musket.

"Bang!", a loud gunshot broke the calm of the night.

As soon as the gunshot appeared, Barr immediately ran wildly in the snow.

At this time, the people on the boat also realized that the incident had been revealed, and immediately came out with a flashlight, and then followed the direction of the footsteps, and immediately found Barr who was running away.

Seeing this, those people immediately sent three people to chase after him with pistols, and the remaining one kept shining a flashlight on Barr to point out the direction for his companions.

During the pursuit, the three shot frequently and loudly threatened Barr to hand over his belongings.

The pursuer had good marksmanship, and several shots almost hit Barr, and one shot brushed Barr's ear, scaring Barr's heart almost out of his head.

Because he didn't wear shoes, Barr's friction in the snow was insufficient, he couldn't run fast, and even almost slipped several times. Hearing the louder and louder threatening voices behind him, he gritted his teeth and threw a small package on his body far away. Yes, loudly said: "Stop chasing, I threw it on the ground."

Hearing Barr's voice and seeing his movements, the three chasing people immediately separated one person to go to the direction where the small package was thrown by Barr, and the remaining two continued to chase Barr. Obviously, a package with unclear internal contents is not It can make them give up chasing Barr completely.

"Damn it, it seems that my predecessors fought wits and bravery with these people, and made them learn."

Seeing that there were still people chasing after him, Barr cursed inwardly.

In fact, the package he threw out was fake, and he didn't dare to throw it away, because throwing it away would mean that his enemy would add another local snake force called the Ram Gang.

After all, Barr's running speed was still much worse than that of the pursuers, and he still had a long way to go back to the street where he was with the scar-faced man. What worried him most was whether the scar-faced man would still be in the same place. is an unknown.

The good news for Barr is that the pursuers are out of bullets and there are only two pursuers. In this way, he has a chance to survive.

"Stinky boy, when I catch you, I will definitely skin you, and then find a cage to lock you up and smoke you."

One of the pursuers saw that the distance between him and Barr was getting closer, less than five meters, and threatened again viciously.


locked up.

When Barr heard the voice from the mouth behind him, a nameless fire boiled in his chest immediately, making his eyes full of murderous intent, the veins on his forehead stood out, and he was obviously extremely angry.

The desperate time has come again.

Barr never expected that the Ram gang would come to rescue him. In this cruel world, only his own strength is truly worthy of full trust.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down again, and his eyes quickly lit up with a red light.

In an instant, he saw the two people chasing after him, even though he didn't turn his head to look at it, even though the surrounding light was dim, he could still see clearly, and the movements of the two were as slow as tortoises in his eyes.

Knowing and domineering, this is the power he obtained in hell.

But this power is still too weak now, and the range of action is only within a radius of five meters. Every time he activates it, it can only last for two seconds, and then it will take another minute to activate it again.

Therefore, Barr will never use it until the critical moment.

In a life-and-death duel, one second is enough to decide the winner.

In the next second, Barr suddenly jumped up and turned his body in the air with the strength of his feet and waist when he landed just now, facing the two strong murderers behind him, and a single-shot musket appeared in his hand.


A tongue of flame appeared from the muzzle of the single-shot musket, and a gun hole appeared between the eyebrows of one of the murderers.

Then, Barr finished reloading in less than a second, and then fired again, and a gun hole immediately appeared between the eyebrows of another murderer.

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